After meeting everybody on the group, again I was always so set on talking to Taneesha, so I direct messaged her, perhaps that way I could get to know her better and see what she was like. What she was into, the bands she enjoyed. Myself being me, I was somehow incredibly anxious to speak to her on a private chat. I didn't like her or anything, I guess I just really wanted a friend? She delivered this, when I did work up the courage to talk to her out of the big group chat, she was just as lovely as she was! Although it was through messaging, her laugh was contagious. "hello..." my text felt nasally to my throat. She responds with a gentle "hi", to this I was thrilled. To myself I thought 'maybe this could become a really fun friendship that'll last awhile?' I didn't have the best luck at friends in grade 7, but meeting somebody online was so much easier than physically talking. I personally didn't have much hope in this, nevertheless I tried my very best. We continued talking throughout the day and we both came to realise that we had lived somewhat close to each other, just a state away! Except... the states we separately lived in were quite far. Concluding we both lived in Australia was cool, I lived in Queensland and herself, New South Wales. I like to think we grew fond of one another day after day of talking. It felt surreal to have become such good friends with somebody in the matter of only a month. Through the course of the often days we talked, we shared many laughs together and tears, too. One minute we'd be crying over something that's happened and giving advice to each other, the next laughing hysterically or fan-girling over our Favourite band members. I will admit, it was the most fun I had in awhile and she was absolutely the one who was able to make me feel comfortable in any situation. In this time period, I was known as Taylor. I can still remember the way she'd 'yell' my name in all capitals when we spoke sometimes due to how excited we were for whatever reason. Id do the same back, "NEESHHHHHH", It was a regular thing for us which made it special to me. It became daily we were talking, like it was some sort of routine we had. Whether it was 7am in the morning or 10pm at night. My awkwardness faded after some time and we came incredibly comfortable with one another. The discussions we sometimes had were amazing, it could've been about anything! At times our conversations were about advice, others on some funny story or for the most part, it was band members we loved. I guess you could say we were the typical emo kids who just loved those things like Blackveilbrides and Sleeping with sirens, we still do! To this day i feel as if we bonded over the bands we loved so much.. and the fact we were so much like each other in a way words could never explain. The quirky personalities, our past, our opinions on topics, she was like me in so many ways to an extent it was kinda freaky!