Blue Night Sky

Nine frantically wrote down her latest theory. If she was right, then what they were missing all this time was a component of a royal's blood. She had been hoping that they would be able to devise a solution without the need of a royal Vampire's blood, but it looked like the more one hoped for something, the more it was destined not to happen.

She was leaving before anyone got it into their minds to stop her from going. She'd left delivering the message to Shade, who had returned from his mission after a long time. The abundant information had taken her some time to sort out plausible truth from falsity, but everything returned to the singular point that since it originated from a royal's blood, there should be a way for them to neutralize the eternal sleep.

If all else failed, she would pry it out from their mouths and make them sing for her. Nine's eyes flashed with ruthlessness.

Unfortunately, she couldn't teleport there since she hadn't been there before. She inwardly cursed the previous Nine. The other had truly been a shut-in in all manners of ways. She hadn't ever left Cosmos City. In fact, the one time she had left the city, she had ended up being left for the dead by a disloyal maid and ultimately died.

Nine left the sleeping city with steady steps. The sky was a breath-taking shade of blue. It was unlike the nights on earth, where the stars were shrouded by the bright lights of the city. The nights in this world were absolutely stunning. Although it was dark, there was sufficient moonlight from the ever-present two moons hanging low in the sky. She loved the nights here. Maybe it was because of the magic she could feel from the gentle moonlight, but it made her feel safe and at peace.

She looked like she was casually walking, but in fact, the speed which she travelled at was rather startling. It didn't match the way she looked like an elegant young master strolling through a garden.

Nine travelled far enough out of the city before she pulled out a motorcycle from her interspatial bracelet. The bike looked slightly chunky and heavy, but it was actually considered a light-weight as far as transport was considered. It had surprised Nine the first time she saw it. It looked surprisingly similar to motorcycles back on Earth.

The only difference was that this one could fly.

Her heart thudded in her chest as she felt the weight drop from under her as she rapidly ascended into the sky. At this moment, it was like the sky had opened up around her. she felt like she was taking a breath of fresh air after having been confined for a long time. The machine purred under her handling as she revved it, causing it to shoot forward. She traced the runes attached to it, activating the various stealth and silence runes, which would allow her to move undetected by those below Fifth Tier magicians.

She was surprised by how smoothly it glided though the air. It wasn't even leaving many traces that could be tracked by an inexperienced person. It almost felt like it was blending into the air. It didn't even feel like it was cutting through the air rapidly, and the bubble made it so that she could only feel a gentle wind blowing across her face.

Her lips curled lightly as she looked at the framework of the motorcycle. She had a strong urge to take it apart to see how it worked, and if she could further improve on the design, but held herself back for the time being. There would be plenty of time for that later. Right now, travelling this way was both fast and discreet. She didn't have the tools necessary to make any modifications.

She took this chance to take in the surrounding sceneries, noting that as she travelled further out, the more desolate the land became. She brows furrowed ever so minutely. She didn't know if it was because she was nearing the Vampire territories, but the human population and settlements dwindled rapidly as she approached.

It made sense, however, and was a sure sign that she was heading in the correct direction. She had taken the most direct route and flew in a straight line towards the territory, not making any detours along the way.

Above her, a Seventh Tier Magic Beast swooped down and attacked her. It looked like what she imagined a real pterodactyl would look like if it were still alive. It looked down on her, seeing through the various stealth runes that were placed on the bike.

The human riding in its territory was a weak, puny looking thing. It was surprised that the human was travelling alone. Usually, they flew in the huge metal cases and tried its best to avoid it. But this human was basically sending itself to its mouth to be eaten. The Seventh Rank beast grew incomparably excited. It hadn't eaten a live human in a long time, let alone one that was such easy pickings. Nowadays, even the human towns had protection that hurt it when it tried to swoop down to attack, let alone those cold ones who attacked it while crying out that it was ugly.

Nine didn't even cast the beast a second glance as she swiftly sent it to its death. It didn't even have time to cry out before its body was diced into fine pieces. Truly, rank didn't reflect mental capabilities, Nine thought to herself. Even Rainier was many times smarter and leagues ahead than that Seventh Tier Magic Beast.

Nine pressed more magic into the engine below her as the motorcycle abruptly kicked into overdrive. She wiped out the runes already attached to the bike before applying her own. The runes she applied were gorgeous and glowed lightly before settling down. They were her own creation.

Since she couldn't change the framework itself or its engine for the time being, she would make do with upgrading the runes to something more acceptable.

Her hands tightened on the bike as her eyes grew colder. Looks like she couldn't hide her capabilities that much if it would bring about unwanted pests. Thinking up to this point, Nine released a bit of her magic aura, leaving it around Seventh Tier. It would keep those without sufficient strength away.

She made some mental calculations in her head. Breathing out, she brought the bike up to unseen heights as she pushed the speed to its limits. The bike would end up breaking down when she reached her destination, but that was fine. She would be able to teleport herself back.

A streak unseen darted across the night sky so quickly that anyone who had seen it would have regarded it as a comet or shooting star.