Undead Titan

Nine noticed the way her students were getting a little antsy being cooped up in Cosmos City without leaving, so she sent them out to secure Nocturne's old Empire, Ashtria. Even though Nocturne told her that he was fine leaving it, she didn't want him to have any regrets down the road.

She thought that Deltan would have stayed back in Cosmos City, but at the startling rate that Raphael had grown in just a week, he looked more like a toddler (and acted like one), but according to Seyton and Jasper, this much was normal for Vampire children. Thus, Raphael went along with them, as did Dimitri, who was taking his duties very seriously.

Though Nine looked rather cool on the surface, beneath was another matter altogether. Until now, she was still unable to track down where the Elves had been hiding. Even with information from Misha, the place where they used to reside was now empty and barren, as if nothing had been there in the first place.

For all she knew, that was the case. Perhaps, before Misha's mission, the information that she knew was actually false. There was a faint uneasy feeling lingering, like she was missing something, or a feeling that this was going to escalate very soon.

Not only that, there was an increasing amount of undead that was coming each night. Nine had the feeling that it was because so many people were dying out there that there were more bodies to create undead.

Even though the undead here didn't spawn more undead like how people described zombies back on Earth, the numbers didn't decrease at all.

Nine felt frustrated that they had run out of leads but was patiently waiting. Sooner or later, the enemy would slip up. Meanwhile, they would improve their abilities and their experience.

Half of their resources had been depleted already, and Nine couldn't help but wonder how the rest of the people outside of Cosmos City were doing. Those she sent out carried the knowledge of how to produce the new warding stones that she and Nocturne had worked together to produce and would leave some along the way.

Mephisto's minions were reporting back only seeing the signs of death and despair, but Nine was still hopeful that they would be able to find a lead. She could feel that they were close.

Nocturne was a comforting presence by her side as they fought. She admired the smooth lines and grace of his fighting, a mix of high and low tiered magic being used efficiently, usually in ways that she herself wouldn't use. She learnt just as much as he did from her, and the two of them covered each other.

The easy cooperation between them had been forged by numerous battles against the undead, where they worked together to cover each other's shortcomings. There was something instinctive about the way they fought together that she couldn't find whilst fighting with someone else. Not even her brother, or her students could match her rhythm.

As they obliterated scores of undead, Nine felt a simple joy that couldn't be expressed in words. The Crown Prince and Crown Princess worked together so gracefully that there were always awed eyes on them, learning, worshipful.

The days where the people of Cosmos City considered Nine an incompetent and cowardly Crown Prince were gone. Their approval was at an all time high, which worked out pretty well. Low morale in the people would only lead to a fall in battle prowess and efficiency, which would create a vicious cycle that they managed to avoid using Nine and the rest's presence.

Suddenly, Nine jerked her head, looking in a far off direction. Beside her, Nocturne could be seen doing the same thing. The ground faintly trembled under their feet, so faint that no one else noticed something out of place.

Exchanging a look, the married couple darted forward, increasing the rate of their killing. They cut through the undead like a hot knife to butter, obliterating anything that stood in their way.

They saw it before it saw them. It was a colossal undead, almost the size of a building. Unlike the other low tiered undead that were a dime a dozen, this one looked rather intimidating with the way its skin had become a smooth black instead of the normal rotting and flaking skin. Its eyes shone with intelligence and calculations. Though it was big, the explosive force behind the muscles of the undead were not to be underestimated.

Nocturne sucked in a shocked breath. "What tier of undead do you think that is?"

Nine was silent as she tried to gauge the fluctuations off the undead titan. "Seven? Eight? Eight."

"Well… good thing we found it before it got too close to the city."

The [Veritas] skill confirmed it for her, shocking her slightly. This was the strongest undead that had appeared thus far.

There was a distant part of Nine that wondered just how much it had eaten for it to evolve to that level. As far as she could tell, the undead that were raised were always in the lower tiers of one and two, but they were able to evolve the more flesh they consumed, whether dead or living.

The Undead Titan let out an earthshattering roar as it spotted the two Vampires steadily cutting their way to it. Pesky semi-undead beings like these two did not taste great, but they almost always increased its power by a large margin, so the Undead Titan was excited by this.

Letting out another roar, the lowly undead minions that were surrounding it scattered around the two Vampires, remaining in the distance should the Titan need them.

Nine and Nocturne simultaneously let out a burst of low level spells towards the Undead Titan, but it endured everything with its skin alone, not even bothering to dodge, giving them a menacing grin.

The Undead Titan's red eyes glared menacingly at them, its grin splitting all the way up the cheeks. The Titan's teeth were a shiny black, just like its skin tone. In the darkness of the night, it was a natural predator.

The Undead Titan blended in with the surroundings and had the two not been Vampires with superior eyesight and night vision that all Vampires were equipped with, this fight would have escalated to a new level of danger and been a lot harder than it should have been.

Without needing to exchange a second glance, Nine and Nocturne upped the ante, using a mix of high and low tiered spells.

When Nine used a high tier spell with a longer casting time, Nocturne was covering for her as he used a spell that could trap the Undead Titan, and vice versa.

The Undead Titan snarled as its attacks were going nowhere. Slowly, it learnt the attacking patterns of the two semi-undeads as it accumulated injuries. Black blood spilled in the darkness of the night, splattering the ground with a hiss.

Just as there was a slight pause as Nocturne used a Tier Eight spell, the Undead Titan tanked the Tier Five spell Nine used on it to control it slightly, roaring as it dashed into the distance.

Having kept their guard up all this time, Nine and Nocturne reacted accordingly. They chased after the Undead Titan, which was quicker than it looked.

The Titan snatched the undead around by the handful, shoving them into its mouth. The injuries that had been inflicted on the Undead Titan's resilient body quickly healed up, only a faint trace of blood being the indication that it had been hurt at all.

Nine narrowed her eyes. This just got a lot more troublesome. Not only that, the Undead Titan's aura fluctuation was growing stronger the more it ate.

She had a bad feeling about this.