Chapter 30

The following morning Ben took Mythia, Silvana, and Natalia to breakfast. They went to a private establishment owned by an enterprising commoner who had moved to Dragonshome to open a restaurant.

He had worked at a popular restaurant for years and saved his money up to open his own place. With all of the talk about the new Avalon Kingdom and how Dragonshome was becoming the mecca for entrepreneurs, fashion, and lifestyles he decided to take a chance and open a restaurant up in the unsecured section of the fortified city.

Being the first independent restaurant to open in Dragonshome brought him plenty of customers just after opening. As the people learned he made a deal with the Avalon officials to legally purchase discounted spirit foods which he used in every dish of his menu his success continued to skyrocket with the locals and tourists.

It wasn't long before he had hired a large staff and even expanded the size of his restaurant. Ben knew nothing about all of this but Mythia had heard it all through the Fairies who often explored the town together.

Mythia had been wanting to go there with Ben ever since being told about the restaurant. They all decided to go there for breakfast and were treated to a VIP dining room by the owner who instantly recognized Ben as they entered.

If you had even heard descriptions of what Ben looked like and saw the wealthy clothing he and his companions wore it wouldn't be difficult to discern they were.

The elated owner humbly came to wait on Ben personally. Ben asked the excited owner to surprise them with his best dishes. Wearing a proud smile the owner rushed off to tell his kitchen staff who they were to be serving.

Ben shook his head at the owners' excitement as he rushed from the room and turned toward the women sitting with him.

"I have a few things I would like to discuss with Silvana and Natalia. I am sure you two know I can use magic, but I haven't had the chance to tell you I am also a cultivator. Mythia here is also a cultivator and a mage as well."

The two women gasped in astonishment. These two titles were known by everyone and to be either one of them brought unlimited respect and honor from even kings and emperors!

Then when they found out little Mythia and Ben were both a cultivator and a mage it was unheard of. What were the odds to find a person who could cultivate and cast magic let alone two of them living under the same roof!

"I know it sounds unbelievable but my kingdom has...certain advantages to unlock the latent talents in people. Before I rescued Mythia she was a normal little girl living in a small farming town. During an invasion by a neighboring kingdom, she lost her family and looked to me to train her to become strong. I accepted her determination and began to transform her into a cultivator and then later a mage." Ben explained.

He reached out and picked up his water to take a sip as the two Varene women looked at him and Mythia in astonishment.

Ben set his cup down and said, "There are two reasons why I am telling you both about all of this. The first reason, we are going to be living together from now on and I don't want to hide anything from the two of you. The second reason, I want you both to also become cultivators and magi."

Silvana was taking a sip of water to quench her dry throat while listening to Ben. When she heard him say she was to become a cultivator the cup slipped out of her hand and began to fall to the floor. Ben instinctively reached out and grabbed the glass mid-fall and placed it on the table without spilling a drop of water.

His actions were so quick and smooth that only Mythia caught part of his movements to save the glass from smashing on the floor.

Silvana and Natalia sat wide-eyed with their jaws open looking from Ben to the glass.

"That...was...incredible! I guess you truly are a cultivator!" Natalia squealed in excitement.

"Of course I am! Why would I make it up? Anyways the two of you do not have much to worry about in the secure section of Dragonshome but now that the borders and city gates are open to just about anyone who wishes to visit or do business in Dragonshome, I would like to have both of you also become cultivators and later to learn magic. I do not plan to drag you off on military campaigns, but I do have to travel a lot and it would allow me to relax knowing you two can defend yourselves when I'm not around."

Natalia chuckled, "Ben we are only simple women who are familiar with manual labor in the fields how can we possibly become cultivators?"

"Aunt Natalia I was only a simple farmer's daughter before I met Ben. I was only skin and bones. Ben gave me special medicine to help my body properly grow. He later took me to a special library where Athena told me to relax while she made me into a cultivator. If I can do it the two of you can as well!" Mythia innocently explained.

Natalia smiled brightly at Mythia's endearing way of calling her while thinking maybe it could be possible.

Ben his brow lightly creased said, "I am not a ruthless king and I treat my subjects like family, but if anyone schemes or attacks my kingdom or its people I will show them no mercy. In the past year, I have established this kingdom I have invaded and conquered four kingdoms on two separate continents. I think it is safe to say I have made quite a few enemies because of this. Because of my cultivator strength and military strength, they can't do much to harm me but if they find out I have two normal women by my side that I love and cherish they may point their daggers at the two of you to get back at me."

Silvana and Natalia both had huge smiles and shimmering eyes when they heard Ben say that he loved and cherished them. Both of their hearts began to melt and they could only nod in agreement to do whatever he asked of them.

As they were finishing up their discussion the door opened and a line of ecstatic staff walked in carrying trays of delicious looking and smelling foods. Even Ben who hardly ever ate anymore felt his stomach grumble at the sight and sizzling sounds of food set upon their table.

Ben thanked everyone for their hard work as they left as quickly as they came. Mythia was right to bring them to this restaurant the way they prepared the spirit foods was incredible. The varying delicious dishes combined with the Qi and Mana boosts made it quite the experience.

They all decided that they would have to frequent this establishment often in the future. On the way out not a single staff member did not have a generous tip pressed into their palms given to them directly from Ben with words of gratitude.

He praised the food and service and promised to visit again. Ben's praise made the staff's and owner's day and had each of them walking on clouds for the rest of the day. The owner couldn't help to brag to every customer who came to dine how the king had eaten at, and praised his restaurant!

From the restaurant the four of them went over to the unused sect library Ben had built in the past next to the Renaissance Castle.

Ben asked Athena to scan both women as he had them take turns wearing the HALO. She showed Ben the two best cultivation techniques for each of them in the System store and he went ahead and made the purchase so that it could be entered into the System-Link chairs.

The two of them used the chairs and after an hour they had walked out of the Library. They were now both semi-official cultivators. All they had to do was sit inside the Qi chamber and gain Stage One, Level One and just like that they would be walking on the path of a cultivator.

What surprised Ben was both Silvania and Natalia both had elemental based cultivations. He had thought nothing of it when Mythia had procured a frozen Yin elemental cultivation. Now he after the two women were scanned Silvana was provided with a water based elemental cultivation technique and Natalia was provided with a earth based cultivation technique.

From Athena's description of the two cultivation techniques as they advanced their elemental base would begin to provide certain attack, defence, or support abilities. Silvana could draw water in from her surrounding to shoot small water bullets and later would have the ability to heal herself and others.

As for Natalia the description of her cultivation was similar to Druid attunement with earth and nature. She could create sharp spikes of dirt that could project up from the earth to skewer her enemies and in the future she would have the ability to control and manipulate the vegetation near her.

Ben parted way with Mythia there so she could go and cultivate while he walked over to the royal official's offices to find Rayner. He was buried in a pile of paperwork that never ceased to be sent from the Avalon regents who governed Ben's new lands.

Silvana and Natalia were both introduced to Rayner. Ben had him find a reliable official who could develop a schooling schedule for the two of them. He had explained earlier that it was mandatory for everyone in the kingdom to attend schooling up until high school if they chose to advance into higher education from there it was their decision.

The two of them would soon hold high ranking titles so it would be best for them to learn how to read, write, and use mathematics at the least.

This would help to fill both their days and they would not be left to sit around the penthouse every day without anything to do.

A young lady helped to arrange the times they would attend classes and would come to the palace to take them to their appointed lessons. They were to attend [Basic Education For All] to learn how to read and write.

Once they learned how to read and write they would begin lessons at [Intermediate Education For All] where they would eventually graduate from 8th grade.

After graduating from 8th grade they would then attend lessons at [High School Education For All] where the two of them would graduate with a modern 12th-grade education.

Since the two of them went along with everything Ben arranged for them he decided to spoil them again. They went into the secured section of the city and he gave them full access to the Market where they could take out any clothing, footwear, or items which caught their eyes.

They still could not read the descriptions but the Market menus colored pictures displayed each item with high-quality detail.

They soon returned to the penthouse with stacks of clothing, footwear, jewelry, hygiene products and miscellaneous items . Ben relaxed on the balcony while the girls two personal castle servants helped them to hang their clothes and organize their closets and shelves with the items they brought back and those that had been delivered from yesterday's shopping adventure.