Chapter Sixteen

Chapter sixteen:

Su Lou wasn't an idiot, since Su lan said not to mess with Meng than she would listen to her. If a sixth level martial cultivator wasn't willing to offend the princess, a second level martial cultivator like herself wouldn't stand a chance.

She dutifully entered the room with a plate of steamed buns. Su Lou opened her mouth to announce her presence, however before she could say anything the plate in her hands was snatched!

She stared in shock at Meng unceremoniously stuffing the steamed buns into her mouth. Meng finished the large plate in seconds before happily rubbing her now full stomach. Su Lou looked down on such an inelegant princess, but Meng didn't seem to mind much.

"Aish! This princess almost died from hunger! If you took a second longer I might of ran out and made you into a meal!" Meng joked in a good mood causing Su Lou cringe. How could Su lan leave her to face this kind of person alone! What joke? Her eyes were clearly serious!

Meng was oblivious to Su Lou's terrified expression and straightened her newly changed red dress. "Not laughing? Well I guess it isn't time for jokes right now when the emperor's waiting."

She waved off her failure of a joke before quickly leaving the room. Seeing that the demon was gone, Su Lou collapsed on the ground from holding her breath for too long.

Tears flowed down her faced, but determination flashed in her eyes. Once it was announced that Princess Meng fell out of the emperor's favor she will surely steal all of Meng's things than beat her up when she finally reached cultivation martial level four!

Meng walked down the hallway in a great mood until she reached the royal study where she was attacked by an angry glare. Looking for where the glare was coming from, her eyes clashed with Feng Qi's.

He was no longer in the mummified mess she left him in, and adorned the outfit of an elegant prince. His unearthly face mixed with his elegant stance gave him an aura of a king. She really wanted to give a thumbs up, however his ice cold eyes left her paralyzed.

She really hating feeling threatened.... Meng's lips tilted into a sinister smile as she approached Feng Qi. Seeing the little demon coming closer, he felt his will power waver and wanted to take a step back, but stopped himself.

If he wanted to ever be strong enough to get revenge for his parents he needed to be able to face enemies like her. He stiffly stood his ground until the girl was face to face with him. She then leaned up until her face was right in front of him and looked him directly in the eye.

Feng Qi's face heated up when he was directly faced when Meng's incomparably exquisite face. Her brown eyes shined with intelligence and her ruby red lips stood out against her pale skin. Feng Qi finally took a step back and looked away.

"W...what are you trying to do!" His face was flustered as he subconsciously rubbed his nose. He had to admit that the girl was adorable, but still what a shameless girl willing to get so close to man already!

"Well you were staring so hard I thought you wanted a closer look." Ru Gu Meng said innocently, but her eyes clearly let him know that she was mocking him. ha! Did this little kid really think he could intimidate this older sister! before she might of had a nose bleed being so close to him however, remembering his piggish squeal... he lost a lot of his previous charm.

Feng Qi let out an embarrassed cough before straightening his back again.

"The emperor said he wanted to see you first before he passed judgment on the situation. Princess Meng, I hope you are willing to tell the truth, that you are the reason I left the dungeon early and that I didn't cause you any harm."

Feng Qi glared at her warningly, however his eyes couldn't hide his nervousness. Seeing him looking so worried Meng's heart softened. Even if she didn't like children very much this person was still someone she worshiped for 3 years. How could she let him suffer because of her?

She patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry this big sister already came up with a plan that will get us both out of this situation." She gave Feng Qi a bright smile before turning away and confidently walking into the royal studies door leaving Feng Qi in a daze.

Unknown to Meng as soon as she left, the servant next to Feng Qi let out a frightening aura.

"Your highness, are we really going to let that girl get away with harming you?" The servant next to Feng Qi was previously know as ghost one, who was apart of Falling Leaf's kingdom most dangerous group of killers, the ghost league.

They were tasked with protecting the Prince until he gained enough power to protect himself. However, He constantly refused their help making all of them feel extremely stifled. Normally he would of found some way to get back at whoever annoyed him using his own means,  which made all of the guards respect him. But this time, after all of the things that evil girl did, he still showed no intention of harming her.

Shadow one's eyes were vicious as he looked at the doors Meng disappeared in. He was already coming up with a thousand ways to avenge their lord and put that girl in her place. Out of no where the temperature of the entire room dropped.

Feng Qi stared at his subordinate with ice cold eyes.

"No matter what she saved my life in the dungeons and even promised to make sure I don't get punished for the incident. I'm not the type to repay goodness with evil."

Seeing how serious his highness was Shadow one decided to drop the matter.