Wooden Cave

Aos who had now grown compassionate towards the old man and both his sufferage and knowledge couldn't help but wonder who this man was but before her thoughts could continue she realized that the old man had started to hobble his way back into the cave.

The old man stopped then turned to look at Aos and gestured for her to follow him.

The moment Aos stood up from the druidic constructs the old man had created they once again began writhing as they seeped back into the ground.

Aos quickly scampered to close the distance the old man had created. As she made her way towards the old man he said, "Aos, you'll need to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day."

Aos and the old man slowly made their way towards the cave threshold and as they crossed it the old man raised an arm to face the back of the cave and in one aimed pulse, sent powerful energy that distorted the very air it traveled on. As the pulse reached the back of the cave, the energy tore into the cave wall and left a weird and complex symbol where the old man had been when Aos and her mother had first entered the cave.

The old man seeing the completion of the symbol looked at Aos and said, "Check this out" while an undeniable smile spread across his face he raised his staff over his shoulder and in a forceful manner threw his staff at the symbol.

The staff had been thrown far harder and faster then Aos had imagined this old man capable of. Instead of the wooden staff shattering upon ramming against the cave wall it sprawled into the etchings created by the symbol. The now wooden symbol slowly came to life as it began growing roots that spread across all the cave walls, soon the very walls of the cave became covered in a layer of wooden roots. The roots spread to the way to the cave threshold forming a primitive door. Then, at a significantly faster pace, the roots doubled back and the roots began to interlace with those which had already grown forming a more durable and thick covering over the cave walls.

The old man gleefully smiling as he told Aos, "Isn't cool?" Aos witnessing the old man's break of character couldn't help but giggle as this old druid who had suffered so much still had quite the childish side to him.

The old man said his final words for the night to Aos, "Try to get some sleep, it may not be comfortable but it is a luxury for a druid to sleep in such good conditions. The old man still looking at Aos realized that her face displayed a lack of comprehension towards his words and then started saying, "Well you see a druid..." taking a brief pause then continued, "ahh, never mind you'll learn for yourself soon enough..."