Chapter sixty-eight

Once Rong You finally came to terms with what happened happened his eyes that glanced at the chess board were filled with enlightenment.

While his disciple might beat him in raw concentration it didn't mean she could beat him at everything. In fact he was rather sure she couldn't beat him in chess.

Once again Rong You sought the gain face back from Meng. "Disciple have you ever played chess?"

Meng looked away from the door and glanced at the board Rong You was sitting in front of. It was a board covered in small little things that were placed in a specific organization.

She felt that she had heard the word chess mentioned in some book, but she didn't know anything about it at all except for the name.

"Never heard of it." Meng said in a dull tone. This didn't involve Feng Qi or books therefore why should she care?

To be fair Meng's behavior was a defense system she had long set up to things she didn't understand. After all, she understood she couldn't express the same emotions as others unless it involved Feng Qi or was a book, where she could read the emotions of others.

Everything she did since she found Defying Moonlight had been motivated by Feng Qi. This included the basic desire to live and the will to start writing online to make money. It all came from the fact that Feng Qi made her feel that as long as she could read about him she had to fight to live.

She owes him everything and more, which is why she was willing to put herself through training, however this "chess" wasn't relevant.

Meng's eyes held undeniable dismissal, that Rong You failed to pick up. With a swipe of his hand once again Meng was forcefully dragged across the room.

It even seemed he completely forgot that her entire challenge was to reach the fort from the far back. In fact, he was involuntarily helping her. Meng estimated her new distance from the door and decided for now she would keep her mouth shut.

"Now pay close attention as this is vital for you to become stronger. I will teach you the basics then we will start our first game." Rong You said while fixing the pieces on the board. Every time he put one in its original position he would state whatever movement they are capable of.

After Meng heard that it was apart of he training she decided to focus on what he was saying. Once he was done explaining she couldn't help, but find the game slightly ridiculous. The restricted movement of each of the pieces just seemed like an unneeded headache to her.

"Now because you are new I will allow you to start first." Rong You motioned for Meng to start, in which she casually moved a rook in the middle of the board forward.

When Rong You saw her first movement he guessed his hypothesis was correct. Then he thoroughly and utterly annihilated Ru Gu Meng.

When Meng saw her king piece couldn't move anymore she rested her hand on her lap. "You won." She couldn't deny that she was relived the game was done with. Overall it was nothing but a headache.

"Disciple have you ever heard of the word strategy?" Rong You was suffering from a headache after the game as-well, but it was mainly because the game was too simple!

"Is that an insult?" Meng's face turned black at the ridiculous question.