Chapter sixty-six

The library was extremely quiet as time passed and it seemed that Meng had fallen into a coma. The fact alone left Rong You disappointed because he knew while in the coma Meng wouldn't grow at all.

As the days went by he became increasingly worried that she would spend the entire year in a coma. His decision to start off with extreme methods had definitely backfired.

Sitting in front of a old chess board, Rong You looked up from one of the wooden pieces to see Su Lou collapse again while taking a cultivation stance. She quickly retook the stance, but the already annoyed Rong You was set off.

"Fail. You have to last a week longer now. If you fail 3 more times I might just turn you into a pill. At least then you would be useful to my disciple." His words were merciless as he chastised Su Lou and afterwards he roughly put the chess piece on the board.

The move made Su Lou flinch and her crane like pose broke again as her foot touched the ground. Just like before she tried to get into position as fast as possible only to hear Rong You's annoyed voice say "2 more times."

She broke out into a cold sweat and sincerely hoped her demon master could wake up and save her from the devil.

As if answering her wish and all of a sudden Rong You stopped looking at the board and his attention shifted quickly toward Meng. He could detect a change in heart rate, which hadn't happened for days now.

The stiff expression left his old face and his eyebrows smoothed out. It was the first sign that His disciple would wake up soon and that was good enough for him.

Even though he was prepared for her to wake up, Rong You was shocked when Meng's eyes flipped open and her cold brown eyes met his. Without stopping for a second her eyes went to Su Lou before traveling across the room.

A tint of confusion could be seen in them as they continued to search the place before resting on the door. Then for an unexplainable reason the normally cold eyes seemed to take on a slight warm glow.

Rong You was baffled and confusion and was about to speak up before a loud explosion was heard from the library door.

Rong You stood up swiftly and knocked over the chess table while doing so causing the pieces to fly everywhere. Also surprised Su Lou dropped from her pose again, however thankfully Rong You was distracted and didn't notice.

"Hmm the attack didn't break the allusion formation I put on the library, but it was by no means small." His eyes drifted over to the glowing Meng. "While a level 2 formation is easy to replace it is a hassle for someone like me. Therefore, it would probably be best to kill..."

Rong You didn't get to finish his statement before he felt the all too familiar killing intent cross over his body. However, this time it seemed ten time more violent then usual! Curiosity filled his heart about who was on the outside of the formation. Unfortunately, if he left now the formation would drop and he didn't want to add an unneeded distraction to his disciple's training.

The formation right now made it so that one could enter the library and check out books, but everything Rong You wanted hidden couldn't be seen and the person couldn't be viewed by him either. The only way to break it was to unravel or destroy the formation on the door if one could find it. For the person on the other end to find the formation at all was unexpected for him.