Chapter Nineteen


Female lead : Seira

Male lead : Madara

Female lead's mother : Nozomi (I do not recall if I mentioned FL's mothers name but here you go)

Female lead's best friend : Sakuya

*I will properly reintroduce the main characters in the next chapter

* Timeskip to dinner

At the dinner table sat four people, two people were chattering while the other two watched in silence. Next time she will not bother with him if she somehow offends him, lest it becomes a repeat of last nights matter. Staying mad at him was just too tiresome.

After dinner, he took her hand, hastily bidding goodbye to mother and Sakuya, then leading her to the car and sped away.

She sat in the passenger seat without uttering a word.

He looked at her from the corner of his eye and asked "Are you still angry?"

"Nonsense, why don't you try and see how it feels when you are alienated by your own family and friends" she replied indifferently.

"I did not know the whole matter will take a serious turn, I just wanted to meet your mother and say hello" he says.

"There is no need for such pretensions anymore, you calculated everything very well" she spoke unfeelingly.

Madara with a somewhat innocent look, said

"I just wanted to give you some face, wanted to see a fresh expression on your face for a change. Who knew you would refuse even this humility"

Madara decided to compromise first, "Well, in the future don't talk about the topic of separation so casually"

"It was you who talked about separation" she replied.

Madara added "Later you can't starve me to death"

"You will not die easily" she rolled her eyes, how could he possibly die from starvation. He could just call home delivery and have takeout.

After a while, he opened his mouth again "Where is your office? If it's on the way I can pick you up daily"

She told him her office address, it was a better option than having to walk or take a cab. After listening to her words, he was a little dazed, she asked "So? Is it far from your office?"

"No" shaking his head, he said "it just sounds somewhat familiar"

The reputation of XXX advertising company was quite high in the industry so she did not find it strange that he was familiar with it, thus she did not think much about it.

However, very soon, she came to know why it sounded somewhat familiar to him.

*New day

She did not know why Akiyama was suddenly so enthusiastic about the cafeteria food, everyday at noon he dragged her to the staff cafeteria and happily ate his lunch his there.

Since they were coming to the cafeteria almost every day, more male employees ate in the cafeteria more often, to simply catch a glimpse of the Vice Presidents gorgeous secretary. She also received sharp resentful and envious gazes from female employees.

Holding a tray of shrimps he sat opposite her, knowing if he sat beside her she would have moved. "Secretary Kisaragi, aren't you my private secretary?"

He pushed his tray of shrimps in front of her, smiled and said "Well, then peel these shrimps for me?"

"I am your secretary. Not servant." She said not sparing him a glance as she ate her meal.

"Good Seira, peel it for me!" Who gave you the right to call my name! Should she remind him that he was too old to act so childishly. But considering his abnormal personality and thick skin, she didn't mention it. Instead raising her perfectly arched brows, "You don't have your own hands?"

He did not mind a bit, picking up a shrimp and smiled "Here, I will give you one to peel"

Seira "..."

Although she still has the impression he was slovenly, he was more capable than he let on. Not only was he able to do his share of work but also many times he was able to discover and correct mistakes made by employees. The company employees really admired him, though there were many that did not like him such as male staff members who could not find a girlfriend and the women he had slept around with.

If he did not stop bothering her after she finished peeling the shrimp in her hand she will just move tables. "You are too bored"

"What are you so unsatisfied with. Do you know how many women here want me to give them these shrimps to peel, forget about peeling shrimps, they are willing to peel off their clothes too..."

"Shameless..." she said shaking her head, expect him of all people to somehow wander off to such a topic.

"We are all adults here, furthermore you are already married but then again the perverted man you are married to is just useless" adding further to her dissatisfaction.

"It is unnecessary to call my husband 'useless' Mr. Akiyama" she said.

Before he could say anymore she asked "Other than these things, can't you talk about something else?"

Akiyama with his 'innocent face' replied "When a man and woman are together, other than bed, what else can they talk about?"

"..." really shameless, furthermore this is a public area. He chuckled for a bit and was about to say something but she interrupted him again, "When two men are together then, they can only talk about bed?" she was truly curious.

Akiyama's eyes widened in what she presumed was fear, looked at her trembling like a little bird not bothering her any further to peel the shrimp. She simply ate the shrimp she peeled without a care, she didn't know why suddenly he was so scared.

Out of her peripheral view, she sensed a particularly hostile stare. This seems familiar but she couldn't get her head wrapped around it. It was only till later on in the evening did she recall why the slender silhouette seemed familiar. It was also why the name of the company sounded so familiar to Madara.

The familiar figure crossed the sea of people in the cafeteria, walking towards them.

When he was almost in front of her face, only then did he recognise her. Then the expression on his face changed from doubt to...jealousy? Anger? She didn't know why the feminine man felt distressed.

She looked at him questionably, the delicate man looked at her and walked away.

"What happened? Earlier, it appeared that you two knew each other" Akiyama asked excitedly.

"Then you are mistaken" through Akiyama she learnt that the delicate man was the youngest son of the second largest shareholder of the sourthern star group, just graduating from university and was thrown here to train.

The biggest shareholder turned out to be Akiyama's father.

My app seems to be playing up on my phone for some reason which is why I will leave this here :


Apologies for the incredibly long wait, Its near the end of the first week for university and I've been so busy and tired.

I won't be able to update as regularly as before, I have classes everyday and the rest of the time I will be studying. I already have some assignments to hand in next week fml.

A close relative of mine passed away last weekend. My mother's brothers health has been declining to the point the doctors said he wouldn't live long.

Sorry again,

— nonamemia