The Aftermath

Red eyed and full of greed, the thousands of eggs of the Giant Rock Eater slowly hatched and were welcomed into the world.

On the 3 millionth revolution since the first life was brought to Terra, a new age began.

And here, marks the start of the grand battle for survival.

Spreading all over Terra, the Rock Eaters dug deep into the foundations of the crust, destabilizing the land and disturbing the sleeping magma chambers below.

With this disturbance, the volcanoes, which had been at peace for many years, suddenly woke up. Thus, once again, making their forgotten presence known.

Eruptions upon eruptions, the world shook, and the deep tunnels and caverns that the Rock Eaters made under the crust of Terra proved fatal.

Rocks, soil, and dirt rained down. Mountains crumbled and ravines fell apart.

As the magma reached the surface and lava rained down upon them, all living beings struggled to survive as they stood on unstable land.

But, that wasn't all.

With the rain of lava, it brought with it, strange red crystals from deep within the planet.

Glowing and pulsing, it sent out an imperceptible vibration that drew all life to it.

A subconscious suggestion directly into their minds.

They must have it.

They must eat it.

For those that managed to own it will be held as rulers of Terra.

So, while the planet was slowly crumbling, all life began to wage war upon each other.

Fighting, eating and killing. With no distinction of family or race.

All that was in their eyes were the red crystals.


"Welcome." A cheery voice greeted as the bells on the door jingled, signifying the arrival of a new customer.

Quickly entering Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions like he was trying to run away from something, Ymir mentally heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing that there were only two customers around his age inside. Much unlike the packed and bustling scene outside.

He'd been bumped into so frequently that his skin started itch. As soon as he gets home, he's taking a long, long shower.

"Hogwarts uniform, I presume?" Madam Malkin asked as she lead him into the shop.

"Yes, but please include ten sets of daily robes and sleeping robes with seven pairs of black gloves." Ymir answered as he looked around, relieved that the shop atleast looked more organized than the others he'd seen.

"Alright. Just up those stools, dear, to get your measurements." After pointing to where the two other customers were, Madam Malkin went to grab her measuring equipment.

"Have you got your own broom?" A pale, blonde boy asked.

"No." Replied the boy with messy hair and glasses.

As he passed by, he heard some bits of their awkward conversation.

How cute. They look just like ornamental dolls. One was a cute ball of suppressed excitement, while the other was a cute ball of suppressed anxiety.

Watching them was like breathing fresh air after being forced to smell only smoke and sulfur for a whole day. Refreshing.

So with a relaxed smile, he greeted them both politely.

"Guten Tag." He was so relaxed that he forgot that he was in Britain and needed to speak in English.

"Hello. From Germany?" Fortunately, one of them understood, quickly greeting him back with curiosity. The blonde boy seemed to take one look at him and his attire and decided that he was a more interesting conversation partner than the other boy.

Though his sudden disinterest was probably considered a relief to the boy with glasses since he looked like he had no idea what they were previously talking about.

To this, Ymir just huffed in amusement.

"Yes." He said simply as Madam Malkin came back with a measuring tape which quickly flew around him and began measuring on its own. "Ymir Schreiber. First year attending Hogwarts."

After hearing his name and quickly pinpointing just which pureblood family he belonged to in his mind, the blonde boy immediately straightened up from his seat.

"Draco Malfoy. Pleasure to meet you." The boy nodded to him, being unable to shake his hand since Madam Malkin was still measuring him, which was fortunate for Ymir as he didn't want a repeat of what happened with Ollivander just yet. "Do you play Quidditch, by any chance?"

This boy sure does like Quidditch.

Ymir shook his head and pinched the corner of the naughty measuring tape which was trying to get inside his clothes. "I haven't played it myself, but I have seen it before with mein vater when Deutschland hosted the annual Quidditch League five years ago."

To this, Draco pursed his lips.

"Oh- well, you should try it sometime. Father said I would for sure be picked to play for my house." Upon mentioning his father, the boy's eyes practically glistened with admiration and pride. "Do you know which house you'll be in yet?"

Then, the topic changed again. Was this child fed with too much sugar?

"Ravenclaw." He answered with no hesitation. "I heard they hide books possessed not even by Hogwarts' great library."

"Pity. My entire family has been Slytherin for generations." Draco shrugged but said nothing else of the German boy's decision. Ravenclaw was more acceptable than the other two options, atleast. "Imagine being a Hufflepuff though. I'd leave immediately."

Ymir raised an eyebrow. Why did he say it as though being a part of a splendid house was an embarrassment?

"I suppose it depends on what you value the most. Ravenclaw values knowledge, Slytherin values ambition, Griffindor values bravery, and Hufflepuff values loyalty." He laid down the information that he knew the other boys most likely haven't been told. "Or so, I've read."

Here, the two boys looked at him with surprise. Have they really not read up on the History of Hogwarts?

"Huh. Never knew that before." Draco admitted quietly. "And you?"

Suddenly, the attention was shifted to the boy who had been staying quiet.

"Hmm?" Having just been listening in on the conversation between the two boys who obviously knew more about the wizarding world than he did, and trying to absorb as much knowledge as he could secretly, he was caught unaware when the two boys suddenly turned their attention to him.

"Which house do you think you'll be in?" Draco clarified his question, thinking that he hadn't heard.

"I don't know?" All that he knew was the names of the four houses and the traits most valued by them. But, he had just learned that he was a wizard for less than a day and hadn't really thought about what exactly he valued the most. Everything was all too confusing for him.

"Makes sense. No one really knows until they're there." Fortunately, Draco didn't pursue for an answer, and quickly switched to another topic once he lost interest. "Anyways, what do you like doing the most? For me, it's playing Quidditch."

And, as expected, the beloved wizard sport was mentioned once again. Ymir chuckled quietly.

But, the thing he liked to do the most... There was reading, of course, but recently, the thing that occupied his mind and time the most was-

"Developing a planet and creating variants of lifeforms, I suppose." Ymir answered honestly and bluntly, not caring about how others would understand his words.

"Pardon?" Draco furrowed his brows in confusion.

The boy with glasses snorted. "That sounds like a game my cousin would play on his computer."

"Computer?" The creases between Draco's eyebrows went deeper as his confusion grew.

"You know... video games?" And, suddenly, the boy was back to being hesitant, faced with two confused boys. How the table have turned. Previously, it was just him being confused. Now, he was the one making them confused.

"No, I do not know." Ymir frowned, not liking the feeling of not knowing things. Already, he was planning to find out what it was, for sure.

"Oh..." The boy started fidgeting, his stance becoming defensive. At this moment, Madam Malkin finally finished his measurements and inadvertently rescued him from the nerve-wracking situation. "Then maybe you should try visiting an arcade. You might find it interesting. Well, I'm done, so I guess I'll see you at Hogwarts!"

With that said, the boy quickly hopped off the stool and left, leaving the two boys staring at his back blankly.

"... What is an arcade?" Ymir muttered to himself thoughtfully.

"No idea."

For a moment, both boys were quietly thinking, until Draco was no longer able to keep to himself.

"By the way, I'm hosting a tea party three days from now so, if you're free, you can come too." Extending an invitation for tea on the first meeting, it was clear that the boy took a liking to the other and was willing to forge a tentative friendship. "I'll send you a portkey by owl on the day before."

This should be something like a way for children of pureblood families to form connections which would help them through their school years.

If his father wasn't in Nurmengard, Ymir would also be expected to do the same.

"I see. I'll be delighted to come." Giving Draco a meaningful smile, he said. In any case, having connections with the heir of the Malfoy family would give him some convenience not just in Hogwarts, but in the whole British magic society.

"And, that's you done, my dear." Madam Malkin patted him on the shoulder.

Unknown to them, outside the shop, a certain boy wearing glasses confronted a Half-giant man hesitantly.

"Hagrid, can wizards create planets?" He asked cautiously.

"Huh?" The half-giant gave him a strange look as he stuffed the last bite of his ice-cream into his mouth.

"Nevermind. Last one to buy is the wand, right?" Instantly regretting even asking, the boy shook his head.


Cracks and Fissures riddled the ground. Steam and hot water were forced out from underground in geysers.

Bones and rocks mixed together. Blood diluted in the water. Corpses floated in pools of acid, quickly being melted away.

As more and more continued to die, an unseen black wisp began to gather towards a deep crevice where a mountain of dead creatures piled up.

Here, blood gushed down in rivers, staining everything red. But, even in all this red, the luster of the red crystals still managed to distinguish itself.

From each corpse that laid in Terra, a black wisp emerged and converged in a single point, following them, all the red crystals in the planet flew, as though being attracted by a magnet.

Little by little, black wisps and red crystals began to form a single entity.

A single egg laid quietly on a nest made from the dead.


July 31, 1991

01- Terra

Observation Entry #8

The planet is dead.

No, not exactly dead. There were still a few that managed to survive, but, out of the nine animal species on Terra, four whole species have gone extinct; The Sickled Grasshoppers, the Slimey Frogmen, the Spiked Guppies, and the True Gold Fishes. The rest had their population cut down to a scant few.

It was fortunate that I managed to save several living samples of the True Gold Fishes before the extinction occured. They are now safely swimming in an ornament fish tank in the manor.

Moving on, with the planet having just gone through an upheaval, sadly, many plant life have also been lost.

So far, I've only seen some Bleeding Weeds, Eyeball Beans, and Walking Mangrove Ferns still standing. Whether the other plants could still have a chance of growing again is still to be seen.

Hopefully, some seeds or roots they have left hidden underground manage to survive.

For now, in order to avoid the potential loss of specimens again, I have collected several samples of each surviving species to preserve on Earth.

Except the Rock Eaters and the Ants. They were too big to be kept secretly. And, honestly, I actually don't mind if they went extinct.

Looking at the destruction in Terra once again, I can't help but feel helpless.

At this point, it would be much easier to create a new planet completely from scratch than to try and fix this mess.

Maybe that was because I was too hasty when creating Terra.

On another note, as I was scavenging through the surface of the planet in search of scattered plant seeds, I found something interesting.

There was an unidentified egg the size of a quaffle just sitting on top of a mountain of corpses. Or, maybe they should be called a nest of corpses in this case.

The egg's shell had a rough and grainy texture, and was black with strange red spots. When I tried to pick it up, it nearly fell to my feet with how heavy it was.

I couldn't pin point what creature laid the egg since it didn't look like any of the eggs the creatures of Terra laid.

In any case, I decided to take it back to Earth to study it.

Afterwards, maybe I'll try to investigate just what caused the extinction to occur.

Am I being too calm about this?

Entry End


Loud music, dim interior, lights of various colors, and strange machines that showed images lined up together.

So, this was an arcade.

And the images in the machines were video games.

Ymir stood by the door blankly.

Yes, he was here now. But how does he begin? Where does he begin? In fact, how does anything here work?

"Need any assistance there, lad?" A muggle, perhaps seeing his hesitance, came up to him and asked.

Ymir took a step back. This is the closest he's been to a muggle and he has no idea how to take it.

This was a bad idea. He shouldn't have come here.

A pureblood wizard wandering alone in the muggle world. Insanity.