
Now by the title, some may think that it's a chapter of how Taneesha and I are such best friends we decide to stay beside one another until were old.

In fact, that is utterly wrong.

In scenarios, we tend to make up the stupidest shit for laughs and it often works! She has such a funny mindset and can make a simple story sound so bloody hilarious.

I remember this as If it were only yesterday it happened, she wasn't feeling her best then, so I concluded that I had to cheer her up!

To her, my exact words were "We're becoming those 80 year old's who go partying and drinking being like YA FUCKEN YOUNG WHIPPERSNAPPERS GET OFF MY FUCKEN DANCE-FLOOR WE TRYNA PARTY UP IN THIS JOINT. SHOW YA HOW ITS DONE" to this, she responds with "YES FUCKING WITH OUR WALKING CANES- GETTING DRUNK AS HELL- Drinking more than the young adults, handling our alcohol like the fucken pro's we are" I couldn't stop my laugh, it kept coming. I was on the floor almost in tears of laughter, it was just so genuine, so I savoured every moment of it.

After this, it gets even better because she mentions 'I have a vision' I thought oh no… when she gets ideas, they're crazy but I obviously had to hear it. "We walk into the club, two feeble seniors. I'm holding onto your arm as we walk in, everybody stops moving and talking as the music dies down. You say something totally kick-ass then everybody ends up cheering and buying us shots to down. Everyone wanted to drink with us! So, while they're all getting drunk, we're obviously drinking more than them because we are the experts! Some youngsters challenge us to a dance battle, they must not think were worthy of such moves due to our age. Well such ass to those young kids in their 20s! checkmate, elders win." I knew I loved this woman but now I do even more! Imagine, two 80-year old's getting crank on the dance-floor telling somebody "HOLD MY CANE' while we bust sick moves and down drinks like they're nothing."

To be honest, I feel like that might become reality when we're old, knowing us. If you ever see a 4'9 old man partying with a older woman, both aged 80 in 65 years, then that's us! For future reference do come and say hi, we'd appreciate it. Although if we don't hear or see you, sorry about that! By then I think she'll be deaf, and I'll be blind.

I can't wait until we're old…

It'll be the most fun we'll ever have.