Early years before Rhea [5] demon realm

Learning to travel between realms was gonna be easy for me as my teleportation ability would reinforce what my immortal physiology could already do and it kinda helps that I've already been to the spirit realm when I came searching for the underworld. It was just a matter of feeling out the other realms and for that I did what all beings do when trying to seek out a higher plane of existence I started meditating.

The feeling of the spirit realm was like a beacon easy to feel and find but I chose to ignore it and continue my meditation in search of the other realms. It came as barely a tickle at the back of my mind then like a switch had been flipped I felt them all the 3 of the realms as requested. It was easy to tell the difference between the realms especially the demon realm considering all the dark energy it was basically spewing out of it and from there I followed the connection to the second earth based realm, then the fairy realm. These realms had a clear connection considering that they where based on the Shadowhunters world and that they where basically feeding off 1 another to remain stable.

I wasn't planning to jump straight into traveling to other realms without getting a feeling for them all but I figure I can do that with time the demon and fairy realm might just have what I need since they are realms filled with a type of magical energy.

So as I look at the house I've been using for the past few hundred years to practice my blacksmithing and see all the weapons lying around( it should be fine to leave all this here not like anyone is gonna find it) I take the last weapon I forged that has my blood in it made of platinum and steel with kryptonian based runes for sharpness then strap it to my hip, I pickup some flasks I stored water in and metal vials I made to hold my blood in that had runes to keep the contents fresh and throw them into a satchel. I disappear from the immortal realm and arrive in the demon realm.

Sulfur literally was all that I could smell so thick infact almost felt like I was choking on it. Wraiths flying through a sky that looked like it was on fire. In the distance I could make out a castle of sorts and there I had it my heading the destination I was to make my way to. The path was desolate nothing but dead trees and desert like ground, so lost in my thoughts of this shitty realm I get tackled to the ground by what I can only think is a dog that had its fur burnt and has a really bad case of raibies with the way it looks. Now it's easy to get rid of this mangy mut with just a bit of magic but I haven't exactly fought enemies with a sword before so I took my sword that was on my hip and charged for it get close to it using flash step I aim for the neck but clearly feeling the danger it jumps away, it growls and runs at me going in for the kill as it jumps for my neck but not letting that happen so I sidestep and swing. It's in the air so it can't defend itself or get out the way and shwoop off with its head.

I take a moment to get my bearings and make sure it was alone I look around myself. Seeing nothing I go up to the hellhound yeah that what's I'm gonna call it and take some of its blood storing it in a vial. Thinking about it I decide to dismantle this thing for its bones never know how they may affect the forging process especially if I can get my hands on a strong enough metal. The only problem is that I don't exactly have a place to put them as my satchel has my flask vials and some food in it, so I wrap it in the fur and tie it around a stick from a nearby tree. Although I was bound to run out of food at some point especially if I'm gonna be fighting alot more demons I think I'll pass on eating demon flesh so I leave the hellhound meat behind for whatever decides to eat it. So off we go to see the wizard following the desert road. I've been alone for too long I'm starting to lose it a little.

I've been walking what I can only guess is 12 hours with breaks and some fighting with demons, hellhounds and the occasional wriath dismantling their bodies for blood and and a few bones as I go along, but at long last I've made it to the castle or at least what should have been a castle it looks like it's been through a war and neglected for a few hundred years. As I'm walk in to this place I try to remember what I can from the Shadowhunters TV show using occulamency and I realize that the only ever mentioned two of the maybe hundreds of greater demons that live in this realm and live in castles but atleast chance of it being Lilith mother of all demons is small as I don't see a tower like was mentioned in the show.

Inside this place looks alot better than it does from the outside but I'm not dropping my guard don't want to be snuck up on like with that first hellhound. I spread my mana outwards so take I can find this greater demon and hopefully wound them enough to get their blood and get out of here. I finally reach what I can only guess is a throne room considering that the greater demon is sitting down from what I can feel using my mana. I drop my satchel the fur with my demon bones, grab my sword from my hip and get myself physically and mentally ready for a hard fight.