Found The Bitch Who Ruined His Life.

Nezha taking everything from the roof which he left earlier, glancing around the place he sighed with nostalgic feeling since this place was full of memories from his childhood until now.

"Okay!~ Everything is set, now I will get Inong first and creating video warning before securing place for me and my people to live temporary!" After hauling his camping bag, he thought about his plan again while descending from the roof directly since his body stronger now.


Standing straight after landing, he nodded with satisfaction about his strong body. Although he felt cool in his lower part since he didn't use pants which should protecting his genital.

He didn't hesitate anymore and he too big stride to go to his village, he would pick up the autism girl which he didn't bring in his past timeline.

Its one of big regret in his heart which left little hole in his life in the past, he remember that she always good girl and obedient to him. Its to the point she would do what he tell her, if not for him trying to get work in big city. He wouldn't left her here at that time, alas he can't regret the past but he can correct thing in this current timeline.

Although he would raise her into tanker, he would still protect her since for him Inong is the ideal girl for him. If not for him scared that he can't raise her in the past, he would marry her even though she has flaw in her head.

"Well, this time I will make her mine! Although I can't promise she would be the only one, at least I can make her to be first woman in my current life!"

"Maybe this would be sickening for some people, but in my eyes its better to get a girl like her than modern one who always sees appearance and wealth! After all, everything would be meaningless after cataclysm happened week later!"

"Beauty only will be tragedy source for women, because power and ability is the thing which they need to live! At least I can get harem in this current life if its forced, but I rather have only one women if I can!"

While murmuring his real feeling, he didn't stop his leg which is walking in village's direction. He didn't know that he should save people here or not, but he didn't see any advantage to take burden early.

He can only see them as disadvantage later, but currently its still not yet apocalypse age so he still wondering what should he do. Should he take them in or not? However, he would rather take only women as his people than men.


Entering village, he was greeted with strange scene where every people is fainted. He's dumbfounded seeing them like this, but its clicked in his mind that earlier meteor descend should be the cause.

"Well, this make it easier for me to take women then! at least I wouldn't be wicked to take the one who has family or who were taken already! However, the number is quite big for me only to take orphan and bullied females here! Ugh, my habit in apocalyptic age is resurfaced!"

"I shouldn't take them against their will! I don't want to have people who wasn't loyal to me after all! At least Inong should be willing, but her nickname is too ugly when I heard myself calling it! I should call her real name instead, because it would be uncool if he kept calling that name!"

"Err... what her real name again? Ahh, Rina! Yeah, its Rina...I wonder why she has that nickname though? no use thinking about that since its not important anymore!"

Talking by himself, he still walking to Rina's home location. He followed the path as per his memories, he kept avoiding a people who laid on the ground without thinking to help them.

Suddenly he stopped in his track after seeing one girl woken up from fainted state. He narrowing his eyes staring at her while he changed the direction to approach her in silent.

After walking silently, finally he stopped close to her only half meter in distance. He remembered that she's the reason of him being wasted people who seen with disgust and disdain.

He remembered that she is playing him only for fun before rejecting him when he thought that his confession would be accepted. He remember that his hard earned money was used to fawn over her only just for futile effort.

She is Eneng who is the most beautiful girl in this village, in the past he thought that she is good girl who like him. He thought of that because she kept trying to be close with him even though he chased aways her repeatedly.

Her persistent which he thought because interest only just to fulfill the bet which she make with her friend. He remembered that after he confessed to her and rejected, the news of it was spreading in this village.

It was major factor which make him being introvert person who didn't care about people anymore. He felt sting at that time since people kept pointing at him while bad mouthing behind his back.

He didn't know what is his fault but he know that she's bastard which he need to erase, but when he was about to kill her he stopped his hand. He remembered one of ability which Teguh found within Shadow Crsytal, he smirked evilly and he crouched down his hand to touch her head.

He activated the ability which is better punishment for this slut, he also remember her three friend which should get same punishment from him. He wouldn't let them die, because he found good use of them for him.

"Hahaha, don't blame me You Bitch! Its revenge which I fail to do in the past, I don't care whether you are doing that for curiosity or something else! However, in my eyes you and your friend were the one who ruined my life! Its cost me my own mother's health deteriorating at that time! If not for you who make me depressed at that time, my mother wouldn't sad seeing my state back then!"

"How I hate you who ruined my life and the world which didn't let me go back to that time when my mother still alive! I will have you and your friend accompany me as my tool from now on! YOU SHOULD BE GLAD RIGHT? HAHAHAHAHA"

From his hand shadow power spreading without stop invading her body, her body shivering in pain while struggling and anguish of pain could be seen from her face. Nezha laughing in shrill tone which could make people feel terror, because currently in his handsome face only madness could be seen.


Author's Note

Schedule: Only write when I have idea! At least daily should be possible to release one, probably!

For the one who like this then I will say "THANKS"

For those who didn't like this then I will say "GET LOST YOU LOSER WHO IGNORING THE WARNING!!"

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