Irrational Jealousy

The two made quick work of the people inside the house. Not one of them was left alive. It wasn't because she wasn't merciful, but she would never let people who had harmed those who belonged to her go. It was best to pull out everything, including the roots. If they grew back and became a hindrance, she would be very annoyed.

Nine and Nocturne killed quickly and efficiently, making sure not to leave any one of the servants alive. It didn't matter how much they begged or pleaded, they were still killed in the end.

The servants who were undergoing a great terror treated the two like death gods, trying to avoid them at all costs, but no matter how they ran, they couldn't escape their fate.

Ah, one of them thought, this had to be retribution. To think that they thought they could have gotten away with kidnapping a prince. They forgot about the might of the Cosmos Empire, which had a long and bloody history. He had thought that he would die without any regrets, so long as he tried, but he was wrong. He still wanted to live. With great risk came equal fortune, but it looked like this was the end of the road for him.

That was the servant's last thought as his head flew through the air, dying the floor and the walls behind him red. Nine didn't drink a single drop of blood, even with the bloody massacre going on.

When Nocturne tried to step forward and sip, she froze him in place with a single glare.

The Crown Prince of Asher visibly took a breath as he controlled his bloodlust. Unfortunately, even though all this blood was in front of him, he couldn't drink any. He felt slightly disgusted by himself and the instincts his new body brought him. When he had been under the curse, he had struggled every day, cursing Vampires and their kin out, yet here he was, converted to the same race as them.

As far as Nine was concerned, these people were going to die, but she wouldn't touch their families. She wasn't completely heartless. Although she was angry, she would only take it out on the people who were involved.

There were only two people still left alive in the residence, excluding Deltan. Nine stood in front of the door with Nocturne at her back. Because of the sire and childe bond, she was willing to leave her back to him.

Through the door, she could hear the rapid panting as the sour scent of fear soaked through the door. It seemed like it was the butler's breathing that came abnormally quick. Inside, she could hear a lady gently sighing, sounding like she was utterly in love. She seemed not to hear the chaos and screams that had echoed through the residence, almost as if she was utterly detached from this plane.

She could hear the slow, steady heartbeats of her brother, trapped in the room with no means to leave. She frowned sharply, feeling the chill of anger spread through her veins.

The two doors opened with a creak, the sour scent of fear increased sharply as the man's heartbeat sped up dramatically.

"Please, please. I just needed the money to save my daughter."

Nine looked at him with indifferent eyes, showing no expression on her face. This seemed to scare the butler even more. He cried out in fear before he thought about his daughter's pallid face. He hardened his heart, hoping that the Crown Prince would listen to his last plea. Haha, he laughed in his heart. Who ever said that the Crown Prince was an incompetent that only knew how to hide? He sure hid deeply. Only fourteen years old, but he was already this adept.

Leopold resigned himself to his death, knowing that he had courted it. Everything would have been fine had they gotten away with it, but ultimately, now that it had been discovered, there was only death awaiting.

"Please take care of my daughter. My name is Leopold Stewart," he said, closing his eyes for the last time.

Nine nodded gently, killing him painlessly. At least this man had the courage to face death in the end.

Chilling blue eyes locked onto Rose Beverley's body, who was lying on the bed curled up in Deltan's arms. Faster than you could blink, Nine grabbed the back of Rose's shirt and hauled her off of her brother's prone form.

She flicked her hand, sending Rose slamming into the nearby wall, causing her to cry out in pain. Nine wiped her hand with a handkerchief and threw it away, making Rose glare at her angrily.

"Darling, save me," she cried out, her coquettish-sounding voice sending chills of disgust up Nine and Nocturne's spine. Even when Nine had heard similar things from couples flirting, this was the first time someone had invoked such repulsion within her.

There was obviously no response from Deltan, but Rose responded as if there was. "Darling, you're so handsome!" she cried out with infatuated eyes.

Nine's eyes darkened. She bound the mentally unstable woman with heavy layers of magic, preventing her from using magic or struggling. Nothing would get through to her now. She had already lost her mind, so she would slowly deal with her later.

With that taken care of, she quickly repeated the transformation process on Deltan to start the process of awakening him.

Rose let out a bloodcurdling scream when she realized that Deltan had been bitten by the Crown Prince.

She seemed to somewhat come back to her senses. "You! What did you do to him?!" she screamed, looking deranged and dishevelled. There was no trace of the delicate appearance that she was so well-known for.

Nine's lips pulled back into a sneer, showing off her abnormally sharp fangs. The sight sent chills of fear down Rose's spine. She pulled back slightly before feeling like she was vindicated. "Y-you monster! That's right, how can the Cosmos Empire have a Crown Prince like you? Only my darling is fit to be the next Emperor! Return him! Return him right now!"

Nine felt the urge to play with her prey well up. "Really? But…your darling prince is going to become like me, you know?"

Nocturne couldn't move his eyes away from Nine's actions, from the way blue eyes glinted and sparked in sadistic tendencies, to the way his hair fluttered minutely in the slight breeze. He pushed down the irrational jealousy that he was here to save another man. Maybe it was because the person he liked was doing all of this for another, but he couldn't help it.

He was already trying so hard to suppress his jealousy, but this woman just kept screaming and screaming in that shrill and piercing voice of hers. To Vampire ears, it was nothing more than torture. His mood went from bad to worse, glaring at the woman who made Nine come here to save…that man.

Nocturne glared at the man's prone form, his hatred and jealousy igniting even more when he realized that the man was in the same position as he had been in. When he realized that he had only been saved by Nine because of that man, to experiment on to make sure nothing would happen to him, he couldn't suppress the jealousy any further.

"Stop getting in the way of our love!" Rose shrieked. "Even if he becomes a monster, I'll still be there for him," she said, casting loving eyes at Deltan.

Nocturne snapped when the wench implied that Nine was doing this because he felt love for that man.

Quicker than the eye could track, Nocturne yanked her hair harshly, causing her to shriek again, piercing his fangs into her slender neck. She choked on whatever words were going to leave her mouth, reaching out to push him away from her in fear. No matter how hard she pushed, she couldn't fight against the Vampiric strength and could only pray for him not to kill her.

"No, no!"

Nocturne drank in slow, steady gulps, only pulling away when her heartbeat started to falter. She collapsed in a daze, her eyes blinking slowly, finally shutting up as she realized the extent of the danger she was in.

"Leopold, Leopold. Help me! Don't you need the money for your daughter?"

Nocturne glared at her with cold eyes. He pushed her forward, letting her look at Leopold. Rose finally realized that he was no longer breathing. In fact, his head and body had been completely separated from each other. She choked back the scream of fear, finally falling silent.

Her eyes darkened as she reached out a manicured hand towards Deltan's form, collapsing on the floor due to blood loss.

"I didn't kill her," Nocturne said a little defensively when Nine looked at him with no visible expression.

"I know," Nine said. She could still hear the faint heartbeats from Rose's chest. She had just passed out from the excess loss of blood. She flicked a delayed blood replenishing rune onto the collapsed form on the floor to ensure she wouldn't die before she got what she deserved.

She was going to quickly take care of this before she brought Deltan and Nocturne around with her as they got used to being Vampires, but she changed her mind.

Seeing that disgusting, vile woman with her hands all over Deltan's body without consent made her feel sick. Letting her die was too easy for her. Nine would make her suffer for ever daring to think about taking Deltan away.

She picked up Deltan with ease, gently cradling him to her chest. It looked rather comical from an outsider's point of view, but Nocturne was burning with jealousy. He saw at the way Nine looked at that man with a softer expression than he'd ever seen. It felt like the envy was eating him up from the inside out.

He maintained his unaffected expression but was inwardly glaring at the man under the mark of eternal sleep.

Nocturne pulled Rose's body along with magic, extremely reluctantly placing a single finger on her clothes. The thought that he had actually drank her blood in his anger and jealous left a bad taste on his tongue. The very thought that he had her blood running through his veins made him feel unclean. He suppressed a shiver.

Nine shifted Deltan's weight, holding him with one hand. She used the other hand to hold Nocturne's wrist, lightly encircling it. Nocturne felt his surging jealousy cut back somewhat, mildly appeased. He looked at Deltan with a blank expression and felt the jealousy start back up again. Even now, Nine was still holding him so gently!

Nine ignored Nocturne's irrational jealousy, feeling strange that she actually had to look at him to find out what he was feeling. It looked like she had grown somewhat dependant on finding out people's feelings from her Magic Sight.

With Deltan and Nocturne in hand, she teleported them back to Cosmos City.