Chapter Forty-Seven


The wall in front of her disappeared leaving the inconsistent stone floating in the air in its same spot. Meng already expected this to happen, however seeing it in real life still gave her a slight shock.

She leaned in closer to the floating stone and observed it closely. Before she opened the passage way the stone looked nearly just like the other stones.

However, now if one looked closely they would see a small design on it. The design was complicated and Meng didn't have the vocabulary to describe it even if she did read 'Defying Moonlight'.

Her memory of the book only allowed her to see the pyshical body of the people in the book. However, their thoughts were not assessable to her.

For her to open up a formation like this, she would need to be able to define to inscription on it. At the moment she was too unknowledgeable in formations to do so.

'A level one formation trap.'

Meng used her hand to feel the tracing on the stone. Her lips quirked up, as she thought this world is interesting. The energy from the formation made her hand tingle from the contact.

Formations were carvings that only formations masters could create after years of study. However, she didn't have years or even a day. Meng closed her eyes and started to run through the book. She was already this close!

Meng was lost in her thoughts, before a groan entered her ears. Surprised, she jerked her hand away from the formation and stared cautiously at Feng Qi.

He was showing signs of waking up as his eyes started to flutter and his lips turned down into a frown from discomfort.

"Aish. I tried to handle this civilly, but I really just do not have time to figure this out." She mumbled to herself while rolling up her long sleeves.

Even if she was curious to know more about formations, Feng Qi needed treatment right away.

With one slippered foot, Meng stepped back. A feeling of heat started to form inside of her body as she circulated the spiritual energy inside of her. 'All or nothing.'

Once the energy inside was fully active, Meng focused it toward her working hand, causing it to be burning hot.

The pain had turned her skins normally pale skin, pink in seconds. Knowing that her hand had reached its spiritual holding limit, Meng finally threw it out toward the stone.


The stone broke.

Meng let out a sigh in relief as it crumbled to the floor. Just to check if the barrier was really gone, she waved her hand in the empty area where the stone was. No restrictions were left.

Even though formations were tough to handle if the person it is trying to keep out exceeded its power by too much, it would definitely break.

With the annoying obstacle out of the way, Meng's attention shifted back to Feng Qi.

She squatted down before him and waved a hand in-front of his face. His eyes didn't flutter when she did it, therefore it seemed like even after all of that noise he was still asleep.

For a moment, Meng thought that she had perhaps knocked him out wrong. Still for him to be showing signs of waking up so soon was a bit unexpected.

Even though he didn't struggle before, it didn't mean he wouldn't when he woke up. She needed to get him secured before that happened.

Once again, Meng picked up Feng Qi's sleeping body and brought him into the chamber.


Feng Qi opened his eyes, only to find himself lying in a narrow, dimly lit, enclosed area.

He tried to sit up but discovered that his hands and feet were bound to a hard table unable to move at all.

Looking around, he could see a nearly empty room consisting of only a table, which he was on, and Meng sitting in a chair twirling a knife in her hands. She looked lost in thought as she stared off into space.

So she brought him back here? Ru Gu Meng had been acting so different lately that he had completely forgotten about her previous tendencies of loving to bring him to this location.

Normally, about around this time, he would be feeling anger and disgust. However, seeing her small face scrunched up in concentration as she spun the overly large knife made him think that she looked really adorable right now.


Meng, all of a sudden dropped the knife and clarity returned to her eyes. She calmly reached down and grabbed it before looking up. She froze when her and Feng Qi's eye met before she regained herself with wickedness gleaming in her eyes.

"So you are awake." She said in a nonchalant manner as she stood up and slowly walked toward the torture table. Standing over Feng Qi, a evil grin grew on her face. "Welcome to your worst nightmare."