Blooming Rose

Nine barely moved at all, but still managed to dodge the punch, to the surprise of everyone else. The student who had thrown a punch was even more surprised. Nine clicked her tongue. All bark but no bite. If it was her, she would've launched a magic spell and made sure the other party couldn't resist.

"Hey!" came an angry shout from behind. Deltan emerged like a wrathful spirit from behind. "Insolent peasant. You dare make a move on royalty?" he spat, his face was dark with anger.

The student immediately quailed at seeing the Eldest Prince. Everyone knew they could bully the Crown Prince without any retaliation, but the Eldest Prince was the one who took any slight to himself and applied the greatest disproportionate retribution. It wasn't uncommon for entire families to be ruined because of a single person who had caused offence.

But why was the Eldest Prince acting this way? Wasn't he the biggest advocate for bullying the Crown Prince? As the Eldest Prince, didn't he want to be the Crown Prince instead? The puzzlement showed on their faces, but neither Nine nor Deltan made a move to enlighten their simple minds.

A circle of magic started forming by Deltan. One circle, two circles, until the moment the fourth circle appeared, the surrounding students broke out into an uproar. A twenty-year-old who could use Fourth Tier magic! The Eldest Prince was a legitimate genius! There were so many people stuck on the threshold of Third Tier magic that it was practically uncountable. Being able to step into the Fourth Circle demonstrated his genius.

For humans, Third Tier was where many stopped and reached a bottleneck due to being unable to break through because they were unable to comprehend the upscale difficulty of the runes being used. Maybe in cultivation novels that so many of them liked to read, there were pills that would forcibly boost someone up a rank, but reality doesn't work that way! If one didn't comprehend the runes being used for the magic, then even if one had the deepest and vastest amount of money at their disposal, so long as they didn't understand, then they would never break through for a lifetime!

Nine wasn't a saint. She had tried to spare the other by disregarding his nonsense, but if he continued to press on then she wouldn't be lenient. She was already in a bad mood from the fact that Deltan had a Red Spider Lily mark, no matter how calm she was inside. She had barely contained the anger that someone had placed their hands on someone she considered hers! If this idiot wanted to help her vent some of her anger, then she would gladly oblige.

"Don't damage him too much," she said lightly. Her lips curled into a cold smile.

The surrounding students sucked in a cold breath. Why did the Crown Prince give them a feeling of unprecedented danger? The smile that bloomed on his face caused his aura to change in ways that made their heart palpitate. They had a faint inkling that the Crown Prince had changed beyond measure and couldn't be compared to before. But then the dispersed their thoughts, because how much could he change in such a short amount of time? Even if he did, it didn't change the fact that he still couldn't use magic! If he dared to force his way into the school, then they as proud students wouldn't stand by idly.

Having sorted out their feelings, some of them continued to watch on while others tried to help the student who had spoken out against the Crown Prince.

"Eldest Prince, we were just asking the Crown Prince to exchange pointers with us! As seniors who are already able to use magic, we were taking it upon ourselves to educate him a little," a female student said, stepping out in front of the other student. sounding like the most righteous person in the world. She said it in an aggrieved tone, acting like she was being bullied.

Deltan's lips curled into a smile. This sight caused the female student to go into a daze. Why didn't she realize how handsome the Eldest Prince was before? She would've tried to catch his attention before this! A twenty-year-old who had stepped through the threshold of Fourth Tier magic. His future prospects were boundless!

"What's your name?" Deltan asked, his tone ever so gentle, like a spring breeze. Just listening to it made the surrounding students feel at ease and amiable.

"This commoner's last name is Beverley, first name is Rose," she said coyly. Her heart was pounding in her chest. The Eldest Prince looked like a handsome and virtuous person, not at all like what the rumours made him out to be. He was acting so gentle towards her, and even asked for her name, unlike how he had treated the other student. Could it be that he liked her?

Having thought up to this point, the female student smiled seductively and lowered her head, glancing at him through her eyelashes. The Eldest Prince was smiling at her so gently, he must have taken a liking to her right? Excited, she subtly adjusted her blouse and pushed her ample breasts together, revealing a deep cleavage. If she could marry into the royal household, even as a concubine, then she would enjoy her future days! Would she still have to study magic? She could already vaguely feel that she was about to hit her limit in magic soon.

Deltan's smile abruptly changed into a sneer as he launched his magic at the student who had tried to punch Nine without any mercy, making sure that the female slut was included in the range of magic.

Shrieking, both offenders instantly suffered from the Fourth Circle magic 'Thousand Burning Blades'. Unlike its deceptive name, it wasn't a spell from the Fire element, but instead one of the Darkness. Once landed on a person, a thousand tiny cuts would be made from a thousand darkness blades. The wounds made would give a burning feeling and made one feel like there were bugs crawling through their skin. The amount of blood lost was immense once hit, and if imbued with enough magic, the person hit with it wouldn't be able to use healing magic to close the cuts.

The surrounding watchers sucked in a cold breath at the sight of Fourth Tier magic being used so quickly and casually. The Eldest Prince was indeed fond of disproportionate retribution! The punch the male student threw didn't even land, while the female student had only said a few words!

The two students writhed on the ground. Rose couldn't believe that the Eldest Prince would do this to her. He had smiled at her so gently! It couldn't be. It had to be because he had cast his spell wrongly. It was probably because he had just entered the Fourth Tier, so he didn't have enough control over his casting. It was all that other student's fault! Why was he standing so close to her?!

"Eldest Prince, help me!" she cried out, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. The drops clung to her eyelashes, making those around her feel like doting and pampering her. She cried piteously, causing surrounding male student's hearts to ache as they rushed forward to apply healing magic on her wounds.

Nine and Deltan ignored the two wailing students as they left side by side. Deltan kept shooting glances at her, his facial expression said he was hoping she would praise him for his actions.

Nine had a headache looking at him acting like this. He was acting like a big dog waiting for his master's praise! Unable to deal with him acting like this, her eyes gentled as she looked at him.

Deltan lit up, not even caring that a couple of months ago he had been planning for his brother's demise. Such thoughts had long been banished to the deepest recesses of his mind, locking away the dark memories.

"Thank you," Nine said.

Deltan looked at her like she hung the moon and stars, causing her to feel helpless. she felt like she was about to take an unprecedented blow if he kept looking at her this way.

"But you're skipping your training, so as punishment, go run three rounds around the school," she said, looking forward.

Deltan made a face like someone had killed a puppy in front of him. He looked at her piteously, but she resolutely walked away. Pained, Deltan applied a vast amount of stealth spells to his body to make sure no one would see him running around the school before he started running, aggrieved. It was Nine's own clone that told him there was unrest in the students!