Just Who Is That?

Emiel, citizen of Morhil city, was a human. Living in a Vampire-based city wasn't easy. He faced discrimination, disrespect, and all manners of other inconvenient things, but Emiel persisted in living here anyway.

The aesthetics were amazing, and all the Vampires that lived here were practically stunning. You see, Emiel was the kind of person who lived and died for beautiful things, so he didn't mind putting up with those things as long as he got to see someone beautiful every day.

Morhil, city of the Vampire King, was one of the top rated aesthetically beautiful Vampire cities even amongst the race. It was a no-brainer that Emiel did his best to become a citizen of this city.

From begging to pleading to doing all manners of degrading quests, Emiel had done them all. Eventually, one of the Vampires had taken pity on him and allowed him to use them as a referral.

Emiel loved living in Morhil city. Every day was a day he looked forward to. He liked to loiter on the streets, just people watching. The scenery was never the same each day, and he made a few human friends who held the same aesthetic appreciation as him.

Of course, even with the sudden surge of the undead rising up and attacking various settlements, this did nothing towards the Vampires' quality of life.

Unfortunately for him, Emiel had been forcibly conscripted to guard the city's walls. Though boring, he did not hate the job. Most of the people who came into city gates were Vampire and other sorts of demi-humans, and all of them were equally stunning.

This gave Emiel the excuse to look and scan without anyone being uncomfortable by his stares. He was happy, the city was happy. He didn't mind.

The only part he did mind was staring into the souls of those hideous, drooling creatures, otherwise known as the undead. Goodness. Emiel almost fainted the first time he saw an undead in person. How could there ever exist something that was so disgusting, so horrid and smelly? Worst of all, they were all terribly ugly.

If his spear-using skills significantly increased in this time, it wasn't because he took the utmost joy in stabbing those soulless undead creatures in the face, no. He would never admit to it even on his deathbed.

As Emiel lamented about his job details, he tried to take his mind off it by sneaking glances at the Vampires off the wall, walking in the city.

As he stared, mesmerized, he was unprepared for the sudden smack to the back of his head. He sullenly rubbed the back of his head, reluctantly tearing his eyes away.

"Don't goof off, moron! You can look all you want later when you're off duty!" his fellow guard said.

Emiel groaned. "What's the point of me looking when I'm off duty? They'll know I'm looking, then! How will I get to look all I want without them beating me up?"

The other guard shrugged. "I don't know, but I do know I get a pay cut every time that Vampire drops by and you stare at him like a hungry dog lusting after meat!"

Emiel took offence at that. "Who are you calling a dog?! I just have a fine appreciation for fine beauty, that's all."

The guard squinted at Emiel. "Yes, I'm sure. You definitely didn't tell him 'Your beauty is like a lonely, pure white lotus flower growing in the middle of a poisonous lake'. As if he would be happy hearing that, you idiot! You basically insulted the place he lives in!"

Emiel was baffled. Try as he might, he couldn't understand why the Vampire would be insulted by his words. Clearly, he only had the best intentions when saying that.

He was broken out of his musings by a shout.

"What the hell is that?!"

Drawn by the yell, Emiel looked in the direction the guard was pointing. Emiel immediately stumbled backwards.

What looked like a spider in the far distance was rapidly approaching. The quicker it approached, the more Emiel felt like fleeing his post. A spider! And not just any spider! It was a Toxic Spider, also known as the Black Phantom! The notorious Magic Beast that lived in groups, killing quickly and silently.

It was heading here! Emiel quaked in his boots, barely resisting the urge to run, but he stood firm. For Morhil city! For beauty! He couldn't just allow all that beauty contained in the city to perish without putting up a fight!

"Sound the alarms! That's a Toxic Spider! Look at the size of that thing! If it ever gets in, you can forget about living anymore!"

The alarms quickly wailed, causing various Vampires down below to look up curiously, only to shrug and continue on their way.

Emiel felt like tearing his hair out in frustration (but obviously he didn't, because he was a beauty advocate) at the nonchalant attitude of the Vampires. Obviously, they thought that they would be able to handle whatever came their way.

The guard next to him groaned as well. "Ignorant bastards," he cursed lowly under his breath. "Set up the barrier already!"

"We're trying, sir! Another minute and it'll be up to go!"

"Work faster! Do we even have a minute left?!"

Emiel watched with bated breath as the giant spider rapidly approached them, scaring the wits out of everyone who was up guarding the city's walls.

Mere moments before the spider reached the walls, the barrier went up.

"Haha! That's what I'm talking about!" the guard cheered, and Emiel cheered too. The two hugged in celebration.

"We're not dead yet, boys!"

Then, of course, when things seemed to be doing just fine, the Toxic Spider stopped just short of colliding into the city's barriers. The clicking sound that was heard sent chills up Emiel's spine.

As he stared deep into eight purple eyes, taking in the eight hairy legs that contained a purple tint as well, Emiel couldn't help but feel utterly repulsed by such a sight. He thought that he could even gain a new phobia just looking at that Magic Beast.

The spider reached forward hesitantly, touching the city's barrier. Emiel's heart started pounding rapidly as a bad premonition crept up on him.

"W-what's that spider doing? It's not dying from the barrier…"

The Toxic Spider lowered its head, its pincers near the barrier, and the barrier seemed to solidify, causing Emiel to heave a breath of relief.

Then, there was a cracking sound, and the city's barrier shattered to pieces.


Before they could do anything else, the giant purple spider drew back and shot a Tier Seven magic blast into the city's walls, utterly collapsing a large part of it.

Emiel jumped up in shock. No! The city's wall! How would they be able to keep out the undead now?!

The spider charged in without another thought, laying destruction and chaos in its wake. Emiel weakly sank to his knees. It was all over. The Toxic Spider would kill every last one of them. The city was done for.

Dazed and lost in his thoughts as he was, he still caught sight of two utterly divine looking beings that walked through the gigantic hole in the wall left by the Toxic Spider.

Instantly, Emiel felt like he had finally understood life's greatest mystery. Forget living here in Morhil city. All he needed was to look at that godly face every day, and Emiel would be able to die contented.

That face, that body, the grace, the charm and domination. Everything was concentrated onto the single male Vampire's body, and Emiel could swear that there was no other being on this planet that would be able to compare.

Without realizing what he was doing, Emiel was already trailing after the duo, hopelessly lost. He wasn't even aware of what he was doing in the first place, only left with a single thought in his mind – to follow that Vampire.

He ignored the shouts behind him, ignored the chaos on the streets. He ignored the strange stares that he was receiving, as well as the people calling out for his help. Nothing mattered but that blue-haired Vampire.