Chapter Eight

In their home, the dining area and living room were separated, holding on to her meal she walked into the dining area, where he was slowly enjoying his takeout.

Truth be told, even though she wasn't acquainted with many men, did men usually eat this slow? Nevertheless she had to admit he looked very pleasant while eating, this could be considered a new discovery for her, men could also eat elegantly.

She sat at the table, glancing at the disposal chopsticks in his hands "Eighty percent of disposable chopsticks in our country do not meet the sanitary standards"

He gave her a look of forbearance and tolerance and without saying anything continued to eat.

She is convinced he is germaphobic and since they will be living under the same roof she felt the need to point out while staring at his meal "These vegetables probably were not washed, you can never be too sure if there still could be several germs in them..."

How did he not realise before she was a strange woman?

Madara's brows twitched as he stared at her, putting down his chopsticks from the restaurant. Her mood was good seeing him take her advice into consideration, she praised her own cooking although it could not compare to her mothers it was still delicious.

*FL is a good cook, but due to her laziness rarely does she cook. She learnt from online resources and cooking shows when she was living alone during University

Madara left and returned back to the dining area with a pair of ebony chopsticks in hand. She was surprised he still had the appetite to eat, did he not like cleanliness? Never did she expect that the chopsticks he was carrying would reach directly towards her rice bowl.

"What are you doing?" She said coldly, covering the fried dishes with her hands looking like a mother hen protecting her chicks.

Madara opened his mouth and said "Anyway, you are not going to eat it all"

"What I cannot eat I will throw away in the trash can, you do not need to worry about the work" she replied icily.

He peered through his eyelashes, said "This plate is mine, as well as this bowl and chopsticks. The cooking gas and electricity with which you cooked the dish is also mine, so I also have right on this dish"

She turned her head and retorted "All marital properties are jointly owned by the married couple, What is yours is mine"

"Yes, you are also mine, so half the rice cooked by you is also mine" He continued further.

"..." Who is yours ? You shameless bastard. He did not wait for a reply, just like that he brought his rotten hand forward taking her bowl and began to enjoy the fruits of her labour, as if it was perfectly justifiable.

Since they were now a 'married couple' she will leave it, she continued eating. Madara was surprised to find out that she had talents in cooking. The dishes she prepared were mouthwatering and satisfied his taste buds.

The afternoon passed quickly, in the evening he continued to eat her dinner shamelessly, she couldn't be bothered stopping him and said nothing.

The day passed on while she slept the rest of the day.

*Next day

It was the third day after she married him, it was also a very significant day-it was the day she was going back to her home. She was anticipating seeing her mother, she did not like having to do all these activities it was tiresome.

*Activities being cooking etc

She patiently waited in the living room for him to return from his morning exercises. She brought out the breakfast she prepared for him and said "Eat, we'll leave when you're done"

Madara reluctantly took the breakfast, facing her asked "You want me to go back with you that much?" She didn't say anything thinking what nonsense, inwardly shaking her head.

Fortunately without prolonging he gathered up within a short time and went out together with her. They lived on the third floor, Seira thought how convenient a elevator would be right now...

She walked down the stairs ahead of him.

*I took out the part of the novel where the original MC fell since it was due to fatigue and insufficient sleep. FL sleeps a lot so it wouldn't go with the plot.

On their way to her mother's neither talked but it didn't feel awkward, rather she quite liked the silence. She leaned back in her seat listening to the soft piano music coming from the car speakers, if they had arrived to her mother's place any later she honestly would have fallen asleep.

Her good mother told Madara to not worry about going to her and to take very good care of her. They chatted for a while, casually displaying their 'affections' for one another. Fortunately mother was deceived, she was overjoyed to see her daughter and darling son-in-law getting along, Madara's hands held her slender ones.

Strangely the act did not repulse neither of them. Seira who was not fond of skinship did not feel disgust and Madara who hated being touched by others, moreover a woman did not want to push her hands away.

Madara felt a strange feeling when he looked at their hands that were entwined, he couldn't quite describe what the feeling was but when he looked at her, her eyes were already trained on him.

He found her pair of eyes captivating, her golden eyes had a depth that drew him in, yet they were serene like the calm of the waves in summer. It was no exaggeration to say that her eyes were soul shocking, he felt that they looked like little stars.

Her eyes were her most distinguishing feature, everyone that has come across her beauty has been left in awe.

Seira felt somewhat weird under his fervent gaze. She had to wave her hand lightly in front of his face to bring him out of his daze. "Is there something on my face?" she asked.

"...No, nothing" He shook his head lightly, he was fortunate he did not blush easily as his face would have been beet red from being caught staring.

*ML has moments where he has thin skin, only in front of FL though