When All Else Fails

Nocturne lay on the cold surface, patiently waiting. Even though the owner of that voice spoke cold words, from the way fingers brushed over him gently, he could feel the other's gentle soul deep down. It was just that it was hard to tell from the way the other acted.

It almost felt like the other was courting his magic, with the way their magic chased after his own. It was hard to describe in words, but the way their magic intertwined gave him a feeling he had never experienced in his life. The first time it had happened, he had fought it with all his might. His magic instinctively protected him and drove the other person's out.

Fleeting touches that danced over his skin didn't invoke the same repulsion in him the way that Vampire's had, but instead made him shiver. If his body wasn't trapped in this state, he would probably have goosebumps. It made him wonder whether there was something wrong with him, but he knew that the other didn't have any lustful intentions towards himself.

There was a strange charge in the air today, but Nocturne didn't know what was going to happen. The hushed voices they had talked in left him unable to verify what was about to happen. Although his body had been subjected to numerous needle pricks, nothing too drastic had happened in the time since he left Alixia Lacroix's territory. He had a faint premonition when the door shut ominously, leaving people banging on the door before they left, presumably to find help.

Nine ignored the sudden silence and overlooked Black's body for the last time, confirming that her conjectures were really true. In the silence of the room, with only Black for her company, she couldn't help the sigh that left her lips. It looked like she would have to take drastic measures after all.

She suddenly felt an urge to kill Deltan. How in the world did he manage to let a royal Vampire close without noticing?! She ignored the fact that she hadn't even been in this body at that time.

She held up the little vial of blood up in the light. After numerous rounds of experimentation and purification, the blood inside had shrunk to less than half, which had already been a miniscule amount in the first place. The blood contained within looked closer to gold than it had been before, as opposed to the red tinged with gold. It now looked mainly gold with a slight red tinge. She had injected a small bit into Black before purification to see if it would allow him to break free of his bonds, but to no avail.

No matter how much more magic she poured into the little vial, it didn't display any other change. It seemed like it had almost reached the point of saturation, having absorbed a shocking amount of magic power. It was only lacking a bit more for it to turn completely gold. She had exhausted her entire store of magic daily pumping it into this miniscule amount of blood. As the colour changed, so did her magic capacity. Her magic capacity now was more than five times it had been in the beginning, but the blood had still casually absorbed every molecule of magic pressed into it.

Nine let her magic flow into the small vial a last time, her eyes lighting up when she realized that the red tinge in the blood had completely disappeared. No one would have thought that the liquid inside was blood had they not seen the process over this past month.

What she was about to do had a low percentage of 0.0001% chance of working. That was to say, in ten thousand people, one would pass. The lure of immortality was too great for some people to resist. Even though the chances were so low, they still took the chance to try it, going out to secretly kill Vampires and try to change themselves into one.

Nine silently activated the runes she had lay down on in the room, only leaving herself and Black inside. She didn't know how long it would take, but there were instructions for no one to enter this room. She didn't know what state she would be left in by the time it was over and wasn't willing to take the risk.

If she degenerated into a mindless beast like the other 99.9999% of people who tried this method, then it would be better if she was dead! Becoming a Blood Thrall, was that any different from being braindead? If only her body was left, then she would rather be wiped out of existence. If she really became a Blood Thrall and fell under someone else's control, then the runes in the room would activate and kill her. With her magic capacity and magic knowledge, it was likely that she would destroy the world in her moment of incoherency.

In that case, she would rather kill herself than give anyone else the pleasure of killing her.

She glanced at the still body on the table and felt slightly sorry for him. She was using him for her own selfish desires, but she wasn't willing to experiment on Deltan instead. If she died, then he would die together with her. If she couldn't turn and save him, then it'd probably be better for him to die so he didn't have to suffer as well, right?

She didn't know why she felt like this, but she knew it was a result of her own feelings. Unfortunately, she couldn't ask if he consented through telepathy, nor could she feel all his emotions clearly. The various times she had asked, it had felt like a vague mask had placed itself over his emotions, leaving her unable to comprehend. If she lived, then she would do everything in her power to help him successfully wake up. She still felt strange feelings when she touched him, so she would just set him free after he woke up.

Nine walked one round around the room, tracing the various runes that had been lit up, making sure that none of them were faulty. When she had finally been satisfied, she sat down cross-legged in the core of an array of runes.

She had no other way out now. There was only this method. Unfortunately, all other solutions had failed, leaving Black still deeply under the curse of eternal sleep. Since it was like this, then she could only take the biggest risk and come out victorious.

Without a change in her expression, Nine withdrew a syringe that had specially been prepared for today, drawing out the rest of the blood from the vial.

The needle slid into her heart, and she pressed down on the plunger, depositing the contents straight into her heart.

There was only one shot at this.