Chapter 13: Harvest Day (4)

"Okay okay! Where to begin?" Eriol shrugged.

"The Ouboros" Levi says low. "And what his connection with the Ouboros."

Eriol nodded and leaps up to a desk, sitting on it with one leg bend close to him where he lays his one elbow down. "Ouboros has eight elite mercenaries. They all have a tattoo that refers to their ranking. Their ranking pertains to the measure who is strongest to the least.

Cerguz is supposed to be the leader but he's already gone so... now I have no news if they are still all together to search for a next leader or not."

"What exactly are they after?" Levi asked,


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"That's the thing about those guys. I don't exactly understand why they even formed a group. You see, despite looking for an actual leader, the group is already parted into two sides: those who follow Faram and those who follow Claude.

Claude is the ranked as the number one in the group, he's also the one who took me in and trained me.

Unlike Faram, Claude can control multiple Light elements, like me— wind, and more. Also those who follow after him uses light elemental magic as well." Eriol explained. "And they are all strong. Far stronger than me— or you, Aeron."


((A/N: Links for illustration here: ))


"You said Ouboros is divided into two. So does that mean Faram and the ones who follow him are..." Aeron trails off.

"M'Lady, you have another visitor" Leon calls out.

Exactly how much more visitors are going to arrive?

The door swings open before I could even reply.

"Aerra!!!" Kain shouted as he ran towards me and charged. But Levi and Eriol was able to grab him before Kain could have tackled me down from where I sat.

"Settle down, we're talking here" Levi says, releasing Kain. He sharply eyed Levi. "You might want to listen too. We're talking about the guy who's planning to kidnap Aerra after all" Levi say. Kain's shoulder loosens and turned to Eriol as he nodded in affirmation.

"Fine." he answered curtly. Levi pats his head. Kain casually evades it and moved to sit next to Eriol by the surface of the table.

Levi has been surprisingly affectionate to Kain amidst all the death glare Kain has been throwing at him for the past few weeks.

"Where were we? Oh right! So about the elite mercenaries that follows Faram! Well they are all dark elemental users. Though I'm closer with those that follow Claude, so I can't exactly say what they're abilities are and the exact dark element they use. All I know is that all of the elite mercenaries of Ouboros are Transmuters. They can all transform into a weapon of sort. That's why they sought for a leader who is a Wielder. Cerguz was one.

If you ask me what they are exactly after, I can only answer from the side of Claude's gang. Claude is searching for something— some sort of fragmented relics that he even needs a Meister to wield him to maximize his powers and abilities in order to collect all whatever he is that he's looking for. I don't exactly know what Faram is after or what the entire group of mercenaries like them are aiming for, but I'm pretty sure whatever it is, it's something that concerns only their selves. They are all self-serving. Maybe that's why when Cerguz's supposed purpose and role for them has been disappointing, they dismissed him."

That sounds like they're not truly looking for a leader, it's more like they're looking for someone they can all use and share.

Which is ironical.

They are all Transmuters, capable of turning into a weapon but instead of being used as a tool, they in turn are looking for a Wielder to use as their tool.

How twisted reality is.

"How about their apprentices?" Aeron interrupted. "Why did they took apprentices... like us?"

"That I'm not sure. Perhaps making sure someone is going to continue their work?" Eriol shrugged.

There was silence.

Aeron finally stood up, "We can't just stand here and wait until Faram makes his move. One way or another he will come back for sure,"

"What makes you so sure he will still come back?" I murmured. "Look guys, I'm grateful for all these precautions and informations about Faram and Ouboros but you all are making this too much of a big deal. I'm just Faram's apprentice. Why would he even go into so much length and trouble to get me? There's nothing to gain from taking me. It's already been weeks! Almost a month...

He can just take another apprentice instead for all we know. They are all self-serving, as Eriol said, so I don't think..."

Aeron cuts me off, "Aerra, you still don't get it don't you?"

I gaze up to meet my brother's eyes and saw him staring back with no humor in his eyes. I flinched at the sight of it.

"What... what is it that I don't understand?" I mumbled.

"To simply put," Aeron begun as he pointed at Eriol with his thumb. "Eriol has the unique capability as a Transmuter to sense and go to wherever you are if you're in danger, regardless of the distance. And Faram knows that. So if he will take you away, he first needs to cut him off."

I know Aeron is sharp. He might have figured it out by now.

But it feels like he knows something more than what he's saying.

Aeron heaves a sigh. "Right now, we can just assume he'll return. I don't think there's in anyway he's giving up on you."

But why—

I'm missing something here...

"M'Lady, you have a visitor" Leon spoke out of the silence. This time he seemed to have walked in.

"Another one?" I almost did a headcount to all my friends inside the room with me.

Leon stepped aside to reveal a young beautiful girl standing behind him. Her hair tied into a ponytail like manner, in the color of cobalt. Her gentle arctic blue eyes that almost seemed like gray sweeps around until it aligned with mine.

"Princess Isera??" I admit I sounded more surprised than welcoming. "You're here!"

She smiled and began to head towards me.

I met Princess Isera at our birthday party. She's the Arch Priestess of the Holy City of the West, Diër Selecí. It's a theocratic nation that is governed by their religion rather than by monarchy. She's also the current castellan.

All the guys made way to allow her to walk up to me as she held her head high, keeping her fine posture but demure aura with both her hands crossed infront of her skirt. "Good day, Lady Aerra" she spoke with her heavy yet airy voice.

"G-good day. Umm... It's a pleasure to see you again! But— uhh. To what do I owe the pleasure for?" I stiffen on my feet as she calmly studied me. I glanced at the guys and saw them just curiously watching.

Princess Isera is not particularly close with me. I don't even know if I can regard her too soon as a friend. So this is really...

"Our prime minister gave me a task. As the Arch Priestess of Diër Selecí, he told me I should do courtesy calls. And since your family and mine has been good friends for so many years, I wish to uphold that even now... So I came here today." She seems a bit nervous as well. Her eyes keeps blinking away and glancing at me minutely.

"Forgive me if it's unannounced. Are you perhaps busy for the day? I could just return some other time"

"N-no! It's fine, your Highness!" I said and exchanged glances with my brother. "In fact, we're actually celebrating the Harvest season. Would it be fine if you join us instead?"

"That's sound delightful! I'm honored to partake in your events. Thank you!" She says timidly but her smile was very bright and sweet.

"Umm, let me introduce you to my brother and my friends."

"This is Aeron, he's my twin brother as you might have already heard."

"Ah. Yes. I haven't properly talked with you yet from the party." She stretched out a hand. Aeron placed a light peck on the back of her hand. "A pleasure to meet you, your Highness."

"This is Eriol Windstray, he's with our Household." I gestured at him, Eriol just gave a finger salute. "Prince Kain of Grantzæl." I veered my hand to him as Kain didn't show interest. "And Levi. He's—,"

She walked towards Levi and eyed him with head up high. "Lord Levi of the East."

"I prefer being called Levi of Osteell, your Highness." He slightly bows, almost like a nod. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Isera of the West." Levi added.

I can see Isera's brow crunch for a split second but was able to blink it off as soon as it happened. She smiled brighter, "I hope we can sustain good relationship with the Eastern Nation, Lord Levi. As what my family have kept for all the years, even before your family has been appointed as the castellan."

"I hope so too."

Somehow a tension seems to fill the air despite the smiles they show.

I stood between them. "Well, we are joining the Harvest day today! This will be fun! Right, Aeron? Eriol?"

Aeron crossed his arms, he seems conflicted in saying yes. But Eriol pats his head and spoke for him, "Yeah! We will all go! In fact, why don't we all head out now to start this fun day?" He sneers.

I sighed in relief as I watch them all begin to walk off.

"Lady Aerra" Princess Isera stayed and spoke with a low voice.

I turned to face her.

"I wish to get to know you better. If it proves to be bothersome for you, do tell."

I nodded unsure.

"Umm. Princess Isera, I—!"

"Just call me Isera."

"Uhhh— Isera...?"

She nods and smiled.

"Isera, I want to... ask," I paused and looked at the guys from over her shoulders. They already were about to step out of the room. I whispered quietly, "About what you saw that night— is it why you're here?"

Her eyes widened. "Well..."

"May I ask what you saw? And what you meant by what you said that night?"

Her head drops down, "I usually refuse giving readings, one reason is that— providing explanations about what I saw is difficult. It's not wise to make conclusions out of it because one scene can mean many things"

"And what did you saw?" I insisted.

She closed her eyes and stuttered.

"M'Lady?" Leon walks up to us and called. I looked at him and his eyes seemed asking. I just nodded, "Yes, we're coming along with them. No need to stand on guard over there"

I turned to Isera. No point in making her feel like I'm cornering her, "Perhaps we can talk more about this later on then?"

"Alright." She says, beaming at me.


We reached the orchard and found lots of busy workers walking here and there with countless large basket of fruits being carried around.

"So, here we are! Welcome to my lands!" Eriol says crossing his arms together and watching the people around us.

"Lord Eriol! I'm so relieved you're finally here!" An old man with big belly appears from behind us. He has a salt and pepper colored hair, bushy beard and weary round eyes. "I sent some men to deliver some of the produce directly to the shipping guilds; they still haven't returned! So I sent another one to check on them but he reported to me that they were held up by a long line from all the other merchants also trying to make shipments. At this rate we're wasting time! There's still a lot of fruits to harvest and we don't have enough manpower to do all the tasks!"

"Relax! That's why we're here!" Aeron says in a grin.

"Young lord!?!" The man gasped at his own realization. He suddenly dropped to his knees and prostrated. "Forgive me for not recognizing you earlier!"

All the workers stopped and glanced our way. Slowly, one by one they began to bow down. "Stand up! You're wasting time. Tell me what's needed to be done?" Aeron rolls his sleeves.

"But, myLord...!" The old man turns to Eriol as if asking for consult.

"You're over worked, old timer. Accept the help offered. Besides, he won't take no for an answer!" Eriol pats the old man's shoulder. "Everyone, this is Mister Roderick! He's my right hand man that helps me manage the orchards and the farm!"

We all greeted him back.

"So tell me a rundown of the tasks." Aeron digresses.

"Well— the orchard fruits need to be harvested. The crops by the fields are all good for gathering too. The fruits and crops will go to the baskets and the baskets will be placed by the bin over there!" He points at a huge wooden box. "Those bins should be picked up by men from the shipping guilds but it seems like their hands are all tied with the Harvest Day. Also, there are those crates that needs to be packed and shipped for distribution to the market. I can help the farmers plow the cleared fields but some may also need to help with it too."

Aeron nods. "Got it!" He says with a hand on his waist. "Alright, here's what we need to do, guys!" He faced all of us and began to distribute work.

"Eriol, gather those who are adept with field work to help with the plowing and clearing. Kain, Aerra, and Princess Isera will help with harvesting fruits by the orchard. Me and Eriol will handle carrying all baskets to the bins. Levi, I assume you took your battalion with you again so have them all help with the transport of all the bins and shipments to the shipping guilds. Have some of them help with the packing as well. Also, Levi, if you may, help Mr. Roderick with the paper works that goes along with the shipping. Leon, you also help with the harvesting. We need to maximize the time so let's get started!"

"I brought few of my soldiers with me today, I could call them here to help along" Princess Isera stated.

"That's great! Have them help with the distribution at the market!" Aeron replied.

Kain raised his hand, "I also brought few with me."

"Great! Call them to help with the harvests too. There are still lot of trees and crops to gather produces from."

"Alright. I'll go tell them immediately." Kain replied, walking away.

"I'll just summon my people, I'll be back." Isera says now too.

"I'll have my men start with the work" Levi walks away.

Eriol talks with Mister Roderick in a corner and Aeron began to pick up two baskets full on both his arms.

Leon helped a old woman who just passed by who carried a basket full of fruits over her head.

Amazing, everyone is moving. I better get to work too!

I hurried to one of the shrubs and took an empty basket on my side. "M'Lady!" Some of the women gasped. "I want to help" I beamed at them. Overjoyed, they began to teach me how to do the work. Isera and Kain soon joined us.

The blasting sun beated us down mercilessly but the strong breeze pacified the heat exhaustion warning to bloom.

The day became hectic and everyone was running here and there. But it was all fun.

Soldiers in varying uniforms are randomly seen around, mixed along the workers as if they all exist to serve one land. Osteell from the East, Grantzæl from the Central, Diër Selecí of the West, and Greenrun owns soldiers. All of them helping each other under one goal, to uphold the Harvest Day.

What a nice scene.

Soon the dusk came and the sky painted in pink and orange hue.

We all huddled and sat by a wooden table as Mister Roderick came with a tray of refreshments. "These are fresh fruit extracts and herbs from one of our finest brew." He says, offering a glass filled with ice cold drink. "I hope you like them!"

We all one by one took a glass.

It has a very calming aroma of zest and herbs. I went on to drink it. The fluid runs down my throat in a rich and thick velvet taste where the sweetness just mildly passes along in a light tone but as you get your fill, there's this discreet bubbles popping against the tongue like drinking a soda. The strong aroma soon fades off and what you get is this lingering after taste just from what it left you with. I kept tipping the glass up but realized it was already empty. I was a bit disappointed because I honestly wanted more. I can't get enough of the sensation and taste!

"This is amazing!" I stated. "It's so delicious!"

"Oh my, I never had anything like this before" Isera says with few fingers on her lips.

"We call it the Nectar. We're planning to sell them in a bottle like wines but without the alcohol content but we still need to handle the necessary materials needed to sell this so we might try releasing a batch next year when everything is prepared." Eriol explains

"Materials like what?" Levi asks

"The glass bottles. Greenrun is low with glass materials"

"I can help you that." Isera intercepts, "My land is not only known for being the Holy City of the West, we are also known as the Crystal City for all the resilient crystal glasses our city is filled with. Sending the materials won't be a problem, if you let me provide them for your business."

"That would be— amazing! Thank you, Princess. But, how can I ever repay you?"

"How about selling few of those first batches over to us so we can distribute them to our own market? We can settle in the paperworks once the Prime minister is not busy. I'll make sure everything will workout." She replied with a smile.

"Good for you, Eriol!" Aeron haughtily slap his back.



Two small female toddlers came running towards us.

As they finally reached us, they all latched on to Eriol's leg. Looking up at him with glittery eyes.

We all but glared at Eriol.

"THEY ARE NOT MINE! I swear!!!" He declared.

Aeron chuckled, "Hi again! Recca and Theah!"



They jumped towards Aeron and they all together fell to the ground. "Waaa! Heey! Wait— stop!"

"Okay, what's happening here?" I asked, watching Aeron struggle to push them away but they pinned him down good.

"We all played house with them before." Eriol explains.

"They are my children," Mr. Roderick finally cuts in. He stoops over and carried both the small girls to his arms and away from Aeron.

Aeron stood up and dusted himself.

"And stop calling me Mama, darn it!!!" he grit his teeth while stomping a foot down.

The girls just giggled.

"I've been so busy lately that they began acting up. The lords played with them whenever they visit."

"Mama" Levi coughs, holding back a smirk.

Aeron squints his eyes at Levi for a moment.

"Argh! Darn it. I said I'll play the role of the father!"

"And there's no way I'll play the role of a mother either" Eriol retorted.

I can't help but laugh as they all looked at me.

"Sorry, it's just really amusing." I uttered, hoping a grin would be enough to be forgiven.

Aeron's face turns red but rubs his nape in silence as if to concede.

"My wife might be done with the snacks why don't you rest a little bit more while I go fetch them?"

"Yay! Snacks!" Kain cheered.

Theah, the younger one, tagged at Levi's shirt. He looks at her and sat on his heels to meet her eye level

"Want to play with us?"

Levi glances at Eriol, "Of course he will play with you! He wouldn't want anyone of you to cry now. Right, stone face?" He sneers.

Levi sent a cold glare at Eriol but sighed in defeat. "Sure..."

"It's alright. You'll be the Mama and Aeron be the Papa this time." Recca says.

Eriol puffed out air, trying to hold his laughter in. But he went on chortling with both his shoulder shaking.

I can see Levi somehow mortified but hid his eyes in the shadows to avoid disappointing the children.

"Come on, come on!!!" Theah takes his hand and pulls him away.

"You too, Papa!" Recca takes Aeron's hand and drag him along as well.

"I wanna join!" Kain hollered, running along.

"I better go with them just to make sure those two doesn't accidentally make the children cry" Eriol says, walking off to follow after them.

"I'll be getting the snacks now. I'll take more refreshments along!" Mr. Roderick began to walk off.

"I'll help you!" I volunteered, springing off to my feet as Leon instantly followed after me.

"I'll stay here and rest for a bit." Isera stated. I nodded at her and went of to follow after Mr. Roderick.
