Chapter Twenty-Nine


Feng Qi's heart sped up rapidly when he heard her response making him feel bewildered.

The girl undoubtedly did not love him in any kind of way, in fact, seeing the face she was making at this very moment, it was hard to say if she even liked him at all! However, he couldn't deny that for some reason, even if she was lying, those words made him elated inside.

When Feng Qi first learned that Meng had become his fiancé he really wanted to make her pay. Not because he hated her, but because he thought that she was doing it for the emperor.

Ever since his kingdom was invaded and he joined the Sun Kingdom's royal court, Emperor Ru was doing anything possible to control him.

No matter how weak he presented himself, he was always under the emperor's faction watchful eye. Therefore, when Meng started acting differently toward him followed by the emperor decreeing their marriage, how could he not be suspicious?

Right from the moment Meng had saved him from the guards for some odd reason he felt a connection. Despite the fact that his personality was cautious by nature, he felt compelled to trust her. Hence, once he saw the emperor's triumph gaze that screamed 'I finally got you' after telling him about the marriage he felt like a fool.  

Fortunately, he didn't find Meng while the inferno in his heart was still blazing or he might have even killed her.  At that time... he really wanted to kill her.

It wasn't until Shadow two had finished investigating the situation that he found out that the marriage idea wasn't the emperor's idea, but Meng's instead.

The memory of her up close smile and intelligent twinkling eyes before talking to the emperor popped into his head and his raging heart calmed down.

Looking into those eyes he didn't feel any ill intent like he used to see in her eyes in the past. He only saw protectiveness and a deep unwavering calmness.

He had no idea what she was planning in the future, but he found himself willing to trust her. Even when he was terrified of her he subconsciously knew she would never hurt him... on purpose.

Coming back to his senses he was met with Meng's still scrunched up, bright red expression. She looked mortified as she glanced randomly in any direction looking for an escape. 

Seeing her like this really made one million gold coins worth it. He didn't get the answer to his question however, seeing her like this really tickled his heart.

"You love me? That's great because I'm starting to like you very much." Feng Qi's mouth lifted up into a playful smile and his eyes glittered happily.

Meng's face went from red to black before losing all color and settling on white.

Feng Qi never smiled in the novel and acted like an eternal ice berg. He only thought of his goal and cultivation, nothing else had meaning to him.

Yet, now here he was smiling happily at her while confessing that he liked her. Wasn't this too kiddish! A horrible thought crossed Meng's mind before exhaustion finally conquered her.

Did she... really destroy... her own idol.