Chapter 7: Desert Requiem (2)

That night during our dinner...

Nora sat back down beside me as I sat on my usual seat which was the far end of the table.

The usual lively Stray who yells out 'lets eat!' or something to indicate the beginning of our meal is rather silent.

I watch Aeron as he calmly began eating. I suppose he looks better now than earlier. "Let's eat, Aerra?" Nora invited as I nodded and picked my spoon up.

The food was tasteless this time.

But a food is a food.

Few minutes passed. The entire dinner was silent. Even the children started became restless as to why we're all was silent.

I peeked at Stray as he stared sightlessly at his plate, barely consumed it at all.

I sighed.

I feel bad for pushing the burden on him but it can't be helped. He's the strongest ally we have. Plus, he's also a devoted babysitter to the children. Including me and Aeron.

I chuckled at the idea.

The sound of a mercenary taking care of these tiny children is ironic.


My shoulders rose momentarily in surprise as I looked up at Stray who slammed both his hands on the table.

We all stared at him wide eyed.

I almost dropped my spoon.

What's wrong with him?

"I GOT IT!" He nods as if on argument with himself. "That's right. This is the only way—!"

He took a deep breath and glared at me with his usual stern eyes

My back straightens in response.

"Aerra, become one with me" he says

My spoon clangs loudly as it drops down to my plate, escaping my grip.

Did I heard him right?

Aeron immediately stood up and slams both his hands on the table as well, "What do you think you're asking, you bastard—!?"

Stray shook his head. "Not just Aerra. You too Aeron! I think I can handle both of you even at the same time."

Aeron just stood there mortified and petrified in shock. I think he might have turned into stone.

"Since we won't really know which twin will awaken first, its safe to just have both of you as my Meister. If we try to synchronize and succeed. You will both become my official and permanent Meisters."

Oh. So that's what he meant by become one.

"Explanations later" he whispered while pointing out at the guard who stood by the door.

And yet announcing us as his Meister is fine with the guards, I assume?

We all just nodded anyway.

Aeron sat back down. "Why did you have to make it sound weird?"

Stray laughs. "It did? I suppose my mind just exploded at the idea that I didn't had the chance to consider if it sounded weird."

He tousles Aeron head as he had a hearty laugh. "What's wrong, kiddo? What did you think I was asking for? Wait— You didn't deny though. Hmm?"

"S-shut up!!!"

Aeron pouted and just ignored him, he went back eating in silence, allowing Stray to ruffle his hair wholly.

I'm just quite amaze how he's allowing Stray to mess his hair now. I guess they became close?

"Tomorrow we will be returning to the ruins below. Aerra, you're coming with me." Stray stated as he looked at me.

I just nodded as I looked down my plate of soup.

Become Stray's Meister?

Like... have him as my own Familiar?

Would that be bad considering I might become the villainess someday?

If the priestess have Aeron as her Holy weapon, her very own Familiar.

And I have Stray as my own, what becomes of that battle?

How peculiar and yet it stirs curiosity inside me.

What kind of weapon would Stray and Aeron be?

Would it make a difference if I insisted to have them both as my own weapon even before the priestess arrives?

Wait! What am I thinking—!?

I sighed in defeat.

I just need to focus at the problem at hand.

First, we need to find a way to get out of this place. The priestess predicament will come later.


When we were all back in our room.

Stray instructed for us to Stay to our bed while he sat nearby with the children, so it wouldn't hinder suspicion to Cerguz if ever he's trying to watch us.

Nora then took her instrument and begun to strum it randomly.

Stray began to speak low and quietly.

"If both of you become my Meister, we can release my true powers and I can complete my transformation. The time you both awaken with yours, our powers will join and we might even have a chance to face Cerguz." Stated Stray as Aeron replied, "Would that be enough to counter Cerguz' abilities?"

"He doesn't really paralyze people instantly. He loves playing around first. As if he feels like no one is able to defeat him under his domain so he just watches patiently what you try to do. He loves a struggle. It entertains him to watch people around him try. He's that confident— and true enough, no one has manage to impede his paralysis."

"Then what's the point of all of these if no one hasn't even beaten him yet?" Aeron grumbled. "You told me everyone has a weakness. And you've been here the longest. Surely you have an idea what his weakness by now?"

Stray rubs his chin, "Well, his weakness is his over confidence. He underestimates everyone just because he's capable of paralyzing anyone."

"How's that for a weakness?" Aeron bolted up and jumped off from his bed. "That doesn't make sense!"

"Hey! Do you think I would still be here if I knew how to defeat him in the first place?!" Stray countered. As Aeron just stomped his feet down impatiently.

"I'm only thinking that maybe with my complete form and with either of you as my Meister, we can challenge him in a fight. When he begins to play, he usually focus more to his opponent infront of him. So while we distract him, Nora can flee the children away. After— we just need to aim to have him unconscious. We will have enough time to escape by ourselves by then!"

"Would you even think he would play fair?" Nora interrupted. "Remember his favourite game he makes us play before he punish and torture us? He never plays fair with that."

Favourite game—?

"Oh yeah." Stray sighs in exasperation. "But he usually cheats only when the game comes to an end."

"In that case. We can stall him with a duel, long enough to allow the children to escape." Aeron sits on the side of my bed, crossed legs. He lays his elbow on his knee as he rest his mouth on his palm. "Nora, aren't your abilities about explosions?"

Nora straightens her back "Yes, I can set any part of my body to explode."

"Even if it's already detached from you?"

Nora stares at Aeron in surprise.

I watch Aeron as his eyes went serious.

Nora nods slowly. "Yes, that's right."

"Hey, what are you getting at?" I murmured, grabbing his shoulder.

"Her hair can explode" Aeron tells me. "If we cut it up, you can make it explode, right?"


Nora covers her mouth with her hands. "I never thought of that! You're right. I think that just might work. But I never tried so I'm not sure how strong the impact will be."

"It doesn't matter. We only need a distraction."

We all looked at Aeron as he climbs back up to his bed. "I think I have an idea but I haven't quite thought about it thoroughly... I'm just thinking— we need to have Cerguz accept a challenge for us at the pits. Of whoever awakens first, that means either me or Aerra following Stray's idea as being our weapon. And then...." Aeron went on explaining his tedious and elaborate plan for an escape. I didn't listen to most part since my mind kept flying off to the idea that Stray is asking to have us as his Meister.

I didn't even saw this development coming.

Would it be safe to say no? I wonder what's the right answer. I hope I don't dream about that red framed mirror again tonight...

"Wait!" Grunted Stray. "I have so many questions regarding that!"

I looked around and realize they were still going at it.

Aeron shook his head. "Like I said. It's only an idea— it still needs more work to fill in the flaws"

They all heaves a sigh.

Aeron's amazing—

Ah wait. No time to admire...

I also need to think.

I tried to recall what I heard from Aeron's suggestion. And realized that it doesn't sound good after all.

In the first place, asking a duel out in the pits sounds suspicious enough for me, what more for Cerguz? Hmm. Then—

"How about we beat him on his own game?" were the words that escaped from my mouth even before I could stop them.

Stray and Nora turned to look at me.

"No no no! It's nothing!" I shook my head in denial.

"We need all ideas if we want to make a good plan. Go ahead, Aerra."

I sighed. "What is his favourite game?"

Nora and Stray exchanged glances.

"He calls it 'Catching a Liar.'" replied Nora. "It's his own made up game."

"How does he play it?" I asked

"He will allow you to make six statements. He will try to tell if you're lying or not. If he caught you lying he will torture you physically. But if you persuaded him that you're telling the truth, he release you. But sometimes he cheats if he really feels like to watch you wallow in pain." explains Nora.

"I suppose he's too bored and wants a challenge that's why he does that. The last time I played it with him, he lets me win. That's because I told him the truth, that I was only going out to get the berries for these children... But when he catches you lying... who knows what that sadistic bastard will do." added Stray as he groans as if remembering something unpleasant.

Lying game, huh?

Since Cerguz can sense movements, maybe he likes to challenge his own capabilities in catching a lie. I wonder how does he sense it though...

Aeron's head pops out from above my bed. "Don't even think about it. You're the easiest person to read."

"I didn't even elect myself, dimwit!" I retorted immediately as he slowly goes back up.

"That's a dead end anyway. He's good at catching a lie." Stray uttered crossing his arms.

We all sighed almost at the same time.

"For now let's all get a shut eye. I'll try to think about this until tomorrow. But let's just clear one thing— let's stick with the plan to sync with both of you. If we succeed, you will both become my Meister. Agree?"

Both Aeron and I agreed.

He stood up and began ushering the other children to go to their bed. And then he went back to his own. "Look guys, most of the children I knew from before already tried every possible way of escaping— they all did tried and gloriously failed...

—but none had tried to escape altogether since most of them usually gets scared. So right now... since all of us here are unified and the elites are all out. We might have a better chance at this."

Nora stands up and sets her instrument aside. She spoke in a low quiet voice. "No, this is our only shot now, Stray. We need to make this work. We're fewer in numbers compared before so escaping might be a lot easier. We must... do this now while the elites are gone."

For a minute or so, they stared at each other.

Stray heaves a sigh. "I know, Nora.... I know."

I laid down my own bed and just watch them as Nora covered her eyes with her forearm. Stray lied down and turned about to faced the wall.

Now that I think about it. I wonder what kind of past did these two have?

Nora's my best friend now. I should at least ask her if accepting Stray as my weapon won't bother her, right?

I wonder if she likes him... that won't come a surprise if she does. After all, they both grew up together.


That morning.

I woke up with the usual door bangings. "Breakfast!"

I sat up and watch as Aeron climbs down from his bed as he just eyed me in silence before heading out the door. Hmm? Is he back in ignoring me?

"Aerra? Shall we go?"

I stood up as Nora wraps her arm around me.

"Nora, I have a weird question for you." I murmured as we stepped out the room and closed the door behind us.

We marched in a line as Stray and Aeron precedes while the children follows. Nora and I walked a little from behind.

"What's your question?" she asks me, looking at me with her usual smile.

I opened my mouth. I should ask if she has feelings for Stray but the words won't form in my tongue. I closed my mouth back and sighed.

"What's wrong?" she insisted. "Go ahead and ask away! No need to be shy!" she chuckled.

"Are you... Nora, do you umm —l-like Stray?"

"Of course. Why, don't you?"

Ah. She doesn't understand.

"No, not the familial kind of like. The other one..."

She tilts her head to the side. "You mean like a love interest?"

"Yes!" I replied.

She shook her head. "I never thought of him more than a family. He's like my younger brother since we grew up together, so I never tried looking at him as another. Why ask?"

I shook my head vigorously, "Oh it's nothing. Like I said— just a weird question."

"Hmm." She looks at me suspiciously and smiled teasingly. "Are you perhaps in love with your own brother, Aeron?"

"What—?! No! That's not why I asked. It's just that, Stray is asking to be our Meister. And he said it's a permanent sort of thing. So since you are my friend—!"

She giggled. "If anything else, I'm more happy that you or Aeron will become his Meister. I can't watch him be used by some heartless assassins. He's been through so much already. He— oh. sorry I suppose I'm being nosy. I should stop."

"It's okay." I smiled at her.

"But I would love to see the day you will fall in love with Stray, Aerra! Maybe someday when you grow up as a woman!" Nora squeals. "Just a perfect combination! A high born lady and her lethal mercenary! Sounds like a wild rogue romance don't you think?"

More like a villainess and her weapon... in a wild rogue apocalypse.

"Nora... you lost me."

She laughs. "If you or Aeron become his Meister. I won't worry anymore. That kid deserves a better life..."

"Not just him, Nora. You and all the abducted kids as well."

She nods. "That's why we need to keep our heads up and trust in him. Who knows if we do succeed now..." she pauses, looks around and then whispers " escaping."

I smiled at Nora. And looked ahead to where Stray and Aeron are.

Our only chance in escaping, huh?


After the breakfast we head straight to the ruins as planned.

I came with Stray this time as Nora paired up with Aeron.

"Why switch now?" I asked.

We were already inside another odd looking ruins.

"If you're going to be my Meister, we need to trust each other. The partnership is all about trust and synchronizing our minds after all." Replied Stray as he led the way while we walked further a passage. "Since we don't really spend time together that much..."

"But I already trust you. If I didn't, I wouldn't even let Aeron be left alone with you."

He bursted out laughing.

"You really are twins! He said the same thing just a while ago."

"So how would we do this sync thing?" I interrupted so to digress.

"That will come next. Tell me something about yourself first."

"Have you tried syncing with others before?"

He looked at me coolly all of a sudden. "That's a secret." He says with a finger to his lips as he slowly grins as if to dispel the cold gaze he just gave me.

"Secrets is not a good way to build trust" I murmured, just looking down.

He didn't replied.

Suddenly he comes into a halt. I looked up and realized he was trying to move a boulder out of the way. The ceiling above has already collapsed and the passage looks more like an abandoned dungeon than a cave unlike the ones Nora and I went to.

"Just a question though. How long have you been exploring these ruins below the Ouboros?"

"Far longer than I can remember. I do like going down here though. Somedays you find nothing, the next you realize there's a new passage again. It's like these ruins are still alive."

"If you've been exploring here with the others for that long, how many floors do you think these ruins have?"

"Perhaps a hundred? The deepest we explored so far is about 20. It's that hard to explore."

I shrugged. "I see. I rest my case."

He just eyed me tentatively before looking back ahead again and pushing the boulder while his wind circles around it.

Finally he was able to move the boulder and a small hole on the floor, a size of a man hole, is exposed. I can feel a draft from the hole. It's dark to peer through. All I could hear from it was the echoing hollow silence similar to a well.

"We're going down there, right?" I sighed. "It's up to you. You can stay here." he replied as he began to climb it down. Legs first then down he disappears as he jumps to it.

"If a monster pops out up there, I trust you can protect yourself. Good luck!" he hollered from below, his voice echoing.

That sarcastic bastard.

I bit my lips in frustration.

I looked around the tedious passages where only dimly glowing crystals, that exists on the walls, lit the area but from both ends of the passage darkness rolls out from beyond.

"I'm going down as well!" I yelled out.

"Why oh why?" he replied in a singsong.

I put both my feet in and sat on its edge. I looked down and realize how dark the hole was, as if it goes on and on but his voice is not that far. Well if he's still alive below, the hole must be safe to the least.

I slid down but my fall went into a slide instead and in a descending rush, I glided down and then curved into a corner. Faster and faster I descended until I emerged out in a huge cave like room, I was hauled out in force from the speed that had built and up high I went, hovering to the high ceilings, almost in touch with the stalactites before going down into a free fall.

I held on to my skirt and looked down. Stray looks up at me in a teasing smile then walks away, tucking both his hands behind him.

"Catch me, you dummy!!!" I yelled out.

"Ask nicely, snow head!" he replied, still walking away.

I closed my eyes. I know he will catch me anyway. The wind rushes pass me from below and in just a matter or few seconds, the wind stops. "I was expecting you will beg me to catch you." he grumbled as I opened my eyes and ended up staring at his eyes again. "And yet here you are." I grinned at him. He just sighs.

When we reach the floor, he suddenly removes his hands under me and I fell on the ground in a loud thud. I cringed to the pain of falling butt first. I scowled at him as I anchored myself up with both elbows and then sat to my heels. He just stood there, watching me imperiously.

"You're so..." —irksome is what I was going to say but I bit my tongue. I shouldn't argue. He did catch me regardless.

"I'm so what?"

"Nothing" I sighed. "I just trust you will catch me that's why I didn't tried begging."

He squats to my eye level. "But I'm not your knight in shining armor so don't get used to it" he says, poking my forehead. "But you are my weapon, aren't you?" I retorted. "Not yet. I still don't completely trust you" he replied as he stood up and walked ahead.

I pushed myself up and walked the opposite direction. "The irony that you tell me that we need to build trust between us when you're the one who doesn't trust me."

He squats down and picks up something on the ground and puts it inside his rucksack. "So you're saying that you completely trust me?" He went on walking around, surveying the area.

I nodded.

If Aeron and Nora trust him, of course I trust him.

"I don't see why I shouldn't." I replied, scouting my eyes around. There are glowing crystals on the ceiling giving soft illumination to the place. The entire floor is covered in black tiled stones. But there are few areas, where the floor is broken, that had clear water in them. I wonder where the waters are coming from.

"Hmmm." He murmurs, almost in a hymn. "If you trust me, tell me your secret then?"

"I got none" I replied almost immediately. It's not as if he would take me seriously if I said I'm about to become the Fallen One someday and that I have regained my previous life's memories.

"Liar" he chuckled as he stops in place. "Actually, I got what I need to know about you from Aeron. You're a Duke's daughter from the Dukedom of Greenrun, Aerrandria Leingod. You fell from a tree at the age of eight and laid unconscious for a couple of weeks. But when you woke up you spend most of the time reading books, snooping around and brooding. You're engaged to the successor of the warden of the East which is under House Morlock. But despite your curious ventures, you still live a sheltered life; naive and ignorant about the world outside you. And that's how you ended up in here."

I blankly stared at him. Is there something I should say? He covered mostly every facts about me.

He turned around and faced me. "Did I got it right?"

I nodded. "Aeron told you all those stuff? Then what else do you want to hear from me?"

"No. Aeron didn't say it all like that. But he does love talking about you a lot. So I picked up the bits and pieces and put them altogether. Did I miss something?"

"Err... good work, I guess?" I shrugged. "That's everything about me."

He suddenly strode towards me and stopped when he stood just inches away from me. I stepped aback instinctively. "I said— That's everything about me!" I repeated, my voice rising. But he just stood there staring at me with such cold eyes.

"That's the oddest part. I believe that's everything but why do I feel like you're hiding something?"

I looked away. "What else is there? What do you expect me to hide?"

"Oh I don't know." Suddenly he threw himself down and sits crossed legged in front of me. "That's why I can't completely trust you. I feel something's different about you. It's bothersome." He stated.

For a couple of seconds there was silence. I can feel his piercing gaze never left me while I just stood here stupor. I can't turn to look at him so I kept my eyes down or to somewhere else.

"You're a tough nut to crack, kiddo"

"What do you mean?"

"Most kids usually open up at times like this. They tell me about what they feel, what they fear and what makes them happy. They even tell me something about themselves and their family. Always full of varying stories. You're brother opened up already. No matter how stubborn he may look, in the end he's only just a kid. But you... you even act more mature than Nora that sometimes I forget how old you really are."

I slowly tried to walk away but he reaches for my hand all of a sudden and made me... forced me rather, to sit down as well.

I wanted to scowl at him but then he gave me such cold looking eyes. He looks too serious.

He closes his face near mine. I could almost feel his nose touching mine. I instinctively move back.

"It's not that I don't trust you. But I'm quite curious what secrets you're keeping. Whenever I have a chance to stare at your eyes like this, it makes me feel like you have an ocean of thoughts flooding your mind behind those blue eyes. A deep and serious type of secret that you're trying to keep that it makes me want to stick around you to pry it open."

I glared at him as I secure my chest with my hands.

He sat back up and laughs, the usual carefree type of laugh he does. "I won't literally pry you open. Where's the fun in that?" He took a deep breath and laid both his elbows down to his knees as he rest his chin on both his hands.

"I just... don't know what's it about you that I can't help myself but to hover around you like a fly." he says sighing.

If you're a fly then...

what does that make me—?!

What the heck?

"Why do you want to know it so bad. What if it's just about me hiding Aeron's stuff or something petty?"

He shook his head. "Not with those kind of eyes. And definitely not with the kind of stare you're giving."

My stare—?

"Kids like you— no, you're the first of your kind. A girl like you, rather, is more deadlier than a grown mercenary. Your mind is full of secrets just waiting to prey on anybody like poison."

I stared at him just wide eyed as he just pats my head. I felt like my body is frozen in place. I wonder what did he meant by that? It makes me want to look for a mirror. What kind of stare do I have anyway?

"Hahahaha! but the way you look right now defies everything I just said."

Calm down, Aerra. Be calm.

"Isn't it that everybody is full of secrets?"

He won't find out even if I admit I have a secret.

"Not at your age, they don't."

"I should be saying the same thing to you"

"How's so?" He chuckled as if testing me.

"You grew up with these people. Yet you're friendly and you look after us. Also, the other children likes you. It's quite odd. Normally shouldn't you be the coldest?"


He sneers impishly before closing his eyes while taking a deep breath.

"I can't wait till you grow older. It'll be interesting what kind of woman you will become. Or rather— what kind of person my Meister will become."

Did he just... regard me as his Meister?

"Tell me something about you then? You keep asking me about my secrets. Shouldn't I ask back as well?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Perhaps a secret?"

He chuckled. "Considering you never told me a cinch of anything about you, you have the audacity to ask me to tell you my secret?"

"What's to tell!? You already know everything about me! And I'm not asking for all your secrets. Just tell me one."

"Hmm." He taps his chin. Then looks at me in a smile as if he figured something out. "I have killed a lot of people."

There was a brief silence.

I can see how he watches my reaction intently.


"Okay" I replied.

"What do you mean okay—?" He pinches my cheeks widely.


"Didn't you hear me?"

"I did!!! What do you want me to say?"

He suddenly releases me.

"Aren't you disgusted?"

His face seems so serious now.

I look at him in surprise. Why would he ask something like that?

"Of course not. You're a mercenary so isn't that a normal thing?"

Should I have acted disgusted? I don't get it?

He studied me with passive look in his eyes as if waiting for me to talk.

I fidget in place. "It's not disgusting, okay?"

"You're not disgusted to people who can kill?"

Well I definitely abhor Cerguz, but—

"I've been guarded by soldiers all my life. I know at some point in their lives they will have to kill or they already have killed some people. But I'm not disgusted with them."

"Those are soldiers—" He argued. "And I'm a—! Ugh! Nevermind, you're just a kid after all."

"People kill for some reason, I get it! And a soldier's reasoning if far different from a mercenary! But killing is killing, there is nothing noble in that! Yet a soldier is considered a person so... whatever you're reasoning is... you're no different from a soldier... you're still a person."

Especially you, Stray, I thought to myself.

As I stared at him stubbornly.

I can see a young kid in his eyes, desperately wanting to argue with me.

I don't believe he's evil.

Not when he carried a child on his shoulders and run around with them in a laugh as they all played together.

Not the guy who tried to get berries for a crying child even if he had to get punished for it.

He stood up and walked away as if it's the most natural thing to do. "Start looking for any treasure to pick up. We need to get moving. Cerguz might be quite annoyed at me by now for slacking off again!" he says in a chuckle.

In the end, he didn't believe me huh?

I stood back up as well, patting dusts off my skirt as I watch him survey the place.

But then I grope something on my pocket.

The candies might not be edible any longer.

Oh. The flower is here though. I took it out and realized it haven't even withered.

I forgot to give it to Nora.

I looked at Stray and watch him how he squats down to pick some stuff up from the ground and then throws it back like some kind of trash.

I bet he's conflicted at my response.

I looked at the flower in my hand.

'Aren't you disgusted?'

What a harsh question to ask...

I only came few days ago so I haven't really understand how all the kids here live especially when you're fully trained.

Are they forced to kill people?

Maybe... some people made him feel like he's disgusting.


He's disgusted with himself.

Perhaps even both—?

How to make him believe that I mean what I say?

He have saved my life for a few times already and was very attentive to me and to Aeron.

The first time I got here, he yielded to stop Cerguz's men from killing me.

He's helping Aeron stand up on his own without me, something I might not be able to do alone.

He poured my soup in his mug when I had a hard time eating and even wiped the corners of my mouth with his own sleeve.

He also saved me twice when I was falling.

And now he's offering a hand to help us escape before Cerguz can sell us to a collector.

I should show some appreciation.

"Stray!" I ran towards him, he just looked at me impassively.

"I don't know how to make you trust me completely or how to make you believe my words... But—!" I hand him the flower while I bowed my head down shyly. "...ever since we got here, you've been there for us. I've watched you enough to believe someone like you is not disgusting at all! If anything else, I think you're amazing and very kind! Whatever you've done or whatever you're trying to hide. I won't change the way I look at you. I respect you and I will follow you regardless what your decisions is for us because I trust you! So..."

I had a point to tell but...

Wait. what was my point again?

"Even if I have no clear basis of trusting you, I just feel like I could. You've done enough to prove that! I'm sure everybody who were with you feels the same!" I slowly pulled my head up and looked at the flower in my trembling hand, "The flower... Nora said it was rare and it might serve as a lucky charm for you... and I want to sincerely thank you for everything you did for me and my brother! So please take it."

I'm going in circles.

I'm really really bad at explaining myself.

I should have practiced before stomping myself to him in a confrontation like this!

"Just take it!!!" I pushed it to him.

Slowly, I peeked up and tried to glance at his face.

He just stood there in shock.

His eyes stared blankly at the flower as if lost in thoughts.

I can see tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Everybody huh?" he sighs in a sneer, "even those who I failed to protect?"

"Stray?" I murmured.

Have I triggered a memory? I reached up to his face. What a painful expression, I thought.

He blinked his eyes in a snap and looked at me.

He grabs my wrist and spoke.

"You're weird."

And then he leans down to me and closed the gap between him and the skin of my cheek, lightly.

Suddenly, wind circles us for a brief moment and then it dissipated in a flash.

He then moves close to my ear after and spoke,

"Eriol. Remember that well. It's my birth name."

When he stood back up, I finally realized what happened.

I shot him a glance as he took the flower from me while releasing my wrist which he held.

I touched the side of my cheek were I felt his lips traced.


D-did he just kissed my cheek?!?

"You can call me Eri. Don't tell anyone else." he says in a smug.

I stared at him in silence, appalled.

"I will count on your words, my Meister."

---end of Chapter 7: part 2---