Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter twenty-three:

After Meng casually gave the Librarian the second name that jumped in her mind, female protagonist's name, as the first name was as always, Feng Qi. Unfortunately using his name most likely wouldn't pass considering she was a girl, yet still it was a wonderful thought.

The librarian's eyes glowed with delight when he finally got a answer out of her.

He took it as a sign of her forgiving him for what happened earlier and relaxed somewhat inside.

"Well guess what girl? Today is your lucky day! You've impressed this me, Rong You, and this master has decided to take you as a disciple." The librarian, Rong You, said confidently with an expectant expression.

Meng's eyes narrowed as she looked at him, in the story they did mention Rong You as a legendary sky realm entity, however.... She glanced skeptically at the short old man in front of her. 'What is legendary about this?'

Sure he could block her attacks, however she was only martial rank level 6 and with very little fighting experience at that. Even while copying the movements in 'Defying Moonlight', they were at most passable.

'Hmm considering the magnitude of his aura attack on a martial rank level 6, he should be above the martial realm...'

At the old man's age reaching earth realm was impressive, yet not legendary. Meng glanced at the old man who still proudly had his chest pushed out. Taking a guess at his age, she guessed that he was around 50. Even though he didn't have a beard or hair in general, his face was slightly wrinkled and his skin was a dull white. His stature was thin like an old man and he wore a basic plain white robe.

Meng closed her eyes and started to search through the images of 'Defying Moonlight.' After picking her brain for a moment she was able to draw up an image of Rong You in the story.

Her eyes opened with a renewed amount of suspicion.

Rong You in the story looked nothing like him. The person in the image was around 30 with a face, like many cultivators, that looked like it was carved from stone. However, if he wasn't Rong You, who was he?

Seeing the girls unimpressed eyes, Rong You felt stifled, but also a bit wary. If the girl wasn't even impressed by his name as well known as he was than exactly how strong was her backing?

Analyzing the girl, she didn't look to be apart of any of the sect as all sect members are marked by the sect emblem when they joined. That was the only reason he was willing to give up his name in the first place. If she was a sect member he would of never approached her in fear of those people finding out.

Was she a set up spy?

He didn't want to assume anything without confirmation so he decided to shake off her disregard.

"So.... what do you say?" Even though he wasn't as expectant as before he was still hopeful as he looked at the little girl.

Meng sighed as she stared at the 'mentally disabled' librarian 'he probably heard Rong You's name somewhere and his convinced him it was his.' How could she hurt such a pitiful figure?

"Fine I, Bai Yao Ling, will be your disciple." She stressed the name so that just in case he became too insane in the future she could get away quickly and let that dog carry the burden.

With his excitement reignited, Rong You let out a bountiful laugh. "You made the right choice girl!" He said regaining his confidence stance.

Meng sighed again at his obvious psychosis and silently thought that she'll look for a psychologist in the future. He was a talented individual if he could grow so far in this lowly kingdom and it would be a shame to leave him.

"Well 'Rong You' I have some things to attend to therefore I'll be going now." Meng motioned to her now disheveled figure as an example.

Rong You nodded his head "Wait for a minutes my disciple I have something to give you." He said still filled with excitement as his short figure disappeared back into the back of the library.

Waking back out he carried a small box with him before handing it to her. She opened the box to see a large rusted metal ring.

Her eye twitched when she saw the sight.

She didn't expect much in the first place but...wasn't this too ugly?

"This ring will help hide your cultivation until you reach the earth level!" he said happily. "Your cultivation is far too quick without you being apart of a sect, so its best if you wear this to prevent unnecessary trouble. Also, It's a magical object and capable of leveling up once you inject spiritual energy into it. At level 3 it can even change your appearance! How does that sound happy about being my disciple now?"

Seeing how happy he was Meng didn't have the heart to ruin his mood, she looked hesitantly at the ring before slipping it on.

'At least it fits right.' She said seeing the hideous ring destroy her hand's once graceful image.

"Thank you for the gift master." She said modestly before turning around and leaving. She had been stuck in the library for a day in a half and felt like she could fall asleep at any moment.