Chapter 41

Ben now had capturing and restructuring foreign kingdoms down to a science. The Lunia King was executed in Rodara out of the Lunia region public's eye and the palace was swept clean of any future trouble makers.

A man in his early thirties by the name of Algerone Ambrose was elected by the Lunia royal officials, attendants, and officers to be the new regent of Lunia. He seemed to be a bright young man who was popular and dependable.

The Lunia Kingdom was gradually improved just like the other captured kingdoms. The capital city and towns were given new roads and defenses. With the threat of the northern savage men, each town was surrounded with proper concrete walls and towers.

Ben even came up with a new system as an experiment. Seeing that these northern beast men chose to attack in the winter unlike humans, he had to do something about the moats.

A moat is a great defense in the spring summer and fall, but once the temperature drops in will freeze over. This would allow an attacker to walk right across it like it wasn't even there.

His experiment was to buy dock bubblers. A Dock bubbler sits at the bottom of the water and makes large bubbles. These bubbles rise to the surface an make the water continuously ripple.

Around every town and the capital city if you looked into the moat you could see thousands of large bubbles rising from the bubblers. This would be enough to always keep the water moving enough to prevent it from freezing over.

Not only were the towns fortified but large farming community were constructed. Many of the small farming villagers were relocated to these communities.

These farming communities were basically small towns. The entire community and the farm fields were walled off to prevent raids. The fields may not have food growing in the winter during the raids, but the communities still had large granaries that held large supplies of the previous harvest. These large granaries are prime targets for the northern savages to steal from.

Ben had plans to one day sweep across the northern snowy region and kill off these savages. Once they were eliminated they would not need to worry about these raids any longer. For now, he had too much on his plate with running all of the kingdoms which he had absorbed into his Avalon Kingdom.

The regions of Botodor, Aithereal, and Lunia took up most of his time. He had to restructure the way things were run in the palaces along with improving the regions.

Teleport formations were made in key areas of the regions which were used to import nonstop cartloads of soil from the Rodara wilderness. The new farming communities of the northern regions began digging out large fields and replacing the rocky soil with the rich Rodara soil.

The farmers were also introduced to fertilizers, crop rotation, and seeds for crops that would grow in higher elevations.

Ben wanted to make every region as self-reliant as possible. To help out he recruited large numbers of people from the Servants Guild to work in these new farming communities.

By doubling the size of the current farms in Rodara it would no longer put such a strain on the region if they needed to import food to the northern three regions for any reason.

It would be a long process to balance it all out and get everything running smoothly. Ben could only make tweaks and adjustments when problems began to pop up along the way.


Once the new regions began to settle down, Ben had a bit more free time to spend with Silvana, Natalia, and Mythia. The three of them had been keeping busy with their cultivation and magic training while Ben was away.

With the addition of the cultivation cave, they were all beginning to show rapid gains in their cultivation stages. While they were off enjoying the benefits of the hidden cave in the northern snow region, Ben would sneak off to use the system custom build menu.

His current project was located just north across the street from the cemetery. He began by using examples from the system to design an awe-inspiring cathedral. He decided to use white marble and built it in a Victorian style with tall pointed towers, tall arched stained-glass windows, vaulted ceilings, and decorative columns.

Ben dedicated his new cathedral to the lesser god who had brought him to this world. The inside pews would sit over one thousand people at one time. Everywhere one looked were statues and detailed carving in the white marble.

This cathedral would be where he would soon marry Silvana, and he planned to invite many of the influential people he was allied with or ruled over to his wedding.

This towering cathedral was not the only project he had going. Ben began buying Druid type spells and recruited one hundred Druid magic based magi. He had spent some time to finish rebuilding the ruins in the forest and it was now a beautiful community.

There were all new buildings and residences surrounded by nature. With running clear forest streams of water, gardens of flowers, and exotic trees it truly reminds one of a Druid cove. This small Druid community was all given a spell that allowed them to communicate with nature.

The more they raised this level of this spell the better they would understand the enormous tree overshadowing their community as well as the surrounding forest. Ben hoped these Druids might learn more of the secrets this vast forest held over time.


The rail line had already become a huge hit in every kingdom and region. People and trade were moved from one location to the next at record speeds. The railway was also a great addition to the kingdom for bolstering its defenses.

If for some reason any of his regions or allies were ever attacked he could move his troops to the battlefield before the battle even began. The two new towns being constructed by his people were beginning to house their first residence.

The rail line was then extended across the grasslands to connect the two towns. His people would then have the option to travel over the concrete roads or by train.


The northern regions now fully under his control Ben had to make time to travel to the Varene Dynasty. He did not hide it from Silvana and Natalia and thought about taking them, but when they had talked about it they all decided it would be better to keep it a secret for now that they had left the dynasty.

The Varene Dynasty had been so ingrained with sending food to the northern kingdoms that he needed to pay them a visit and tell them it was no longer necessary.

With how the Varene Dynasty closely watched their borders and kept foreigners at a distance he would need to go about his visit (differently) than he would have in the past. When it came to the Aregard Kingdom or the Ciral Kingdom he simply went there alone and directly entered the royal palace. This approach would not work with these women.

He hitched up twenty-one carriages in the Rodara capital and brought along Rayner and six of his highest ranking Avalon officials. Ben and his officials rode together in one carriage while dismounted knights rode in the other twenty carriages.

When they set off toward the Varene Dynasty Ben had two hundred dismounted knights inside the carriages, two thousand mounted knights following on horseback, and one hundred elephants.

After they crossed the bridge over the river to come to the Varene Dynasty border he wanted to border guards to know he was truly a king, and he would not be turned away without speaking with the Varene Matriarchs.