Chapter Thirty-Seven

Meng furrowed her eyebrows in irritation. 'What is this feeling?'  After being isolated from the world for so many years, Meng had a clear understanding of herself

She knew that she was normally selfish, cold, and lazy above anything else. Never in a million years did she think that she would put someone before herself even if they were her idol.

In the past Meng did care for Feng Qi, but not in the way two people cared for each other. For her, Feng Qi was an object to end her own internal pain.

Her motive to save him, was to save herself and it didn't go beyond that. However, now she was willing to risk losing her only pillar of light just to avoid hurting him.

If his change made him unable to stop the emptiness inside of her wouldn't death be better? Caring about someone was truly frustrating....

"I can't do that." Her voice was sharp enough to cut ice while her expression darkened.

Rong You felt another cold sweat once again from Meng's response. Why did he always feel like his life was on the line when he talked to this disciple! Also, did she really care about someone who wasn't real that much?" 

Watching how dark her expression turned, he started to find himself very pitiful.  He was once one of the greatest masters out there, yet now he had to compete with an imaginary person over his own disciple. Also, from the look she had on her face he was definitely losing!

Throwing aside his previous fear, he shot her a look of contempt "humph, my disciple only amounts to this much! You should know that thousands of people would die just to hear a word of advice from this master! If you can't do something as simple as torturing someone than how could you possibly walk on the path of cultivation."  He said throwing a fit inside. No matter what this imaginary person will be tortured today, or his name wasn't Rong You!

'Eh? When did torture have anything to do with cultivation?' Meng tilted her head in confusion as she recalled the parts of the book.

Sure, she remembered people torturing themselves in order to advance in cultivation, but she never heard of people torturing other's in order to advance. 

Also, when did this conversation even switch to cultivation were they not talking about how to raise a child?

"Ha-ha it's because you have to have a strong heart in order to cultivate." Rong You quickly covered up his mistake when he saw that he was losing her. 

Awkwardly he rubbed his nose thinking about what he said. 'Too late now might as well go with it.'

Meng's expression turned contemplative.  It was true that you needed a strong heart in order to cultivate, however torturing Feng Qi... It would be the same as torturing herself. 

She grabbing her heart trying to stop the intense pain going through it, a sad smile came over her face. 'Wasn't it always like this?' Although she had her regular emotions beat out of her at a young age, it didn't change the fact that she remembered them.

She could remember the agony, sorrow, and disappointment which came along with them. Then of course the undying coldness that came after them. Not fixing him would lead to the possibility of losing her pillar of light and leave her open to all the pain that she used Feng Qi to avoid.

"Trust me when I say there are no other options." A stern voice entered her ears solidifying her choice. What she was going to do was best for the both of them.

Standing up, Meng gave a full bow to Rong You. "Thank you Master You, I will definitely not disappoint you. I need to fix Feng Qi quickly, therefore I cannot stay today." With that she turned around and walked out of the library doors.


Once Meng left, Rong You automatically dropped his all-knowing posture and started laughing.

"Hahaha! Who dares fight with this old man for his disciple!?"

Even if the person was imaginary it was obvious that the girl cared for them a lot therefore, didn't this show how high a standing he now had?

'No one not even this Feng Qi-' Rong You paused mid-sentence as uncertainty clouded his features. 'Feng Qi... I've heard this name before.'

'Didn't about four years ago two people entered the library talking about a hostage prince called Feng Qi? It couldn't be... Please say I did not release my crazy disciple on some poor unsuspecting child!'

His eyes flashed in alarm as he ran to the library doors and swung them open. Sadly, the girl was already long out of sight.