The Hanged Man Pt. 6

Hey guys, been writing a new novel, it's getting updated daily do help me out with some collections and votes if you like it. It's about someone with the power to come back after dying, but he has to die as a zombie before respawning. Despite his experience and knowledge, every time he dies he runs the risk of being stuck as a zombie forever!

I Don't Want To Die Again: The Strongest Swordsman Or The Worst Zombie't-want-to-die-again-the-strongest-swordsman-or-the-worst-zombie_18722987506896005


A bolt of lightning shot down from the turbulent skies which had been stirred by so much wind Qi that they had become ragged and torn. With an explosion the bolt crashed into the Heaven Swallowing Wind tornado and instantly dispelled the gusty gales!

"Karma sown is karma paid. Today I repay you for your favor Jun Li! Take your family and finish the 1000 Chosen Cups Trial!" A youth holding a long infinitely sharp blade darker than black landed in front of the Li brothers. His sharp eyes were calculating seemingly ordinary amongst cultivators but if one were to look closely they would see a sharp cleverness and killing intent which far exceeded the norm. Naturally this youth was Lineir and he had come to repay Jun Li's kindness! Karma sown must be repaid!

"Hmph, more small fry dares to draw death upon themselves? I can oblige! What family are you from, I, Jian Te, will wipe out one generation of your clan for each breath of mine you waste!" Jian Te still standing on the platform looked up from his meditation as his Heaven Swallowing Wind was finally dispelled. His cold arrogant words were backed with the power of his Sect which towered above others. However... Lineir simply laughed. A storm began to brew in the skies above as the atmosphere became dark once again!

"Jian Te is it? I've heard of you. Something about the biggest mouth and the least brains." Normally Lineir wouldn't seek to insult someone without a purpose. He would prefer to use his blade rather than his words to beat someone else's throat. However... Jun Li could be considered someone he owed, almost a friend! To one like Lineir who had traveled the world alone and on his own this was his ultimate reverse scale. Especially considering Lineir's poor background this silkpant's arrogant manner had truly pissed him off. To touch someone he owed a debt to in his sight? In this silkpant's dreams!

"Pft I will say one thing nameless weakling, you sure can run your mouth! I'd like to see for how long you can still utter such drivel!" Jian Te raised his scepter to summon his Heaven Swallowing Wind again, however a strange thing happened before he could even begin to channel.


Drops of rain fell from the sky! As the first drop landed several of the weaker Chosen instinctively circulated their Qi prepared to resist a corrosive acid rain! After all the Sightless Plains had been blanketed with such a rain for many days! However...when they circulated their Qi preparing to resist Death Qi it never came!

"What is this? This rain seems so similar to the acid rain of the Sightless Plains but there is no corrosive effect?"

"So heavy....this rain makes me feel like I'm covered in heavy mercury!"

"No Death Qi but something else?"

"Wait! This is darkness Qi mixed with rain!" Several of the Chosen present began to speculate on the origins of the rain.

"Is this another unexpected move on the administrator's part?" One Chosen guessed. However, while this was all happening Lineir was staring directly at Jian Te standing on the platform and he smirked.

"Too late for regrets. You've already entered my Domain...Now get out!" Instantly Lineir disappeared as every Chosen felt the weight of the world increase several fold!

"What? Where did that man go?" Everyone looked around curiously straining to see past the Darkness Qi infused rain. It not only hindered movement but the darkness hindered their eyes and their divine sense similar to the Sightless Plains!

"Parlor tricks! I'll blow this wind away!" Jian Te had an ugly expression on his face as he realized his divine sense was completely obstructed by this freakish rain! However, once again before he could even summon his Heaven Devouring Wind Lineir appeared behind him on the platform!

"Get off. I've already reserved this throne for a real Chosen!" Jian Te's eyes widened as he realized Lineir had taken his back and he had never seen a thing! As he whirled to turn already preparing his defensive Qi Lineir smirked and slashed with his blade.

Lightning Break!

Instantly Lineir's sword seemed to flicker in an extremely direct fashion such was its speed in his Domain! It arrived before Jian Te had even turned halfway around. However, something unexpected happened which even caused Lineir's expression to change. His strike was actually blocked! Though he managed to land a hit directly on Jian Te's blue robes, several magical defenses suddenly activated and Jian Te merely grunted rather than being bisected in half as Mei's sword was stopped!

"Plebian! You expect to beat your father with such shitty tricks? This father is wearing the skin of a Blue Horned Ape's skin, Earth Dragon's Armor, and enough defensive amulets to defend against an elder for several breaths of time! Amongst this generation I, the Blue Magician am unkillable! Now die!" Jian Te fully turned around but a moment later he faced only empty air as Lineir mysteriously disappeared again!

A moment later several members of Jian Te's retinue standing next to the platform who were struggling to move under the suppression of the Darkness Rain Domain cried out!

"Behind you!" They screamed and Jian Te's eyes bulged as a horrifying sensation crept across his neck, as if someone was digging his grave!

"Impossible....there's no way he got behind me from this close---!!!" He wheeled around but to no avail.

"Jun Li bring your family and ascend the platform! I guarantee that none here will not disturb you for an entire incense sticks worth of time!" Lineir made a bold declaration as he planted his foot in Jian Te's backside!

Blast Cross Kick!

The flames of the Phoenix roared to life as the unfortunate Chosen was blasted off the platform. Jun Li, Sai Li, and Ya Li could only stare in amazement as before their eyes the Darkness Rain opened up a path for them to ascend the platform!

"Hurry up! Before some other idiot comes!" Lineir called out before leaping off the platform to chase the evicted Jian Te. Staring at this mysterious black robed youth who he had felt he could beat a few days ago, Jun Li could only sigh.

"Maybe he was holding back, regardless, thank you second lil bro!" Then he grabbed Sai Li and Ya Li and sprinted to the platform!