Chapter Forty-Four

Meng glowed with happiness as she made her way toward the Physicians corridors. Her heart felt light enough to take flight when she thought about healing Feng Qi. Finally she could hold her head high and say that she absolutely did not manipulate her idol.

Imagining his cold and heartless face helped the pain going through her body fade. That's how it always is. No matter what pain 'that Feng Qi' can save me from it. A bright smile blossomed on her face, destroying the darkness that had surrounded her.

Seeing the smile many people in the hallway became captivated. The smile gave the girl a childlike innocence that refreshed their hearts and lifted their spirits. Frozen in blissfulness, no one could figure out the identity of the celestial child...


A sharp sound broke through the light atmosphere and alarm grew in nearly everyone's eyes. This sound isn't it? The hazy image crashed like broken glass.

Anyone who visited the palace often knew this sound. It showed up right before a person went missing.

The now dispirited crowd stared at the girl with broken hearts. It's true, wolves do hide in sheep's clothing...


'Why do they have to be here this time.' Meng glared around the corner at a few physicians talking to each other. She intended to grab a jar of chloroform and then find Feng Qi, however now it seemed that she she would have to alter her plan. It was for the best, she didn't like being around people very much, nevertheless she needed to find out if they had even had that medicine here.

"Ahem." Clearing her throat, Meng walked confidently into the Physicians corridor.

"Princess!" Sounded throughout the room followed by the physicians bowing.

"May I ask the reason for your majesty's visit?" A older looking physician spoke up. He stood in front of his comrades protectively as he glowers at the seven year old in front on him.

"I am looking for medicine."

The older physician calmed down. It looked like she was only here for this, no reason to get worried about it.

"Yes, yes, of course you are. What medicine are you looking for? I'll get it for you right away." The old physician forced a smile.

Meng's face became thoughtful. In 'Defying Moonlight' the world was a lot more different from the one she came from. The small amount of knowledge she had from that world was made useless here. She had no idea if chloroform was the right word to use.

The book mainly surrounded the female protagonist who had a countless number of treasures to knock someone out with. Maybe she should just go steal treasures before that person discovers them...

Meng shook the lazy thoughts out of her head. "Do you have chloroform here?" She decided to try her luck.

The physician's face scrunched up. 'Chloroform?' He never heard of a medicine with this name. "Sorry Princess Meng, this physician is lacking and has never heard of that type of medicine."

Meng wasn't surprised when she heard his response she had expected an answer like this, but wanted to at least try.

"Do you have any medicine that can be used to knock someone out?"

The old physician glanced at the torture belt around her waist and his smile became tighter. The other two physicians realized that this was a secretive matter and left. Silence descended in the room as the physician struggled to answer her question.

They did have stuff like that, however if he gave it to her he might be held accountable for someone she kills. It could be a high ranking official for all he knew. That would jeopardize his entire career and maybe even his life. Both of those things would also be jeopardized if he didn't answer her...

"For healing purposes?" As long as she said yes he could walk away from this without worry. Since she lied to him, he wouldn't be held accountable.

"Uh huh." Meng answered honestly. She didn't think much of the question as she was really going to heal someone with the medicine.

With a pip in his step, the physician grabbed a bottle on a shelf and gave it to Meng. The bottle was one of the safest medicines when it came to knocking people out. With this no one would be able to say he had any part of the murder.

"Of course you are! Here you go this liquid is made out of purple spirit grass, dream bark, and cloud water. Hold it over your vict-ahem, patients mouth and nose for ten minutes and they will be asleep for around an hour. If you hold it to their nose longer than they will sleep longer."

Meng opened the bottle and took a deep breath. Thankfully, she encountered all of the stated ingredients in 'Defying Moonlight'. They weren't used for the same purpose, however she knew their smell. They weren't anything dangerous and considering the fact that she felt dizzy after breathing it in, it was real.

"Thank you."

Meng left the Physician corridor and headed toward Feng Qi's room. She had no idea where he was at this time and his room was her best bet.