Chapter 13: Harvest Day (2)

I watch Leon get on his one knee before me as Darion stood nearby. "The other soldiers were dismissed. From this point onwards, I will be your servant and guard you with my life, my Lady."

"Please do stand up" I said as he did but watched him put a fist on his chest regardless while looking at me with a rigid straightened back. He may wear a suit of a butler but he still acts like a soldier. "At ease, Leon. That's enough declarations." I sighed, glancing at Darion as he smiled, the age lines in the corner of his eyes appears as he did.

"You will get used to it soon, m'Lady." Darion stated.

"I hope so." I answered frankly. I bet I will miss having Darion waking me up every morning. He might be our Head Butler but he feels like family to me. So I still prefer him over any other butlers in our castle.

I watch Darion leave the room, closing the door behind him. I noticed Leon just went to stand behind me. "Umm, I'll just finish our morning lectures. You can wait for me outside." I stated. Leon shook his head, "The Duke specifically asked me to stay by your side wherever you go, m'Lady. I'm afraid I can't do as you asked me to."

"It's fine. Let him stay, Lady Aerra." Says my governess as she joined us. "Go ahead and take your seat, Lady Aerra. We need to begin soon." She added with her hands crossed together diligently over her torso.

I obediently walked to my desk, just beside Aeron's and saw him writing something on a piece of paper.

"What are you writing?" I whispered at Aeron.

He crumpled it nonchalantly, "I was just trying to review something." he replied as his eyes moved to Leon. "Oh, he's on duty now, huh? Hi there! I'm Aeron! Nice to meet you!" He reached a hand across at him while his other arm drapes down by the back of his chair.

Leon bows down, almost in a ninety degree stance. "Pleasure is all mine, young master."

He left Aeron's hand hanging though.

"That's quite enough, let's begin with the lecture." Hollered our governess as we both faced front and focused out attention on her.

"Where is Lord Eriol?" she turns to the empty desk that sat on the other side of Aeron.

The door swings open.

A big yawns escapes from his mouth as Eriol walked in. "Sorry I'm late, missus." His eyes gravitate to Leon who stood behind me in silence. His one brow arched curiously but he didn't say anything.

"Let's begin" our governess stated.

Eriol sat on his seat and leaned close to Aeron, whispering something.

I bet they're planning to go out today again without me.

Boys and their secrets...

I sunk back down further to my seat and just crossed my arms.

Our governess wrote a symbol on the board.

'Elements' it says. She went on explaining technical things about magics and nobles.

I remembered the arguement I had with few guests from our birthday party. It seems most nobles outside Greenrun trully believes how essential it is to have powers.

Noblebloods are born with magic while the commonfolks aren't, it separates the likes of us from them. But according to Aromir, nobles and royalties like us protect these lands for the commonfolks. Is that really the case?

Powers, huh?

Even Levi who wasn't born from nobleblood seemed to have sought for a way to wield a strange yet unique alchemic-like magic.

Is having powers really that important?

Does it really speak of worth to the world outside?

I looked at my hand.

I now have a power of my own. It's called the Null. I haven't told anyone about it yet but I think this one is perfect for me since I don't think I can hurt anyone with it.

Although right now, I could only pacify elements if I can hold or sense it on my hands while deeply concentrating. So maybe if I can grow this power stronger I would be able to abate elements even without the need to use my hands nor to mentally exert an effort.

I side glanced at the guys and saw them exchanging papers this time. I wonder if they're planning to go back to the dungeon under the lake again today...

I took a deep breath and laid my chin down the base of my palm as I rested my elbows on my desk.

"Hey Leon?" I uttered in a tone just above a whisper, partly just to check if he can hear me if I talk quietly to myself like this.

I can hear him shift on his feet. "M'Lady?" He says, stooping down on my side.

Oh good. So he has a sharp sense of hearing too.

"What's your element?" I turned my head to him.

"Terra, m'Lady." He answered.


I noticed Leon didn't added anymore question after the one I just throw. He really doesn't speak too much, huh?

"I want to go to the library later." I uttered low.

He nods and stood back up. "Understood"

I have to see if there's a book that talks about the Null.

I sat erect and focused my attention to our governess as she paces a bit while holding an opened book with one hand while the other arm is bent behind her.

She went on talking about elements and it's relation to space and time.

"But on the contrary, time itself is a dark element. And space is once known as a void until all the light elements combined to create the known realm." she stated. "Hence, we all live in a balance of light and darkness. However, that balance exist in a fragile equilibrium..."

I opened my book to follow her lecture and noticed the vein at the back of my hand pulsating. Strange, I don't feel it pulsing though. I raised it and studied the phenomenon, pivoting my hand around in front of my eyes.

I watch the pulsating vein turn into coal black vessels under my skin.

"...because the dark element by nature is invasive, a tiny shift of that balance can trigger this element to encroach."

Black crawling veins began to spread from that single blot, creeping thoroughly to all the veins of my hand in a icy cold yet numbing sensation until it reaches my fingers, turning all the tips black... even all my fingernails,

— as they slowly grow longer with sharp pointed ends.

I stood up abruptly in stark fear and shock.

My chair almost tipped and fell over from behind me but Leon had caught it before it even hit the floor.

All heads turn to me.

"Are you alright?"

My hand looks normal again.

I looked around.

Did someone else see that?

Aeron and Eriol eyed me as they froze in stance with a paper on their hand. My governess slowly closes her book and walked towards me.

"I'm alright" I said, sitting back down as Leon assisted me.

"Don't tell me you fell asleep?" Aeron murmured, with his chin rested idly on his fist, lazily.

"No!" I replied, shaking my head. My eyes switch focus at the guy sitting beside him, Eriol. I can see he's just studying me.

"M-maybe." I rebuke my answer. Perhaps I did fell asleep. I want to believe it so.

"Dimwit..." Aeron grunted, sliding his gaze away.

And then he raises his hand.

"Can we end the lecture early, miss? Just for today, please?" he asks but the tone sounded assertive.

Our governess glances at me then sighed in defeat. "Alright, just for today, young master." she says, placing the book down to the nearest table.

"Thank you for today!"

Aeron and Eriol stood up.

I stood back up, reluctantly.

"Likewise" She replied with a smile and stepped out the room.

"So... where are you guys going next?"

"I have some things to do by afternoon so we decided to train this morning instead." Eriol replied. "We're going to the training grounds next."

Eriol is after all our assigned mentor when it concerns about powers. 'Maybe I can trust him and ask about the Null?' I thought.

"Should we be going now, m'Lady?" Leon spoke all of a sudden. I remembered telling him about my plan on going to the library.

'Maybe not.' I'll just research about the Null on my own. After all, he'll be busy with training Aeron.

"Let's go, Leon" I said as we began to walk away.

"Wait, aren't you going to join us?" Aeron hollered.

"No, I'll just go to the library for today"

I usually end up just watching them alone anyway. I better make use of my time wisely.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw the guys exchanged glances. I walked ahead and closed the door behind them.


I soon reached the library.

"Stay here. I want to read alone" I told Leon as I opened the door halfway.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, m'Lady." He bows down in apology.

I went inside and he followed behind me in silence.

I began to stroll around the deserted library.

"Tell me something..." I halted and faced him. "Did you see it... what happened to my hand?"

I watched his reaction.


He didn't even flinch nor look away.

"I did."

Darn it!!!

"Was there anyone else that might have seen it?"

He shook his head, "Young master Aeron and Lord Eriol were preoccupied conversing through a piece of paper, while your governess was writing something on the board then."

"Are you certain?"

He nodded.

I sighed in relief, and then looked up at him once again. "What are your thoughts about it?"

He didn't replied this time.

"It's strange, isn't it? You can be honest. What was the first thing you thought about when you saw the change?" I pursed my lips tight and watched him intently.

"What element is that? —is what I thought when I saw that."


What element indeed.

"Thank you, Leon. But can I ask you not to tell anyone about this?"

"As long as it doesn't cause you danger, you can count on my silence"

"It's not a danger to me!" I answered.

Crap! That slipped. I clasped at my mouth.

"May I ask something, m'lady?" He added. Surprise he spoke of something on his own, I agreed. "I just realized, something like that is a manifestation in wielding a dark element in its raw form. Are you perhaps a dark magus?"

. . .

"Please forget what I said, forgive me!" he retorted. "It is rude of me. A lady of your status will of course never bother meddling with dark arts" he bowed down.

In a glimpse... just in split second, I think I saw him smirk but it disappears the moment he stood back up. Was that my imagination?

"N-no. It's... quite alright. Let's just drop the topic."

I turned around and began to browse the shelves on the walls instead.

Walking from one book shelves into another, I tried to focus in searching for a book but my mind keeps drifting off.

What element is the Null anyway?

I reached a far end of the library where stained glass windows stood solemnly by the walls, facing the last bookcases. The stained glass windows have a floral designs of roses and spring water. But the water is represented as a mirror where I can see my own reflection clearly. I can see Leon from it standing behind me, nonchalantly. His head turned to the last remaining shelf, somewhat scanning the books there with just his eyes.

I veered my eyes to my reflection.

And watch my hair transform into black.

I reached to rake my hair with my fingers but I saw black vine-like tattoo slowly crawling at the side of my cheeks,

slowly reaching towards my eyes.

And then... a hazy vision flashed before me.


... the only thing I can hear is my shaking breath while I pant with my mouth gaped open.

Tables are turned. Chairs are broken.

Shards of glasses on the floor...

Torned books scattered haphazardly.

Shelves leaning in a cascade like fallen dominos.

And a pool of blood on the floor.

I don't want to see this.

A huge hole on the walls...

Parts of the high ceilings are broken

And fallen chandeliers.

I don't want to see this

And a cane.... with a blue stone on one end.

The symbol of Lordship in Greenrun.

Both my hands are stained with blood...

No more, please!?!

Beside it is—


Tears blurred my sight.


I screamed on the top of my lungs, with voice shattering into a cry.

I closed my eyes tight and dropped to the floor.

I can feel Leon's hand, calming me down. "What's wrong, m'Lady?!"

I don't want him to see me like this now.

I don't want anybody to see me like this.

I can't let anybody know...

"Leave me alone please" I uttered but it came out from me in a trembling voice.

"But m'Lady—!"

"LEAVE!!!" My voice peaks a few volume than I intended.

I opened my eyes. "I'm sorry... just please... I want to be alone for awhile." I mumbled, looking at him.

He nodded and pushed himself up from his knee. "Understood" he replied and walked away.

I embraced myself. Rubbing my arms with the warmth of my hands to calm myself down.

I'm relieved I wasn't able to see who it was who lied on the floor next to the cane.

Yet I feel so nauseous and rattled regardless.

I can't even fathom how to feel if that vision really happens.

—especially if I was the one who caused it.

I sat on my heels, leaning my back against the bookshelf beside me.

I bent my knees close to my chest, folded my arms tight around it, and winged my head aback, staring sightlessly in midair.

Someone in this library will be killed.

Someone who lives in this very castle.

I wiped my eyes dry and listened to the calming silence of the empty room.

Someone... from my Household will die.

I can't let that happen.

I really wish I could confide to anyone...

I can't fully trust Leon. His duty is to protect me but his loyalty is on my father.

I can't mope around either.


I can't idly wait any longer like I used to. I need to extract information.

If I can't help myself... no one will.

And if I let things unfold further on it's own, who knows when it's already too late.

Time to do something.

I won't let anyone in this Household die.

Really— really do something.

But I don't know where to begin!

I pat my cheeks and stood up.

How about I start from the very beginning?

"I might still be able to change those visions..." I pondered. "At least, I need to believe I could"

Otherwise, I should just leave this place.

So no one gets hurt.

I stood up and began to browse the shelves once again, going all the way back to the books about the prophecy and the legends.
