
This is the prologue. Slow stuff about how Max got his system.

The real story starts picking up ridiculous comedy in the next chapter.


"Are we there yet?"

Max had been sitting in the car for hours and his butt was feeling numb.

"Not yet. Stop asking so much."

Max's father was busy waiting for the red light to turn green. Whilst he sighed and replied to Max.

"Is the place were going really all that great?"

"This mountain hiking trip will be special. Theres a shrine for us to visit. Its always good to see new things."

Max grunted while turning to look out the car window, as he started to wonder why they were wasting their vacation like this.

"If mom were here she would tell us to go somewhere fun..." Max mumbled under his breath.

Max's mother was busy working at her fashion studio designing dresses since her deadline for the fashion contest was close.

After a few hours of silence passed in the car, his father pressed the breaks.

"Were here. Get out of the car."


Max opened the door and stepped off his bum with a wince at how numb it was. Taking in a deep breath, he began stretching to touch his toes.

When max was done, his father spoke up to get his attention.

"Done? Then lets go. We shouldn't waste too much time."

His father put on a backpack and began walking, as Max followed suit. Max saw giant oak trees which stood hundreds of meters tall and hundreds of meters thick.

"These trees are so large. Is this place a reservation or something?"

Max asked his father.

"Its where my father brought me when I turned 16. Now its your turn to see it."

His father replied in a low tone.

"So is there something special about this?"

Max thought he was going to get a special kind of family heritage or something from this "Shrine".

"Yes, its a place where you will be revealed your core manager."

His father replied.

In this world, humans have two cores which are located in the heart and the brain. The core at the heart generates Chi. While the one in the head generates Mana.

"A core manager? I thought you didn't have the money for that."

"Our family is a bit special Max. Now hurry up so we can make it before nightfall."

Core managers, otherwise known as systems by our world are given upon birth. Though they can only be activated from expensive software. These systems consume chi from the atmosphere and give missions and rewards to the user.

"Special? How so? "

Max pondered while asking once more.

"Our family bloodline made a deal with a shrine god in the past. Allowing us to obtain our systems at the age of 16."

Shrine gods are deity beings that often make deals with mortals to give power for something they want.

Max wonders what his family gave in return for "Free core managers", but before he could ask, his father stopped and before him was a large red japanese styled shrine gate. Behind the gate was a large shrine which stood hundreds of feet tall, and had open doors. There was a woman with fox ears wearing a yukata while sitting on a cushion in the building. She was drinking tea and noticed them standing there.

"Come in. Come in. I haven't got all day..."

The fox woman spoke.

"Yes, of course. Kale Thruster greets Great goddess Jin."

Max's father cupped his hands and then walked in while signalling Max to folllow suit.

Max stumbled a bit before he realised this woman was a god.

"U-uh... Max Thruster greets great goddess Jin."

Max cupped his hands as well then proceeded to walk into the shrine.

"You have come for the blessing yes?"

"Yes, goddess."

Max's father cupped his hands and answered.

"Very well, come forward boy."

The goddess waved her hand to beckon Max closer.

"Yes, goddess."

Max spoke like his father and walked in front of her.

"Hold out your hand. Palm up."

She spoke, as Max held out his hand and she held above both of her hands.

Max was startled by how soft her hands were but he controlled his emotions in respect for the goddess.

"Yes... This one is certainly powerful... S rank... No, L rank..."

She spoke, causing Max's father's eyes to open wide in expectance.

" However, it is also a very weird core manager. It will most likely cause problems for the boy in the future. With great rewards, comes great challenges."

"I understand. Please activate it goddess."

Jin's father spoke.

She nodded, and light began to envelope her palms. Then Max felt like fire was burning his hands and he was about to yell when he realised there was no pain.

She then stopped the light and let go of his hands. Making Max feel a little regretful he didn't cherish her soft skin more.

"Now then, leave the exchange by the door and leave me alone. I have my cultivation to tend to."


Max's father left the backpack by the door and then signalled Max to follow.

"What was in that bag?"

Max asked his father with a confused face.

"1000 monster frog legs, 2000 angry sparrow livers, 500 stalks of spirit grass, and 10 monster cores."

Max's father spoke.

"Since when did you have the money for that?"

Max asked another question of his father's affording stuff.

"Monster hunting."

His father immediately spoke.

"So thats what your job was? I though you were just a businessman!"

Max exclaimed at his father.

"Well, you never asked. Anyways Max, you should feel your system activate tommorow morning. After that, we can start training you."

Max nodded and got in the car, as he and his father drove off from the mountain.