Chapter Five

The three parents stood on a united front, discussing their marriage along with the honey moon and various other arrangements to achieve agreement, they seemed a bit too into it that they even began to discuss their 'child's' upbringing and whether or not she should give birth to a second child!

When their parents asked where they would like to go for their honeymoon, she said Maldives while he persistently insisted on Northern Europe.

*FL wished to stay home however she has a image to maintain in front of her in-laws. Her mother would also scold her endlessly. It was not worth it. Maldives was the first location to come to her mind.

However both mothers and father ignored Madara, and were in favour of Maldives.

This is the gender advantage.

Watching the excited elders guilt arose in her heart as she leaned over to Madara's ear, "You tell me, is this not excessive? We are merely pretending" They were so happy but they were only pretending.

"the effect of lying is to make people happy, they're pleased, we are satisfied with this outcome, who cares if the way we used to do so is fake" she furrowed her brows as she added "They brought up children" Madara, with his index finger and thumb grabbed her arms gently placing them on the edge of the table.

"You want to give birth? If you do not want to I have other ways" She did not want to have a child to a man who did not love her or someone she did not love, who would later on leave her and their child.

She refused for her own child to experience a childhood without a father.

Sometime later he dared to tell her if she did not want to give birth, he had ways to also make her give birth. She glared at him coldly, away from their parents point of view.

Due to the eagerness of the three parents to see them both 'in a home', their parents fixed a date, in two weeks time the wedding would be held. Arranging a wedding in two weeks was not an easy matter, fortunately they had the conscience to assist in the arrangements of everything.

*Madara's father was relatively sensible and asked for their opinion but was shut down by the two women.

Seira and Madara continued to eat in silence, while the excited trio began discussing the honeymoon. She did not want to go on a honeymoon and wanted less to go on one with someone no different to a stranger to her.

However seeing the excitement obvious in their faces, she could not bring herself to object. They would just have to act as a loving couple. Madara shared similar thoughts, whether the outcome was good or bad, it didn't matter any longer.

They brought this upon themselves.

Since she returned she had yet to be employed yet oddly enough Madara did not go to work everyday.

*FL went university in another prefecture for the past 3 years

She speculated that he either lost his job or he was his own boss. When she had asked he vaguely replied "How can work be more important than marriage". Lies.

Honestly she didn't even believe in marriage, it wasn't just her parents there are plenty of people who split. Moreover the divorce rate in the world just keeps increasing. What was the point in getting married, sharing vows and promising to love one another for a lifetime if you were just going to divorce.

*In this world the divorce rate for couples has increased from 40%-50%

She just doesn't understand, why? Whats the point? Its not that she thought all men were the same as that useless excuse of a man but trying to find a decent man with her standards was a complete waste of her time.

*FL ideal man is a man who will love and respect her as a partner, her morals on marriage and be committed. Loyalty.

She refused to waste years of her life on some man that was only temporarily in the picture, she has seen it happen too much. It was common even. Some people change partners like they change their clothes.

She strongly believes in 'sex after marriage' that was why she wanted her man to never had past romantic/sexual relationships, she wanted her future husband to be pure but that proved to be almost impossible with most people their age and the times they lived in.

*FL was not strictly fixated on finding a partner, but due to the influence of her secondary school teacher she had wanted to marry her first boyfriend if possible. I will go into detail on this on a seperate chapter going back to her high school days

Their marriage was just a farce too.

*Another day

The preparations for the wedding were handled and neatly organised. She didn't have much to do other than to adapt to the urgent pressing of time.

"You seem quite professional" Madara praised.

"Is that so?" She merely imitated the models she saw on tv.

At this moment, he had a faint mysterious smile almost inscrutable. He truly was impeccable, although she wasn't one to be taken by appearances she had to admit he was very handsome.

Currently they were taking pre-marriage photos, madara was hugging her waist from behind with his head bowed appearing as if he was kissing her.

The photographer praised them constantly, this was the first time she wore a wedding dress, it was a beautiful custom made gown.

She stood in the lawn with Madara at a small distance. Seira carried a bouquet of flowers, ran towards him, the wind carried her luscious onyx hair behind her, exceptionally bright sunlight created a halo around his figure. It was quite the sight to see, she accelerated her pace. His slender figure stood motionless on the grass, facing towards her. She threw the bouquet and ran towards him.

Madara opened his arms, hugged her, and then standing still at one place rotated a few rounds. Her legs left the ground, she felt somewhat strange as he spun her in the air.

The usual mask he wore changed, his facial expression was peaceful, his eyes filled with some emotion she couldn't quite understand, smiling at her, he said seriously 'Seira, I love you.

When her feet touched the ground, it was the touch of his cold fingertips that brought her back from her daze.

The photographer recorded and took a lot of still pictures. He was full of excitement as he went towards them, telling them the pictures and videos of their shoot was the most successful of all the couples he had so far worked with.

Her mother grabbed her hands happily with tears in her eyes as she praised her good looks, on the other hand Seira wasn't so fond of her amber eyes that were inherited from her father.