Chapter Forty-Two

Meng didn't move at all as her gaze switched from Ru Gu Xiao to staring directly into the empress's eyes.

Watching the scene while being pressed on to the ground, Ru Gu Xiao gasped in admiration. When did her younger sister become so awesome?

To be able to stand under this kind of cultivation current... what level of cultivation did her sister reach?

Sharp insufferable pain racked Meng's entire body as she forced herself to keep standing. She was unwilling to show a person like this weakness if she didn't have to, doing that would only give them more power. She had long learned this with her parents in her last life.

Since the emperor was already angry, what sense did it make to hold back on the empress?

Their gazes clashed in mid-air causing the room to be filled with tension. Only ending when the empress finally looked away with a huff and withdrew her aura.

Staring into Meng's dark eyes made a chill run down her spine. She didn't know what was so off about the girl, but she instinctively wanted to get away.

"Apologize to your father or next time. You will be dead." With that final message the empress walked past Meng and out of the court room. 

If the pawn does what is right as her daughter she could get back into the emperor's good graces. If she didn't...

Standing in the middle of the court room, Meng didn't move an inch. Her eyes were emotionless as they stared directly in front of her, acting as if everyone around her didn't exist at the moment.

Looking at such dead eyes, the royals couldn't help from taking a few steps back. Their sister was able to withstand the empress's aura and didn't so much as flinch, who knew how deep her power ran?

Was she planning something against them this very moment? glancing at each other they made a tactical agreement. No matter what was going on in Meng's head it was best that they left now.

The three royals loyally picked up the injured Ru Gu Xiao and swiftly made their way out of the court room.


Now, finally all alone, Meng grabbed her chest before collapsing. 'Thankfully, they left.'

Violent, bloody coughs came out of her body as she crouched on the ground of the empty room. Wiping the blood that had leaked from the corner of her mouth with her sleeve, she fought her way into a sitting position.

A dark laughed escaped her lips as she analyzed the mess her body had become. From what she could tell two ribs were broken and one of her arms had gotten sprained.

Not bad considering the circumstances, however it was not nearly good enough. Her hands turned into clenched fists.

Now that she had made her stance clear to the emperor about Feng Qi, he will definitely come looking for trouble in the future. 

At this time, she had no idea about how strong the emperor was, but it wasn't anything she could handle. Ignoring his power alone, the emperor had an entire army at his disposal while she had nothing at this time.  

Meng didn't want to offend this type of person so soon, however what was done was done.

Limping, Meng made her way out of the court room. There was nothing she could do about the emperor right now, therefore she should focus on things she could change.