Chapter Fifty-Three


Hearing the door open up, Rong You dropped the book he was studying on. His appearance at the moment gave him the look of someone who was caught red handed. However, like the skilled master he was, he quickly fixed his face and stood up with his hands behind his back.

With a serious expression, Rong You stared with anticipation at the door. No one else really came to the library accept that devil disciple of his so he didn't second guess who it was.

Yet, even though he expected Ru Gu Meng to come, his couldn't help his eyebrow going up in surprise when she came in.

Not because of Ru Gu Meng's current appearance of being covered in bags as she had already left him in the state where he could barely be surprised by her. He was surprised because this was the first time she brought someone along with her.

Rong You quickly analyzed the person next to Meng.

The woman appeared to be a servant in her teens. She was sickly thin, with short black hair and feline like black eyes. Overall, she wasn't anything to look at, however the noticeable absence of her arm made it difficult to ignore her. Also, the dislike in her eye as she glanced at his disciple made Rong You have the urge to slap her out of his library.

"Girl, who is this person you brought with you and why are you carrying so much."

Even though everyone knew that Rong You managed the library, no one had any idea that he was an cultivation expert. He had people after him at the moment and definitely did not want it getting out. Therefore, with someone who didn't seem trust worthy here, he was put on edge.

With a huff, like a wet dog, Meng shook off all the bags on to the floor before looking up at Rong You. "This person, is my new guard, Su Lou."

"New guard?" Rong You looked back at the crippled maid who gave him the feeling that if looks could kill, Meng would be six feet under right now. All of a sudden, he had the urge to shake Meng and ask her who was the one who helped her catalyze her spiritual energy and fix her cultivation. It really didn't seem like they were the same person at all!

"Yes sir, also the reason I've brought so many bags is because I intend to move here in order to fully practice on cultivation."

Rong You, who was fully prepared to scold Meng on her choices did a complete 360 when he heard her next words. Happiness filled his eyes. "Of course you are!"

As he thought, he never goes wrong when he picks out talent. Now that she is focusing on cultivation, she will be an expert in no time! All of the previous complaints disappeared from his mind.

"Let this old man help you to your room." Hastily, Rong You grabbed up Meng's bags and rushed to the back of the library. Now that his disciple was coming to him for cultivation help, how could he possibly give her time to change her mind?

The movement was so quick that it give Meng the feeling that she was being robbed. In order to not lose him, Meng followed right away through the lines of books toward the far back of the never ending library.

The only one left at the front of the library was Su Lou, who was still in a state in shock that Meng wasn't lying about having a friend. Didn't this mean that she now had to deal with two psychos...