Styled Black

Inside the cold exterior of the room, Nine could see that the room itself had been meticulously designed, bringing comfort and ease to those who stepped inside. It made one feel like they were letting go of all their worries, giving a refreshing feeling, presenting a stark contrast from the heavy grandeur from the rest of the castle.

At one look, Nine could already tell that the room had been designed to match the specifics for the man that lay in the middle of the peaceful looking room.

Just the visuals alone was a feast for one's eyes. At first glance, Nine's attention had been drawn to the sleeping figure. She could detect the fluctuations in his magic, and the heavy resentment that tinged the entirety of his magic couldn't be hidden from her.

The man looked roughly around twenty years of age. Nine, who was already used to seeing all manners of beautiful and handsome figures, was briefly taken aback before she put away the surprise.

The first impression the man gave was a sense of white. With silvery hair and pale skin, he was dressed in white clothes that suited his temperament. Instead of losing out to the room, it felt like he was instead made all the more elegant and refined just from laying there. Had Nine not seen her own face, she would have exclaimed that such a person existed.

Dressed in white, with gentle silver hair and pale skin, it should have made him look washed out, but instead invoked a sense of aching towards whoever was watching, wanting to take care of him and admire him. He looked pure and untouched by the darkness of the world, unsullied and detached from the mortal world.

His features were delicate, as if they had been painted on. Instead of having a distinct gender difference, it was more like he contained an androgynous beauty that could cause both sexes to fall in love with him. The most remarkable thing about him was that he exuded a natural sense of charm that made one feel like getting close to him.

The moment her eyes landed on him, Nine's heart skipped a beat. She wondered what colour his eyes were. The moment the thought popped into her mind, she furrowed her brows as her guard immediately shot up. This man somehow made her feel like getting closer to him, and to her, that was unacceptable. It was fine if she was able to take him in as a subordinate, but somehow, she felt like this was unlikely. Since she had decided that her feelings were mostly to be trusted, then she would not take any chances.

While like all living things, Nine appreciated beauty, she had never been one to take much stock into such shallow sentiments. She had been steadily guarding her heart after Yashiro's betrayal. Although she would take in subordinates or cute students, she absolutely wouldn't lose her heart again. Once had been enough.

With hooded eyes, Nine still decided to take the man with her in the end. she could faintly sense that he would be useful to her, and her intuition was practically screaming at her. At this moment, she had no intention of testing out what would happen should she deviate from her intuition. Nine frowned. She had a faint premonition that this man would derail everything.

She didn't like the feeling like she was following a path laid out for her.

Frustrated, she gestured for Seyton to pick him up. Seyton did so, carrying him in… a bridal position. Speechless, she momentarily forgot her frustrations at the picture the two of them made. Her lips curled slightly, which was basically a sign of her laughter. With Seyton's princely good looks, he looked like he was gently cradling a sleeping princess, who was resting her head tenderly on the prince's shoulder. Nine had to cough at the indignant feeling she felt radiating from both men, one awake and one trapped in eternal sleep.

"Master, do you know this man?" Seyton asked, none of his curiosity showing on his face.

"I don't," Nine said. "But for convenience sake, let's call him Black."

Both Black and Seyton were stunned at her terrible naming sense. The man's features leaned so closely to white, but she was calling him Black instead? Seyton speechlessly wanted to retort, but valiantly held himself back. It wasn't his place to question his Master. He decided to just close his eyes and accept everything from now on.

As if sensing Seyton's acceptance of the terrible name, Nine could feel Black's despair at the unknown days being called by that name whenever referred to. Already knowing it was useless to struggle, Black inwardly gave up for now, refusing the name in his heart. He definitely wouldn't ever respond to it. Nine ignored the two men who were disrupting her progress.

As Seyton held the unknown man, Nine quickly set to work, dragging another person trapped in the realm of eternal sleep into the unknown man's room. Utterly unhesitant, she pricked the man's finger and collected a few drops of his blood before using it to draw runes on the replacement's body.

The moment her brush left the other's body, his features instantly took the look of the unknown man's, leaving the replacement looking like a carbon copy of Black. The runes would last for several years at the very least, allowing them to keep up the ruse.

She made Seyton strip them and switch their clothes, unwilling to do it herself. What was the use of having subordinates if she had to do it herself, after all? She ignored the growing indignance radiating from both men with expert ease. More than that, she was unwilling to get too close to the unknown man, feeling like she would do something uncharacteristic of her.

With that done, she placed him in her interspatial bracelet, relieved that she had made some tweaks in the bracelet itself. In the first few days while she was here, she had thoroughly studied and refined the bracelet hanging on her wrist, allowing for her to put living things inside it. The spatial bracelet was now practically a space that would allow one to hide should their lives be in danger. Naturally, transporting living beings such as familiars were now a lot more convenient.

With this done, she could leave. Judging by the state of the other rooms, it looked like the Vampire Princess had not visited the other rooms for a long time now, only visiting this one man's one constantly. Even though Nine could sense a few servants in the castle, it looked like they were forbidden from entering this part of the castle. From this, Nine could infer a few things about this Vampire Princess' personality. Since it was this way, then it was likely that Alixia would not notice the loss of a single person marked person. Of course, to prevent any mishaps, Nine had chosen the room that was the dustiest as compared to the rest.

She was slightly sorry for using this young man as a replacement for the one she was stealing. She looked at him with deep eyes before inwardly making a promise that when she had finished settling everything else, she would come back and liberate him.

With that, Nine reached out and held Seyton's arm and teleported the both of them.