Chapter Two

Chapter two:


Meng yin felt a white hot pain going through the entirety of her body, as if she was set on fire. Groaning out loud, she tried to adjust to a more comfortable position. However, no matter how much she moved her body was still searing with pain.

'Heh.. I'm definitely in hell than.' A self deprecating smile came over her face as this thought entered her mind. Pain plus death definitely points toward hell rather then heaven.

In a daze, Meng's empty eyes opened as she glanced at her surroundings. The room was nothing like she expected. She opened her eyes to a large room filled with extravagant goods. The furniture was made out of the finest materials and treasures littered the room.

Seeing the new changes that had came about her surroundings, she was momentarily stunned.

   'What the hell!" She quickly sat up and quickly let out a gasp from pain. Confusion was written across her face as she more carefully analyzed the room.

'Pain and pleasure... doesn't seem like hell or heaven.'

Meng rubbed her head in pain when it started to hurt from thinking too hard. But, her seemingly normal move left her frozen in shock.

'Whose hands are these!' Her mind fell into chaos as she stared at the two extremely small hands in front of her face. From just looking at them you can tell they belonged to a child. Ignoring the aches all over her body Meng got up and slowly approached the mirror. She already had a feeling the she was a child, but she wanted to make sure she really didn't lose her mind.

Finally reaching a mirror located in the room, Meng stared at a nine or ten year old child. Their eyes were extremely large and their jade like delicate skin screamed wealthy, even though at this moment it was covered in bruises. Over all, the child was very beautiful, but more importantly the child clearly wasn't the body she was used to.

Just to be extremely sure that the mirror wasn't a window, Meng started moving around in front of it. Afterwards, she used one small hand to reach up and pinch her cheeks... she could fee it. The reflection followed each one of her movements perfectly. Either she was really inside of that body or maybe this was the work of a hallucination. Out of her room and in a area that didn't make sense, Meng couldn't be sure.

Another wave of headaches attacked her brain as she tried to guess what was going on. She was definitely a 17 year old girl when she died! Also, even when she lived with her family as a heiress they never had rooms made out of gold.

Meng lost her self in thought as she crouched on the ground holding her head.

She felt like she was about to pass out from thinking too hard when all of sudden she heard the door open. Along with the sound came the smell of just cooked soup causing her stomach to growl in response. The ache from her stomach made her remember all of the other aches covering her body and her eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"Your highness?"

Meng pulled herself together and cast a penetrating stare unwaveringly at the person who entered the room. The person was a woman dressed in what could only be described as a historical costume.

A light bulb went off in her head as she quickly snapped her head back to the mirror. Wasn't she also in a historical costume? Is it possible the she went back in time?

The woman felt a cold sweat run down her forehead as she saw the girl glare into the mirror. The young miss was probably still in a bad mood from what happened yesterday. She shivered as she thought of how Meng might take her bad mood out on her.

   Meng was completely oblivious to how terrified the woman in front of her was. Right now it was more important to get to the bottom of this issue.