The Hows and Whys of Ben's Transmigration

𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲!


A lesser god who had only one world with sentient life in his region in which he reigned grew dissatisfied with how slow it was progressing. The people had taken centuries upon centuries just to carve a few small settlements out of Planet Victus's wilderness.

After introducing Qi to Planet Victus the lesser god watched as some of the animals of this world change from meek and docile to ferocious profound creatures with no fear. He hoped this would push the people of this world into becoming stronger by forcing them to learn how to cultivate Qi, use magic, and invent new technologies to defend themselves.

A few of them did become stronger and they led their people to safer lands away from the constant attacks of the profound beasts. Once they had found new lands which were safe they fell right back into their peaceful ways and continued to live in harmony with the neighboring tribes and clans.

This lesser god was in no way a warmonger but he knew conflict breeds creativity. In order to survive people thought of new theories and created new inventions which would help to advance their civilizations along.

The lesser god also thought if these people learned how to cultivate and use magic they would grow stronger and begin to expand around the world. Planet Victus was twice the size of Earth and most of it was still unexplored. He was hoping for an age of discovery were these people would set off toward the horizon and settle new lands in the name of their people!

It seemed this god found his only entertainment was in watching this planet evolve so he looked for ways to push them along. The problem with this was the upper realm gods had made it a law in which a god could not directly change any of the worlds in their region or another gods region.

The most they could do is introduce new energies, materials, or species into their worlds. It wasn't possible for them to directly hand over new technologies or force their people to make changes.

The gods could reincarnate people from their world or other worlds who were not claimed by that world's god and it was possible to transmigrate a person not claimed by another god right before their death.

If a god could find a person who was going to die they could pull them out of their world just before they died and leave behind a DNA matching corpse clone of that person.

This god had searched through the more advanced civilizations in the nearby universes for a person who would soon die that had an understanding of QI, Mana, primitive civilizations, primitive warfare, lesser species, and was now living in a modern advanced civilization.

His idea was if he could find such a person from an advanced civilization they could indirectly introduce modern knowledge and technologies to his struggling world.

Trying to find a person of this caliber who would soon die and was not claimed by another god was not an easy task. This lesser god took a gamble when he came across Ben King who was still very young and was not highly educated.

Honestly, he wanted to find a person of higher stature who was possibly a leader or a brilliant minded person. These types of people were always claimed by the other gods of their region for reincarnation or transmigration. This Ben King only had a minimal knowledge of the things he was looking for in a person and he was only nineteen years old on top of it all. He continued to look around without any luck and had to come back to this young Ben King just before it was his time to die.

This lesser god did not have the powers to directly pull Ben from his world at the right moment while he was controlling the weather and creating a perfect clone, so he had to make preparations to teleport him away just before his death.

Now this lesser god knew nothing of video games and electronics the human's of Earth had created so when he pulled Ben from his world into his neighboring universe he was intrigued to find all the extra data that came along with him from the laptop.

The bolt of lightning he had redirected to strike Ben was used to generate the power needed for the transportation ring under him and to also link him to the ring as well. By chance, the redirected lightning had passed through the laptop and linked the entire hard drive's data to the transportation ring along with Ben.

Even though Ben had the lightning bolt pass through him he was transported away before it could actually kill him. The timing was so perfect it only made Ben pass out from the initial shock.

This god had originally planned to place a beneficial virus in Ben which was created to help him learn and advance quickly in cultivation and magic. This beneficial virus would attach itself to the host's brain and help to rewire the neural network to use more of the brain's functions and unlock unused parts of the brain over time.

Ben would have never known this virus was in him and would have only thought he had a natural genius talent for cultivating and casting spells.

Even if this was a lesser god he was still a god and could understand everything in the computer's data. He could simply look at any of the game's coding or the operating system's coding and instantly know how it was used.

He absorbed the music, books, photos, games, software coding and found the stories about people being transmigrated with systems that they could talk with, and help them advance toward many types of goals.

The lesser god found Ben enjoyed these system stories and strategy games that allowed you to build civilizations, raise troops and battle foes.

This was a perfect way for him to encourage Ben to shake up his world! Ben could be introduced into his world with the ability to create fortifications and armies like his games while also allowing him to retain the benefits of quick cultivation and magic advancements from the virus.

If he created one of these systems that would allow Ben the options that these games had and provided him quick almost instant results it wouldn't be long until the other people of Victus were exposed to them.

There was one problem, this god knew humans did not cherish anything that was given to them freely. If Ben could metaphorically snap his fingers and be able to create a fortress or settlement filled with people without any type of investment, he would never have a sense of attachment to it.

If a strong force were to come along and challenge him he could simply run away and create a new place filled with new people. This god did not want Ben to fall into the peaceful ways of living in harmony and avoiding conflict which the rest of this world's population had tried to accomplish. There were sections of this planet which were not peaceful but most of them had no ambitions and simply squabble on small scales without achieving anything.

He knew if Ben felt invested in his lands and people and someone came along and tried to take it away or killed his hard-earned population and structures he would want to seek revenge. This would lead to him gaining new lands and spreading his influence.

His modern structures, products and ways of life would begin to spread around the world as the local population was exposed to him.

This was why the lesser god decide to use the game's mechanics of needing resources and money to purchase skills, spells, and to construct buildings. The harder Ben worked to build up a fortress and house a population the more he would appreciate and protect them from falling into enemy hands.

Now he didn't want to make things to difficult on Ben and have him die before he could even get a foothold in the world so he made it possible for him to develop skills and spells if he trained himself. He needed Ben to live so that his existence would continue to influence this primitive world!

So the lesser god used the coding he absorbed from the laptop and advanced it beyond anything used on Earth. The virus that he had originally made was soon programmed into a nano-biological quantum AI that would merge with Ben and provide him with all the system options he has now and even a few that he has yet to discover.

The lesser god inserted the system into Ben's brain and then sent him down to an area of the planet with the least amount of progress but still had a decent population level.

There were other places on the planet that had stronger more advanced civilizations and higher ranked cultivators and magi, but they were also considered primitive civilizations compared to Earth.

Instead of sending him to the areas with stronger foes this god chose to place Ben in an area where he could still influence a large number of people and not be killed off by stronger cultivators or magi.

These stronger cultivators and magi the lesser god had once hoped would speed things along only seemed to be currently interested in perfecting their cultivation techniques or increasing the output of their spells. They had separated themselves from the societies who spoiled them for being strong and lived almost as hermits to only grow stronger without trying to help their fellow man move forward.

This is how Ben found himself in another universe laying in an open field with a system merging with him. He was supposed to die that day sitting out on his balcony The lightning bolt that struck him was supposed to hit the balcony on the floor above him.

That balcony would have then separated from the apartment building and fell down crushing Ben and separating his balcony from the building.

It seems the company who had built his apartment building did not use the right type of anchor bolts to secure the balconies and over the years they corroded and weakened.

When the redirected lightning that struck him linked him to the teleporter formation he was instantly transported away, but his dummy corpse clone and his balcony collapsed down on to the lower balconies.

He was the only one that "died" and the only thing that changed about the tragic accident was that Ben's balcony was the first to fall and not the one above him.

His grandparents who had only a few years back lost their son and his wife now lost their only grandson. Even though they were heartbroken they received a sizable life insurance settlement from the accident that would allow them to live comfortably through their golden years.

Little did they know their precious grandson was now happily living on another planet and was doing well for himself.