Bro Talk

"She's a b*tch who does any man she finds interesting!" Josh said

"Ugh... Women these days don't know good morals anymore... Where are my pure princesses to court?" Jake spoke while doing an exaggerated twirl onto his knee.

"Not all women are like that you know..." Max replied while cringing at Jake's performance.

"Well I'm christian. So as long as she loves me I forgive whoever she is." Nate said firmly and bumped his fist on his chiseled chest.

"Why are we talking about relationships now?" Josh retorted as he didn't like where this topic was going.

"That guy's fault." Nate pointed his muscular hand at Jake.

"You don't understand the purity of true love..." Jake said woefully in a tragic voice as he patted Nate on the back.

"You-" Nate wanted to say something but was cut off.

"Whatever. Anyhow, who has power over the other third of the school?" Max asked while setting his trey on the floor.

"Larry Earthquake. The most infamous of them all..." Josh said while putting his book down and making a throwup gesture.

"Who's that, and why's he named earthquake?" Nate asked dumbfounded.

"He comes from a long generation of body spasm techniques which causes a single part of the body to vibrate violently and destroy anything in it's path." Josh said with a gloomy look on his face.

"Wow! Leave it to our strategist to know everything!" Jake smiled and put his arm on Josh's shoulder.

"Don't touch me." Josh said angrily and waved Jake's arm off.

"So cold." Jake shivered and backed off with a broken smile.

"What makes him so infamous though?" Max asked.

"He's known as the nightmare of any man..." Josh said in a low tone before stopping.

"And...?" Nate spoke up while crossing his muscular arms and scrunching his brows in confusion.

"His technique is known as the thunder butt technique. Any foe he finds is instantly crushed under his buttocks and the sound of the impact causes a loud thunder-like shockwave. All of his strikes are said to be so strong they break bones." Josh said while shivering and picking up his book again.

-Seems like my worst enemy...- Max thought in his head. He did not want to fight this guy no matter what. Especially since his strongest technique was a thrust.

". . ." Nate and Jake stood there with dumbfounded faces as they just watched the horrified face on Josh.

"Pfft.... Hahahaha!" Nate started tearing up and laughing with Jake as he patted Max on the back.

"A butt attack?! The heck is that! Thats ridiculous!" Nate was taking his merry time laughing his own butt off.

"Thats what you say until you see him use it." Josh said and stood up with his book in hand.

"Oh is lunch over already?" Max asked and picked up his trey.

"Ah... Well, see you later." Nate waved and walked away.

"Farewell!" Jake stood up and did a fancy twirl before bowing to them and walking towards the building.

"Max." Josh spoke up when they left.

"Hm? Whats up?" Max asked.

"Watch your back." Josh said as he turned around and walked away.

"Alright. I'll make sure to be careful." Max spoke up and walked back to the cafeteria.

"And Remember we're here for you if you need anything." Josh said with his hand waved as he walked to the technology building.

"Got it." Max nodded.

-Such good bros...- Max thought.

Max walked back into the cafeteria and put his trey onto the automatic conveyor belt that carried many other treys into a washing machine.

Max began turned around and began heading back to the gym when he decided not to.

"That... Thing. Is there." Max shivered and chose to just head to his fourth period.

"Ring ring ring! Master, you have a phone call!" Max's phone began going off as he cringed and quickly pressed the button.

"Hello?" Max asked while a few disgusted eyes of female students were looking in his direction from the sound of his ringtone. Max was beginning to regret trying out this ringtone as a joke yesterday night.

"Your d*ck will be mine eventually!" A very familiar rich kid's voice was heard as Max shivered.

"How the heck did you find my number?" Max coldly asked.

"You can't escape me my love!" Juel said in a very wistful tone. Apparently Max had upgraded from "Toy" to "Love" now.

"Sorry, but I'm straight." Max said and hung up before Juel could respond.

*Mission Initiating.*

"Deh, What?!" Max exclaimed, as he had just finished a mission a few minutes ago!




*Mission Requirements*

*Survive The Sadistic Cult*

"Wait who? How many?!" Max began whipping his head back and forth as he scanned his surroundings for any threats.

The girls who were looking at him disgustedly before suddenly had brown cloaks, and became enlightened as their cheeks blushed and their eyes had a tinge of red.

"You disgusting pig!" A girl shouted with crazed eyes and an evil smile.

"You need a psychiatrist girl." Max said and backed off.

"Shut up and bow you dog!" A girl nearby said and threw her bag at him.

"Okay, this is just bullying now." Max scrunched his eyebrows angrily.

"System, any ideas?" Max asked as he was surrounded by twenty crazed girls with smiles of ectasy on their faces.

*Use Groin Sma-*

"Absolutely not!" Max shouted immediately.

*Would you like to purchase then?*

"Yes. Since that seems like the better choice here." Max said while blocking a kick to the groin.

*Automated use is suggested.*

"Its something that I would have rejected isnt it..." Max said cautiously.

*Automated use is-*

"Okay! Okay! Just use it!" Max shouted as the fearsome girls around him were approaching.

*Automated Use Initiated.*

For some reason, Max felt like he could see the system smiling evilly in his mind right now.

"Hurry up!" Max said as he dodged an exacto knife from one of the more bold girls.

They all had reddenned eyes and crazed expressions with their tongues whipping about like tornados and their legs threatening Max's little brother.