Chapter Seventy

Foot steps sounded before Rong You came out from the book shelves and sat down in a seat to the right of Meng.

"It seems you finally got full control of your body. Even though it took you a while this master is forgiving. Are you ready to move on to the next segment."

Meng looked up before looking down again her hand twisted around one of the white chess pieces.

"Rong You is there a way is send people out of the formation here?

Rong You's eye twitched. Why did it seem that suddenly seeing through his formations were very easy???

This kingdom that he chose to rest in had far too many couching tigers and hidden dragons.

"How did you know it was a formation?"

"The spiritual energy is slightly off compared to the outside world. It contains your specific spiritual energy in it. Therefore, it only seems plausible that we are in a formation you set up." Meng said in a dull tone.

He didn't want to teach this kind of demonic disciple anymore.

"I'm glad you aren't so slow to miss such obvious details."

The fight to keep his face had long been lost. At this point only shamelessness kept him sane.

"Speaking of letting people out. I can do so, however to not completely break the formation they have to be someone weak enough that I can easily contain them and push them through the formations membrane."

Meng's eyes floated to Su Lou who, at the moment, had her eyes closed as she tried to cultivate.

"Will she do?"

Rong You followed Meng's line of sight. "She is more likely to get through successfully than anyone else here at the moment. After taking the dan pill your energy is too chaotic to not break the formation shield."

Meng nodded her head. She didn't have any plans of leaving yet before her time anyway. After her last encounter with Feng Qi, the high of transmigrating had worn off.

Feng Qi wasn't just an object to her and for some reason she found herself not wanting him to suffer the slightest grievance. The only way to fulfill that goal was to get stronger.

"Su Lou?"

The girl on the ground stiffened before her eyes opened up. "Yes Princess?"

"You are going to be leaving the library for a bit. I need you to find out some information about what's going on in court. Do you think you will be able to?"

"This guard has friends who work for some of the concubines. It shouldn't be to hard to find something out."

Su Lou stated as she got up. Due to constant work she became accustomed to her missing arm and no longer had issues moving around.

"Good. This is the first important task I'm giving you. Don't fail."

Meng's eyes were extremely dark causing Su Lou to think of what happened shortly after they got here.

Su Lou bowed quickly. "I won't"

With that, Rong You enveloped Su Lou in his aura and in seconds she disappeared from the room. The only sign of what happened was a small ripple in the air.