Chapter 98

Scrolling through the Build Menu Ben found the SECT Category and opened it. He had to deconstruct his Qi chamber when he took down the keep so he decided to make a new one next to the Renaissance Castle.

Now that Mythia was healthier and had begun to put on weight while developing her overall strength through daily training Ben thought it was time to get her started on the road to becoming an official cultivator.

If she was going to start cultivating soon he would need more than one Qi Chamber. Right beside one another, he built two Qi chambers, two Gravity Chambers, and a SECT Library.

[Qi Gathering Chamber]: A small room which has a Qi gathering array located under the floor. Five times more Qi can be accumulated inside each chamber. The large amounts of Qi allow sect members to increase cultivation gains at an accelerated pace. [Costs; 500g]

[Gravity Chamber]: A training room with adjustable degrees of gravity. Through the exertion of applied gravity sect members can build strength and stamina at an accelerated pace.

[Costs; 500g]

[SECT Library]: A large room which provides sect members access to system-link chairs. Sect members can learn provided cultivation techniques by using these system-link chairs. All cultivation techniques must be purchased from the System Store. You may also download all previously known techniques. [Costs; 1000g]

Ben entered the SECT Library and found it looked like an ancient library inside. There are books and old scrolls on the surrounding outer walls but they were only decoration. When tried to remove a book he found it was actually part of the wall.

The books and scrolls are not needed though, the real way to review cultivation techniques in this SECT Library is to use the system-link chairs in the center of the room. In three neat rows, there are ten system-link chairs in each row. This will allow thirty people to use SECT Library at one time.

'Athena, when you did a scan of Mythia did it provide you with enough information to help me pick a cultivation technique for her?'

*Ding* [I did a thorough mapping scan through the HALO of her brain and body to open her meridians and to reroute key neurons for cultivation. This was basically the same scan I previously used on you to find your optimal technique. As long as someone is scanned by me with the HALO then yes I can help you to sort through the System Store techniques for the best match for them.]

'Then please do that, I want you to find the best cultivation suited for her. It needs to be one she can cultivate with until she reaches peak cultivation without having any hindering side effect. '

*Ding!* [Search complete! The best available technique for her would be the Nine Divine Blizzards.]

One technique was displayed in the System Store menu for Ben to review after a quick search by Athena.

[Nine Divine Blizzards]:

A unique technique which augments the cultivator's Qi with cold Yin energy. This technique not only increases strength, it is also known to enhance the cultivator's skin and features making it a highly desirable technique for female cultivators. [1000g]

"Damn these top-tier techniques are pricey. This one cost just as much as my Immortal Strengthening Technique. It doesn't sting as bad as it did when I was just starting out but it stings enough to just about finish off the rest of my current funds." Ben whispered as he looked over the price for the technique.

'This does look like an interesting technique though. I wonder what is the deal with cold Yin energy? This technique seems to also have similar effects to the Springtide Rejuvenation pill.'

*DING!* [The cold Yin energy will allow the cultivator to be virtually immune to cold environments and can lend a slight freezing effect to their attacks. A high stage cultivator with cold Yin energy in their Qi can temporarily immobilize a target when they project their cold Yin energy Qi into an attack.]

'Then this technique will work similar to a freeze spell whenever she hits someone they will be momentarily immobilized. This is awesome I'm definitely getting this one for her.'

Ben purchased the [Nine Divine Blizzards technique] for Mythia and added it to the SECT Library along with his [Immortal Strengthening Technique], [Whirlwind Maneuver Technique], and [Aura Assault Technique].

He then made a lesson menu for Mythia to learn the Nine Divine Blizzards technique, the Whirlwind Maneuver Technique, and the Aura Assault Technique.

There isn't much more I can do now I guess I can cultivate until morning and then surprise Mythia.

Ben went into one of the Qi chambers and took out his leather lounge chair and placed it the center of the room. He flipped the switch to activate the Qi gathering formation and got comfortable in his chair.

Athena kept a watch on Mythia's map marker to and alerted him when she woke up and began to move around. When she came downstairs with her gym bag over her shoulder, Ben met her at the door with a smile on his face.

"You can set down the gym bag, for now, I have a surprise for you."

Ben walked her over to the SECT Library and went inside.

"I am sure you are familiar with the system-link chair from school right?" Ben asked as he pointed at the chairs in the center of the room.

Mythia who was curious looking around the room turned to look at the rows of system-link chairs. "Yes, it looks just like the ones I learn from at the schools." She answered.

"Well, system-link chairs will teach you techniques and these techniques are what will make you a true cultivator."

"You mean it! I can begin to learn cultivator stuff now!" Mythia had stars in her eyes looking at the new system-link chairs neatly lined up before them.

Ben chuckled and said, "Exactly! The first technique you will learn is called [Nine Divine Blizzards] and as you use this technique you will climb through stages and levels. Each stage has nine levels and as you climb through the stages and levels you will continue to increase your strength. You have done an excellent job going to the Gym every day and increasing your strength but it is time to truly learn how to increase your strength. For now on I want you to begin attending school in the morning and then cultivating until the sun begins to set."

Mythia turned her head to the side and asked, "What exactly is cultivating? When my Papa used to dig up the fields he said it was cultivating, but it can't be the same thing right?"

Ben laughed and said, "Instead of me explaining go ahead and use the system-link chair. I've added three techniques for you already. It will be just like school. You will learn one at a time but it will not take long to learn a technique. Go on now hop up there and try it out." Ben said as he walked her over to the chair.

Mythia climbed into the nearest chair and placed the electrodes on her temples with adept familiarity. She laid back and closed her eyes when the chair began to make a soft electrical humming sound.

Ben laid down on the chair next to her and began to cultivate. Three hours passed and Ben heard Mythia begin to stir next to him. She had now learned her main cultivation technique and could circulate her Qi in the correct directions to properly execute her new technique.

The two of them left the SECT Library and entered the empty Qi Chamber. Ben explained what the chamber did and how to use it. He purchased a nice comfortable reclining chair for her and left her in the chamber to begin her first steps toward becoming a cultivator.

He was nervous when he stepped outside and left her all alone. She was still a young girl and he was afraid she might somehow hurt herself by not cultivating properly or trying to somehow cut corners.

There wasn't anything he could do though this was one of those things you had to learn on your own and others could only help you along so much with it. He had to trust her and allow her to walk forward on her on two feet.

By the time the sun began to set Mythia was an official cultivator! She was now a Stage One: Level Two. From what Athena had told Ben because Mythia had been subjected to the HALO the changes which were made to her mind and body it allowed her to quickly solidify her levels. Her meridians were all previously opened like Ben's so there were no intense breakthroughs or bottlenecks to deal with for her.

Depending on the grade of the technique it could normally take a month to a year to solidify each level foundation for a normal cultivator. Mythia had solidified her level one foundation in under a half a day!

She may not have the benefits to keep up with the speed at which Ben could gain levels but she wasn't all that far behind him.

The two of them left the Qi chambers and went to eat dinner at the Restaurant. Unlike Ben Mythia still had a normal appetite and she had not eaten all day. As the two of them enjoyed a large meal Ben explained once she advanced a little further in her school studies he was going to have her take a break from school and begin to attend the Wizardry School to learn magic.

Mythia was still only fourteen years old so there was no need to rush her through school. Ben also had plans to invade the Trareniel Kingdom and make good on his declaration of war. He wanted to bring Mythia along with him so she only had four to six months to become as strong as possible.

After they ate dinner the two of them watched a movie at the theater and spent the rest of the night in the castle penthouse.

The next morning Ben went out to gather the custom clothing, gear, weapons, and armor he had made the Half-Giants and placed it in the ten bedrooms of their future home.

While he was in there he went into their private classroom and arranged lessons for them to learn.


[Half-Giant's Lessons Schedule]


[Course One]

Shield Fighting and Defence

Heavy Armor Fighting

Sword Proficiency

Axe Proficiency

Throwing Techniques

[Course Two]

Axe Mastery

Sword Mastery

Unarmed Melee

Charging Attacks

Twin Weapon Fighting

Compass Land Navigation


Before Generals Victor and Decius left their homes to train the troops, Ben stopped by and asked them to have forty archers and forty dismounted knights ready to travel tomorrow morning.

He planned to bring the new recruits who hadn't received any training yet back from the borders. They had been stationed out at the border road fortifications now for two months. It was time to bring them home to introduce them to the generals and allow them to attend classes and be field trained.

He left the generals homes after everything was arranged and went down into the valley to where his farms were built. Ben had begun to worry about the cold weather approaching and how it would affect his crop growth.

The system farms worked on a wholly different principle than a standard farm. They had an accelerated growth rate that allowed them to turn out multiple mature yields per day. The problem was they would soon be buried by snow and no matter how special his farms are plants buried by snow were going to suffer.

Ben had already built a massive greenhouse restaurant in Goldcrest so he had enough experience to begin a new one. By using the custom build option he began designing an enormous greenhouse that would cover his Farms, Ranches, and Plantations. He also had an idea to add the Street Heating Coils to the greenhouse design.

One foot under the soil of the entire enclosed greenhouse Ben added Street Heating Coils. This would allow the surface soil to remain at 60 degrees throughout the winter and the heat would rise into the greenhouse air to keep the winter chill away inside.

Just as he had done with his Restaurant Greenhouse, Ben also added glass panes that could be opened. Once summer came back around the temperature inside the greenhouse would get hot and he needed a way to exhaust the interior heat.

The greenhouse roof vents were designed with automatic vent openers. The Goldcrest Restaurant vents used electric motors to open and close them. An employee would have to physically use the wall switch to operate them to control the interior temperature.

Ben had found these automatic vent openers in the greenhouse section of the System Store. As the air inside the greenhouse warms, the vent gradually opens to allow the correct amount of air flow into the greenhouse and closes when the temperature cools. He only needs to set the temperature that he wanted to maintain inside the greenhouse and the vents would open and close on their own to maintain it.

Once he added a few lockable doors added around the perimeter of the greenhouse design he began constructing it.

As the greenhouse was being built Ben chose to also build twenty foot tall by three foot thick concrete walls around the entire greenhouse. Now that his borders were open more people would be traveling through Avalon and he wanted to keep his Farms out of sight of travelers who came to this area of his kingdom.

While he was out down there building walls Ben decided next to build a ten foot high by three foot thick concrete and rebar wall around the edge of his moat. He covered the entire concrete wall with Anti Wall Climbing Spikes. In front of this new short wall, he began construction of a twenty foot deep by ten foot wide moat.

When it was all done it looked like there was a concrete wall in the center of the surrounding moat. This made it even more difficult to attack the fortress. If an enemy wanted to try and climb the walls they would need to swim across the moat climb over this ten-foot wall with razor-sharp spikes. If they made it over the moat wall then they would need to swim to the cliff and climb them and the fortress walls which were also covered in spikes.

This short wall would also hinder attackers from filling in the moat. They would need to fill in the outer moat then destroy the ten-foot high spiked wall to continue filling in the rest of the inner moat near the cliff walls. This would leave them exposed to archers and the magical turrets for a longer time.

'This fortress is gradually getting harder and harder to break into. Unless they can fly they are going to lose thousands of men trying to siege this place. Well. I can't think of anything else I can do around here so I should head over to Goldcrest and check in on things there.'

Ben began casting his Zoom spell and one minute later he was standing in his store office in Goldcrest.