Crystal Ability's tier.

Nezha kept walking with firm step, his eyes gazing at the crystal which blinking like a living heart.

It's color was dark yet still below true darkness, he sighed with feeling relief since with this his fate will be in his hand.

In this timeline he vowed that with this ability which only second after [Darkness] in Ability of Dark series, he would do his best to make humanity win later.

However, he wasn't that person who thinknaively to that all human need to be saved. He would only doing this as he please, since even if it's mean he only save one woman.

Of course that woman would be Eve while he's Adam then it's better than saving random person with lame excuse.

It's better to restart humanity like that, though in the eyes of other he's selfish and cruel. For him who comes from future, all of insult or complaint was just bullshit.

When he's back to this timeline, there's nothing like god giving him a duty or quest to save humanity.

He only will do everything to save humanity as race existence not saving all human he meet. Glancing around he thought its really perfect that no one could approach this Crystal, but he know that pressure will died down the moment cataclysm started.

He could be said lucky yet unlucky since he only insignificant canon fodder in the past. So, he's back in time only get second chance privilege without cheat.

Fortunately he know this Crystal location, or else he will be really going blind from here on. Of course not fully blind since he can avoid his future which is bleak, but its still unknown if he didn't know this Crystal location.

"Oh man, how good if I was person who has full of knowledge future and treasure location! Unfortunately, I didn't know supreme tier ability aside from this one!"

Mumbling begrudgingly he didn't stop his walk, he didn't worry about someone would snatch it since he know that unless someone who's back to the past come here. Then it wouldn't be possible for normal human to approach the Crystal, because that crystal still emitting its pressure for safety measure.

Supposedly that Crystal wouldn't be able to taken by people before cataclysm. Nezha know about this Crystal's location from the man who possess it before he become madman.

As for that madman demise, it was caused by common rule about ability crystal would drop from possessor's body. Alas nine major guild killing the man countless time until they joint hand to finish him, only to get bitter victory since the casualty from their ranks is huge while the man only lost his minion and his life without leaving the crystal.

After seeing their effort was for naught, nine major guild was shaken to the core since what they did was killing supreme ability possessor. That fact causing people who scheming to kill leader of their rival's guild feeling gloom, they only know that supreme ability possessor wouldn't drop their crystal after seeing the man's corpse didn't drop his crystal.

Its make the nine guild cease their scheming to kill for the crystal, but its not the end of humanity greed since there's still many tier of ability which they could get by killing enemy.

Common tier

Uncommon tier

Rare tier

Spirit tier

Emperor tier

Supreme tier

Although from that event they know that Supreme tier ability would be lost forever once the possessor died, they still kept their ambition to take other's ability which they think its possible.

They keep fighting each other even though the fact they're human as a whole race, but some people always pressing the different of country's birth or color of their body as differential race.

This battle for power greed still happened in the dark while on the surface they still keep their farce like in peace. This battle which happened causing them to found another fact which is Emperor tier ability will be gone like Supreme tier.

Although that was fact which make them feel helpless, they still did what they have to since for them its better to have their own people stronger than others. However, this lead into weakening humanity overall power which causing the last battle to be hard to end.

Human never thought that this cataclysm was something that should help them resist invader which has ill intention coming to their planet. However, they never thought that the bleak future of being slave or food-stock was created by themselves because of greed.

Nezha know some fact a little which make him overjoyed in the past, it was when he killed mutant and eating their flesh raw then the crystal ability would absorb its energy.

Although he's speechless since he did it unintentionally, its still big secret which he know but in the end its still too late since he found it out when 2 days before the invader coming to earth.

After all that secret method was the key to make crystal ability leveling its tier, even though he still don't know how its still the fact that crystal strengthened that day.

"It seem that I need to be someone which people find disgusting! Well, at least its better than dying as canon fodder in the past!"

Unknown to him this crystal which its past owner didn't manage to unearth its depth will make him think other ability wasn't needed in the future. Although this crystal wasn't strongest ability, its still has higher starting line which has unlimited potential.


Author's Note

Schedule: Only write when I have idea! At least daily should be possible to release one, probably!

For the one who like this then I will say "THANKS"

For those who didn't like this then I will say "GET LOST YOU LOSER WHO IGNORING THE WARNING!!"

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