Chapter Eleven

*Next day

Seira felt that Madara was a rather energetic man, even on his 'honeymoon' he did not forget to exercise, he ran around the island lap after lap throughout the morning and then came back to eat breakfast.

Where did he get all this energy? She still felt tired and wanted to head back to sleep.

The hotel offered buffet breakfast, with a wide variety, but it was mostly western style. There was currently nothing available that suited her palate, however, the fruits were quite good so she just ate some fruits, pastries and drank cooled water for breakfast.

After breakfast they went to the pier along with several other visitors to tour around the islands. Bypassing the main island they went to a nearby smaller island to learn about the indigenous and native people and their lifestyle.

Maldive's sea is very beautiful, the waters are calm, giving the heart of the people watching it a sense of liberty, openness.

The vegetation on the beach, the villas and over-water bungalow coupled with clean azure water looked like a painting, serene and alluring.

She kept clicking the camera button, photographing everything in order to not miss the beautiful scenery.

These days the natives of Maldives are also known merchants. There are many locals who opened up stores that sell some kind of souvenirs. They had lots of things to enjoy such as painted wooden boxes as well as small pendants made of shells and fish teeth. The store owner was very enthusiastic in selling, she merely picked matching pendants made of fish teeth, the craft wasn't bad.

A thought popped into her head as she caressed the fish tooth in between her fingers. She also bought a small carving knife, once they returned to the hotel as she wanted to carve in their names. It was fortunate she was an arts student and her crafting ability was very good.

After finishing strolling around various islands in the morning she was tired, yet it was only lunch. The program after lunch was relatively exciting, which was diving. This also happened to be the activity Madara came Maldives for, he was already prepared, his giant bird cage like suit case set beside his feet.

After much thought she decided to just relax in the water, diving was too much of a hassle. Madara's huge suitcase was filled with sophisticated diving equipment as well as a professional diving camera from the looks of it.

His silhouette quickly disappeared in the water. The beach water was transparent; one could see things clearly about ten meters under the water. That being said, Madara was submerged under more than ten metres of water. Impressive isn't it? to think that mere equipment could withstand the pressure of the waters depth and allow one to breathe while underwater.

Compared to his equipment, there was nothing to compare actually as she only wore a black diving suit that showed off her alluring physique and her equipment a simple camera she had bought in her high school days.

*FL joined the photography club, so has some talent in photography

She allowed her body to submerge into the water as groups of small fishes swam by from time to time. The majority of these fish she could not name had bright vivid coloured, beautiful appearances. Some fishes with more courage swam directly in front of her, their somewhat cute beady eyes watched her as if entranced by her ethereal beauty.

Madara was astounded when he turned to find his wife surrounded by a family of colourful fish, in that moment she looked like a bewitching mermaid from those fairytales, he had been so enthralled by the stunning sight that without a thought he captured the moment.

Seira was too occupied observing the marine life around her, completely unaware of her husband gaping at her from afar.

She tried to poke their belly with her finger but they dodged cleverly, such a cute bunch she thought. She headed to the surface for air, she surprised herself with how long she lasted without equipment.

*it wasn't long but FL was under for a minute, considering I can't hold my breath more than 10 seconds I think that is a lot

Now back at the hotel, Madara came back earlier in the room and was on the internet. Why did he retire so early? Did he get bored of diving? She viewed the photographs she took since the morning, she was satisfied with the images.

"What were you doing underwater?" She asked curiously.

"Doing this" he said while showing some pictures on his laptop to her. He watched as her eyes that looked at his computer screen instantly lit up.

"This coral reef is pretty, how beautiful, this fish seems to emit light" she commented, thinking as expected of a professional camera even the quality of the image was better.

"This is a soft coral, they can move" oh, that explains why she did not see it. It was also the first time she learnt that soft corals existed at all.

She lightly brushed his hands off from the mouse and took control over the mouse to see if he had taken anymore pictures.

Five minutes later.

"You only have taken these few photos?" After taking a look at the photos in his laptop there were only a few pictures of soft moving corals.

"Nothing else was worth shooting" of course, he would not admit that he captured a shot of her while she was in the water. Besides he only believed in photographing only precious treasures, the rest were pointless.

*only precious treasures~~ ML saved his precious image in a seperate folder so that FL would not find it huehue how sly of you ML