i'll admit i wasn't feeling the greatest these past few weeks... And because Taneesha is my closest friend, i prefer to tell her. We've always been there for one another, helping day to day and giving special advice for whats needed in that situation. Now since we had been friends for quite some time now, i could tell her anything without an inch of fear, so i decided to explain that my depression was overwhelming my head and i would lay in my bed days on end crying for no explained reason. She could help me figure it out, we always could help each other. "It's so overwhelming, i'm crying every day and i cant seem to control my actions. Whether it be violence or something else. i would punch a friend and never take consideration of how they felt because my mind didn't care. I cant be like this anymore, it's constantly taking over me and i'm afraid one day i'll loose the ongoing fight."
With a smooth reply, in my mind it felt as she had sat me down on a comfortable chair in a safe environment, pulling me close to her chest. From then on in my imagination, i continued to cry the tears away onto her shoulder as she hugged me tightly. Her words by message were so powerful, even if it was just a "Hey, i hope you're doing okay. Remember to eat and drink lots of water. Take it easy", it just felt so, welcoming. She was a safe environment for me, nobody ever could be like her. They just couldn't compete with her in any way...