Chapter 47

Ben actually activated his Enhanced Hearing skill thinking he had heard her wrong.

"Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly."

"I said to please marry me!"

'Where is this suddenly coming from? Have I become so handsome from my high charisma attribute that women are beginning to throw themselves at me?'

As Ben was lost in thought Laila began to explain. "My father the emperor has heard of the strength of you and your Kingdom. He sincerely wished to form an alliance with you at first but after some thought later he began to realize that alliances do not last forever. I heard him say alliances are only worth the parchment they are written on. With some thought he came up with a new idea, he wishes to have you marry my older sister."

"My older sister has been raised by the best teachers to be an educated and proper wife who is to be submissively used a political chess piece. My father always had plans to marry her off to improve the strength of the Broven Empire."

"As for me, I am more interested in my sword training and tales of adventure. My parents have already written me off as a lost cause and I will more than likely be doomed to rot away in this palace the rest of my life!"

"This is why I wanted to speak with you. I have heard everyone speak of how you are a cultivator and have traveled from another continent. You have a strong kingdom and have conquered four kingdoms on this continent alone! When I heard of your achievements it hit me like a bolt of lightning! I could only think to myself, this is it! This is the man I want to marry! I don't want one of these stuffy proper nobles as a husband. I want to travel, explore, and fight alongside the man I love!"

All of this had come at Ben so fast he was stunned silly. 'So it wasn't a military ambush I needed to fear upon coming here it was an ambush with a marriage arrangement!'

Ben walked over to a chair and plopped down into it.

"I'm sure you and your father are not aware of this, but I already have a fiance. When I marry her, she will become the queen of Avalon." Ben explained hoping to set things straight with Laila.

He thought once she heard this she would be forced to give up on this idea. They could then put this marriage idea behind them and return to diplomatic discussions.

Laila looked at Ben and said, "So what? You are a king and it is normal for kings and emperors to have multiple wives and concubines. My father has three wives and five concubines. To be honest you only having one fiance is great. It means I can be your second wife and will still have enough authority and to be by your side when you travel or campaign."

Ben was still stuck in the thought process of Earth where a man could only marry a single woman.

'I keep forgetting this is not Earth! What she said is a complete truth! Maybe it has to do with the Aregard king only having one wife. I may have subconsciously assumed marriages are the same here as on Earth when actually it is strange he only has one wife.

This bold young lady watched the conflicted emotions play out across Ben's face. As he sat quietly she walked over and sat directly on his lap.

"I know you have someone you love already, but please don't leave me here. If you marry me my father can still join our families together and I can get out of this palace. I can't bear to be tied down in a normal marriage where I sit around the estate everyday waiting for my husband to return. I want to go out and see the world! There is so much more to life than sitting around raising children and never seeing beyond the walls of the estate."

Ben was so focused on what she was saying he had not even realized her intimate gesture of sitting on his lap. If anyone were to walk in right now it may make for an awkward explanation.

After a moment of thought, Ben stood up with Laila in his arms, and he gently set her down on the chair. She looked up at him with a curious expression to which he only smiled at her and turned around and brought out his teleport formation carved into the slab rock.

He took a moment to relink it and placed a charged spatial crystal in the socket to activate the formation.

When Ben stood up he said, "I want you to talk to my fiance. Your father has an impressive empire and I think the two of us can help each other out in many ways. If he feels this strong about wanting me to marry his daughter, I should then consider his wishes. It's just...I think you and I are a good match, Laila. I see a lot of myself in you, but I do not want to hurt my soon to be wife by bringing home another fiance before I have even married her."

Ben pointed toward the glowing formation and explained, "This is a magic spell that will transport us to my fiance." He took Laila by the hand and led her into the formation.

The two of them instantly teleported to the Immortal Cave where Silvana was cultivating in her room. He had Laila sit in his private room and went to knock on Silvana's door.

When she answered he stepped inside and explained the situation to her and asked her to spend some time talking with Laila. He wanted to be sure the two of them could get along and if Silvana might have a problem with her.

Being Silvana was from the Varene Dynasty and the way she was raised he doubted she would be jealous of another wife. Even if she wasn't jealous that didn't mean she would like her and want her in her daily life.

Silvana shook her head at Ben's worries, asking him to bring Laila to her room.

The two young ladies talked for at least an hour and Ben began to worry that they might notice He and Laila were no longer in the palace and cause everyone to freak out over their disappearance.

Thankfully Silvana finally opened the door and waved him into the room with a smile. She crossed the room and sat on the bed beside Laila and grasped her hands.

"I really like Laila, Ben, to tell you the truth I'm a little jealous that you two might be a better match than I am to you. Still, even if she is I don't plan to give up I'm still going to marry you!" She said with a light giggle.

"Laila seems to have decided, you are the one she wants to be with. When a woman makes a decision like that a man should take responsibility. It may be different from where I come from, but I am beginning to learn how it feels to only want one man. If a woman loses the chance for that one special man she wants to be with she may never choose to be with another man again as long as she lives. When I think about this sweet girl living such a lonely life inside that palace she told me about...I…" Silvana was choked up and began to hold back her tears as she squeezed Laila small hands in hers.

Ben let out a long sigh and said, "Alright I understand what needs to be done. We will return to the Broven palace and I will speak with Laila's father.

Silvana stood up to kiss Ben on the lips then said, "Thank you, I hope it all works out I'm looking forward to getting to know my new sister in the future. You two should hurry back now before they begin to worry."

Ben nodded and brought Laila down the hallway and back through the formation. Thankfully the side room was still empty.

He placed the formation slab back into his inventory and said, "This is your last chance to change your mind. Are you sure this is what you want?"

She walked over to him and said with a smirk, "Don't even think I'm going to let you wiggle out of this now mister! Even your fiance approved of me so now go call my father in here right now and make it official!"

'How in the hell did I go from not having a single girlfriend to now suddenly having to fiancés and a mother-in-law who treats me like a lover.' Ben shook his head as he opened the door to the Council Chamber.

Ben opened the door and said, "Emperor Lockwood, could you please come and speak with me. I have somethings I wish to discuss with you."

Emperor Lockwood noticed Ben's friendly tone still and rejoiced that things may not be beyond repair after his daughter's hasty actions. He stood up and walked into the room where he saw his daughter sitting in a chair smiling as if she had just won a large wager.

"This...I'm not sure what my daughter may have said, but I wish to apologize for her behavior."

Ben shook his head and said, "I have no problem with your daughter's behavior and to be honest I approve of it. For a young lady, she is confident and knows what she wants for her future."

Laila looked up at Ben after hearing him praise her.

Ben flashed her a wide smile and then said, "She and I just had a pleasant discussion, and she informed me that you wished to marry your eldest daughter to me so that we can combine our strength on this continent. I only have a couple things I wish to explain first."

"Just so you know I currently have an alliance with the Caegon Dynasty and the elusive Varene Dynasty. I also have a fiance who is a Varene native who I will marry, and she will become the queen of Avalon. If you have no objections with me being allied with these other dynasties and being engaged I would think we can agree to your marriage proposal. I just wish to add one change to the proposal though."

Emperor Lockwood's face was beaming with joy upon hearing Ben and said, "NO! I have no problems with any of your allies or your beautiful fiance! Please speak and tell me what you wish to change in the proposal!"

Ben nodded and turned to look at Laila who was quietly sitting in the chair listening to them and said, "I wish to marry your daughter Laila and not your eldest daughter. I have only had the pleasure to speak with Laila for a the past few minutes and in this short time, I have found we share similar ambitions and dreams."

"I am far from the normal traditional king who distances himself from the people and who puts on appearances to seem noble and mighty. I am just a young man who enjoys exploring the world and pursuing adventure. I long to see what lies over the next mountain or beyond the next ocean. Laila and I may marry for a diplomatic reason, but I feel it would not be long before we realize we may be made for one another."

Ben watched the smug look on Lailas face turn to surprise, embarrassment, and finally joy. He saw tears run down her pretty face as she heard how Ben had said they were made for one another.

All of her life everyone always told her she would never marry if she did not change her ways and now a handsome young man who is powerful enough to make her father humble has come forward to ask for her hand in marriage. She was so happy that she couldn't stop herself from crying in front of Ben and her father.


It took a few more months before everything began to come together. During this time two towns near Dragonshome had neared completion and magi with druid type spells were well established in the forest community under the tree of life.

Ben had turned his small fortress located on top of a lonely plateau into an empire that now spanned two continents.

His original slaves were now the highest-ranking nobles of the Avalon Kingdom and worked alongside Ben to elevate most of the Kingdom's smaller tasks.

Near the end of the summer, Ben had officially proposed to and married both Silvana and Laila. The magnificent cathedral was finished and it now allowed Ben to have brief conversations with the lesser god who brought him to this world when he should have died.

Each of the allied kingdoms and regions most important people made the trip to Avalon to watch Ben, Silvana, and Laila get married in this newly constructed cathedral under the exquisite statue of the lesser god.

Ben continued to educate his people and planned to allow them to take over the construction of many of the future projects he planned. He now knew the god's goal to advance this world and it could only be best done by the people. The system could only do so much, in the end, it would be up to the people to learn from the system and to pass it on to the younger generations.

On both continents, the technology from Earth began to spread throughout the Avalon Kingdom. It would not be long before it made its way into each of the neighboring kingdoms and empires as well.


Up until now, Ben had only explored a tiny corner of this world. He planned to keep exploring and looking for new lands and people. He was sure he would make new allies and enemies along the way.

Alongside Silvana, Laila, Natalia, and Mythia they would push forward together to climb the next mountain and cross the next ocean to find what wonders this world the planet of Victus would show them.

'Grandma, Grandpa. I hope you are doing well back on Earth. I have a happy new life now and two beautiful wives to share it with me. Silvana has been feeling nauseous and dizzy these past couples of mornings, so fingers crossed you may have a grandson or granddaughter soon. It's just a shame you will never get to meet them. I love you both and hope you are as happy as I am!'




This here is the end of this novel….(ಥ_ಥ)

I had so much more planned for this story, but it has continued to drop in the rankings and I have lost my motivation to keep moving forward with it.

At its best, it reached the 25th spot on the original power ranking and began to slowly decline in the ranks during the second volume.

I tried to end it the best I could with this final chapter and not just have the story end mid-chapter.

There are currently over 7000 people who have this novel in their library. If every one of them would have vote with just one Power Stone each chapter this could have taken the number one rank.

As of now, there is only an average of thirty power stones including my three voted per chapter!

I guess it just wasn't good enough to make people want to waste their Power Stones on it.╮(╯-╰")╭

I now plan to take a break from writing and possibly come back sometime in the future with another novel.

Writing this novel has given me some experience and hopefully, I can one day apply it toward a new story that will become popular enough to keep climbing the rankings!

On a final note, I would like to thank each and every one of you who supported this novel and read it through to the end! Thanks for following along and watching Ben's journey into the world of Planet Victus!...(^‿') 乃