Date (II)

By the time they reached their destination, the sun had started to sink lower in the horizon. The husband and wife had been strolling casually, hand in hand.

Nocturne sometimes snuck glances at Nine, happy just being able to see Nine, whom he had not seen for the past couple of days.

They were standing before a picturesque lake, which shone, reflecting the colours of the setting sun. The lake waters rippled gently under the passing wind, not another soul in sight.

Nine twitched her fingers, calling out a wooden boat from the inside of her interspatial ring. If anyone else had seen this, they would have gawked at the sight, both for having enough space to fit it inside, as well as wasting the space inside to put a wooden boat of all things!

No matter how you looked at it, the wooden boat didn't look like anything special, but there were no oars that Nine pulled out from her ring.

Nine stepped onto the boat with light feet, holding out her hand to Nocturne.

At this moment, the palette of the setting sun paint its colours onto Nine, dazzling Nocturne. The Nine in front of him looked exceptionally soft today, and that smile on Nine's lips matched with the soft eyes directed at him.

Nocturne would never have imagined falling in love with someone like this. He had never put much stock into looks, just because he himself was so exceptionally outstanding, but before Nine, he really could not hold a candle at all.

He never thought that he would one day have to rely on his own looks to fight for a place by Nine's side, of all things.

Nocturne took Nine's hand and prepared to step into the boat, when Nine tugged him forward instead, causing him to fall into her arms.

Nocturne let out a stifled gasp, looking up at Nine with wide eyes, somehow not having expected that.

Nine let out a low laugh at the look on his face.

The husband and wife sat down on the same end of the boat, Nine cradling Nocturne on her lap. The waters under the boat gently moved through Nine's magic, carrying the boat into the middle of the lake. They drifted slowly, the waves gently rocking them.

Whilst Nocturne should have just sat back and enjoyed it, he was filled with several doubts. What exactly was so nice about hugging another male body?? Then again, he did look rather feminine, but that didn't mean he *was* a female!

His lack of masculinity had always been a problem, but –

Nine buried her face into the crook of Nocturne's neck from the back, practically purring at the scent carried on Nocturne's skin. Naughtily, a red tongue darted out from Nine's lips, licking his neck.

Nocturne let out a squeak, his body stiffening in Nine's embrace. He trembled with faint anticipation for the bite to come but received none.

Baffled, he looked back, only to find Nine struggling to hold in his laughter. Nocturne scowled, looking away into the distance of the sunset.

Laughing, Nine poked his cheek. "Don't be mad. Did you want me to bite so badly?"

Nocturne made a strangled sound. "I didn't!"

"What are these red cheeks, then?"


The two messed around for a while more before the sun completely set in the horizon, bathing them in the darkness.

Their surroundings were pitch black, and one practically wasn't able to see in front of them even if they stuck out their hand.

The two waited in silence, just basking in the presence of their significant other after not having seen each other for days.

Slowly, bits of light started lighting up at the bottom of the lake. One by one, something under the waters started giving off a soft glow, filling the lake with countless twinkling lights.

The entire surface of the lake was illuminated with gently twinkling flashes, but not enough to hurt the eye since they were buried under the water. The sight to behold was spectacular. Even Nocturne, who had seen his fair share of beautiful scenes couldn't help but be surprised.

He looked around in wonder, dipping a hand into the water. When he moved it, the ripples caused another round of shines and twinkles from the lake. Excited, Nocturne turned to look at Nine, only to instantly flush red.

Nine, gently illuminated by the lake, wasn't looking at the scenery, but only watching Nocturne's reactions instead. The soft look in her eyes caused Nocturne to melt each time. Every time he saw that look, he felt like he was the luckiest man on the planet.

Surely, there was no one who was more fortunate than him.

The husband and wife could not move their sights from each other, drowning in each other's gaze. Slowly, their faces inched closer and closer. Nocturne could feel Nine's soft breaths. Just as they were about to kiss, they were interrupted by a violent rock to the boat.

"Woshaaaarrr" came an inhuman roar, and a heavy slap of its tail on the water surface.

The roar was unlike any other Nine had heard of before. Ticked off, she glared in the direction of the Magical Beast, before sighing. How could she possibly have forgotten? Nocturne, with his bunch of high stats, had a Luck rating of S. Though it couldn't match up with Deltan's SS++ Luck rating, S was still pretty high compared to everyone else.

Nine's anger ran cold as her magic slowly expanded from within her. She glared at the impudent Water Dragon, who was intruding on their date.

Nocturne, who was just as pissed off, made a running leap for the Magic Beast, who had already started cowering and trying to flee for its life once it felt the might of Nine's magic.

Nocturne slay the Magic Beast with a single stroke of his sword, visibly fuming when he returned to Nine.

Nine couldn't help but smile at the sight. Nocturne was even angrier than she was, and she couldn't help but find him cute all the time.

Nocturne boldly kissed Nine as he leaned down, taking advantage of the fact that Nine was still seated. He always felt like he melted on the inside when they connected this way. His heart felt light and sweet, and he just couldn't get enough of it.

Nine pulled Nocturne back onto her lap, kissing him back languidly. Her every movement seemed to scream indulgence and affection, and Nocturne couldn't help but feel like he was getting drunk off Nine's kisses.

When the two came down from their high, Nine picked up Nocturne from straddling her lap to put him down on the seat.

Nine stood up and tidied herself up, causing Nocturne to look at her strangely, wondering what she was up to.

Nine swept back her coat and knelt on the wooden planks of the boat, bending over Nocturne's hand and pressing a kiss to his fingertips.

Nocturne's fingers twitched as the flush made itself known, spreading further down his neck. He couldn't help but hate the fact that he was so pale. Each blush always made itself known, and he could never play it cool!

Nine reached into a pocket near her chest, pulling out a box. Nocturne's eyes widened. Nine always stored everything inside of the interspatial ring, so the fact that he was pulling out something that wasn't from inside spoke volumes of how important this was to him.

Nine snapped open the box, showing Nocturne what was inside. Two obsidian rings sat side by side, a simple but elegant design, inlaid with three stones. A main stone of purple, and two stones of blue by its side on one ring, and vice versa on the other ring.

Nine's eyes, the gentlest they had ever been for one person, said, "Nox, will you marry me?"

Nocturne's eyes widened.

He threw himself at Nine, hugging him with all his might. No words could describe what he was currently feeling right now. Both sour and sweet, he reiterated that he was the luckiest man on the planet. If he ever felt tears prick his eyes, no one would ever know.

"Yes," he said, his words muffled by Nine's shirt.

Nine hugged him close, her eyes brightening. She wouldn't ever admit she was the tiniest bit nervous before this. She slid the ring with the main stone in blue onto Nocturne's finger, holding out the other to Nocturne.

Nocturne took the ring with surprisingly steady hands, sliding Nine's ring onto slim fingers.

Nine pulled Nocturne close, exchanging lingering kisses full of promises and joy, whispered words of "I love you".