Chapter 18: Glass Sky (3)

I looked at my hand.

It doesn't have the black veins in them but the same feeling is welling up deep inside me. The dark magic is there but it's not apparent on my hands... how curious.

I'm not sure if Faram triggered something inside me or if he imparted a bit of his own powers to me.

Either way, it feels like I can control my magic better.

I remember what Faram said, something that sounded like a riddle again. About the sun and the shadows.

I squinted as I look up at the sky.

The sun is scorching bright as usual.

All of a sudden, an explosion went off.

I stood on a balance by the high walls that enclosed around the ruins of the temple like a barrier. It exists on a higher ground that enabled me to view the entire Sharisukhteh District.

From a distance, I can see dust clouds rolling out like a rug from where the explosion originated from; it spreads a mile that covered the streets in a dusty haze.

Scias and Cecil must be over there.

I scanned my eyes around to the other side of the distric and saw one of the hovering machines that I saw earlier.

I took a step forward and on my fall, I spun and kicked at the wall, it shoots me forward, propelling several meters before landing on one of the abandoned rooftops.

Few blocks away is the Osteell machine. I can see three soldiers accompanying it. They're heading this way.

Aide and Emis suddenly appeared from both my side. "Need help? We're kinda free."

"I need those soldiers separated from the hovering metal contraption." I replied without looking. I kept my eyes on the Osteell men. They're not aware of us yet but they look pretty alarmed. Probably because of the explosion awhile ago.

"Consider it done!"


They replied at the same time.

And with that, they jumped and vanished.

One block left and the soldiers will be close enough to encounter.

I watch as Aide and Emis appears in front of the three soldiers. The machine hovers idly behind the men. It halted as they did.

The men kept their formation and began to attack using alchemy.

Aide stood her ground, only all her chains that appeared from her back did the work for her. She just stood there with hands crossed as if watching in enjoyment the hopeless struggles.

Suddenly, her chains shifted its move.

And it all hit the soldiers like a whip. Two men flew across the roads, rolling to a stop and laid down flat on their backs; one slamming hard to the buildings.

Without a second delay, the chains moved again.

I closed my eyes, but the scene burned behind my lids. Her chains jabbed right through them. I can hear the soldiers groan and heave as the last of their breath was drawn.

I should have asked Aide not to kill them... but would she even listen?

I sighed.

I joined them below, jumping off from the roof and to the open streets.

"You didn't had to..." I began as Aide just shrugged,

"They were aiming to kill us, why not return the favor?" she replied in a smirk,

I winced at the sight of their unmoving body and the pool of blood that surrounds them.

"I'll have them." Emis steps forward, cuddling the eerie looking doll on her arms.

She swayed her hand and the doll's button eyes lit in a faint black light. She released it and it grew in a blink of an eye and rushed to where the dead bodies are.

"They'll be added to my collection! Sooo that way their existence won't be wasted!" she says in glee, referring to the corpses.

I watch as the gigantic doll consume the bodies in one gulp.

At lost for words, Aide pats me on the shoulder, "The metal thing is all yours!"

"Yeah, we'll leave you to it!" Emis says in a nod. I just blankly stared at her mask covered face as her doll ran back to her and shrinks back to its usual size where she can hold it cuddly in her arms again.

They both jumped and vanished in thin air.

I looked around.

The blood puddles and splatters remained. I can smell the reek of it in the air as the wind blew pass me.

I turned to where the hovering machine is and realized it was watching me the entire time with a single lens located in its fronto-central part of its head.

A camera?

I walked towards the machine and stopped when I stood just few feet away from it.

I remembered Scias wanted to test this thing so much while I didn't want to have anything to do with it but here I am. The irony.

I just have to destroy this and I'm done here.

Suddenly it vibrated and occult symbols began to hover around it.

I know those symbols!

I bit my lips and tried hard to remember.

Until finally, I remembered the ruins under the Ouboros base back at the deserts. I saw the same ones from there.

Ancient transcriptions?

The machine began to move and revealed its ammunition.

A huge alchemy circle appears on the ground exactly to where the machine hovers.

I gasped.

—ancient transcriptions and alchemy?!

Oh god, Levi... what have you done?

Few parts of the ammunition began to pivot and rotate on its own axis.

A long beeping sound emitted, escalating into a rapid and high pitch warning noise...

And then suddenly...

A huge golden occult circle appears in front of it, bearing both the ancient symbols and of alchemy's.

It fired.

On instinct, I swerved out of its way, missing me narrowly.

The firing's projectile propelled across the street and toward buildings seen at the far end of the road.

The roaring sound of explosions went off like a bomb. Sand and dust billowed out ragingly pass me and covered everything on sight.

I turned my head over my shoulder, glancing where the damage was as slowly the sand screen clears.

There on the clearing, layers and layers of palisaded buildings, and covering over dozens of miles far, are huge holes penetrating right through all the structures that had crossed its path.

I turned my focus back at the machine but didn't budge. All it's lights are off and it's ammunition is tucked back inside its body.

Was that a warning shot?

I blew an exhale and stood up properly, dusting my pants off.

Now I get it, this thing is not only for searching. It can fight and kill people.

I won't hold back anymore!


I raised my hand to my face.

Null can only abate elements.

This machine doesn't use any.

Now I understand Faram completely.

Shadows, I thought.

I want to call them.

The very ground where I stood shudders.

I can feel the rise of power from my surrounding...

I closed my eyes.


Hear me, I prayed.

'Whoever can hear me now...'

A chilly draft is slithering pass my legs.


'Rise to my side...'

The ground heaves a beat.


I can sense several people watching me from a far.

'Prey on my enemies...'

A chill ran the length of my arms.


Silence is the only music drowning my ears.

"Anything that can hear me now...Heed my call!"

My heart pounding wildly inside my chest.


My ears are ringing.

"I am Aerra Leingod..."

I can feel them all now.

"I am..."






I flipped my eyes opened, "your Mistress.

—Come out!"

I watch as several areas of the ground cracked and out crawling shadowy figures.

They stood seven to ten feet high. All their bodies are pitch black, as though they defy the rays of light blasted at them by the sun. Their eyes are round and yellow, with a slit like pupils, drawn in the middle of their irises. No other facial features but their gaping mouth where a dark void is seen.

I took my hand down and reached out across to point at the Osteell machine.

Without words they understood me.

All the creatures began to sprint and jump towards my enemy.

Their croaks and shrills filled the air. It echoed loud and wild as they went forth and attacked.

I watch as the machine began to move again.

But the creatures impeded it, as it was hurled down, bombarding it nonstop.

They clawed at it.

Ripped it apart.

They screeched and howled while I watch them all horde on top of it, completely destroying the metal contraption until it wasn't able to move at all anymore.

Some of the creatures started to vomit black viscous fluid like liquid asphalt and the metal melted on contact. From the gaping holes where the black fluid passed, black vines crawled out like worms and slithered hastily to cover what's left of the machine.

A smile creeped out across my face, seeing the satisfying result.

I walked over and the creatures... my creatures... cleared the area.

I looked at what was remaining and saw a solemn glass sphere lying inside. It glows in a blue bright light and looks resilient even against all the attack my creatures had done.

I picked it up and felt the familiar energy coming from it.

It's the same energy from my brother!

How is this possible?

I doubt Aeron would collaborate with Levi to build something that can be used to kill people...

I wonder how and when Levi collected his powers...


I can sense someone coming.

I turned and looked and saw another one of those hovering machine along with an Osteell automobile running towards my way.

I narrowed my eyes.

My creatures crawled in front of me, ready to attack.

But the automobile stopped.

And Levi steps out from it.

I took a deep breath.

I feel conflicted from what I discovered. How can he use my brother to fuel his machines like this!

He walks forward and halted.

"Aerra..." he calls out. "I didn't recognized you instantly, I'm sorry if I had my machina attack you! I really didn't know..." I can see the remorse in his eyes.

I glanced at the fallen wig on the ground and realized my black hair is flowing freely.

"I'm a dark magus as you can see..." I said

He nods, "Aeron and Eriol told me all the details. Well, I don't really care what your element is. You are who you are to me.

I can't blame you for running away. This cursed land and its preposterous beliefs is to blame." His hands crunched into a fist. "This land and all the people who blindly follows their High King's cult!"

"This—!" I showed him the glass sphere I picked up. "How did you get this?"

Levi's shoulder loosens, "I collected some of Aeron's energy when we first came here in Ak'hilheim. He has an exceptional powers so I harvested some for my research and duplicated it."

"What for?" I held my gaze steady.

"To help my people." he answered, his tone went stern. "My people that are suffering now from the hands of noblebloods. Alchemy is not enough. Commoner blood like me will always be trampled by those that have innate powers bestowed by their gods. And now, a war has began at northwestern Kingdom. If I let the noblebloods win, it will send false message to other lands and more of my people will perish across the land.

...I needed to do something, Aerra."

I took a deep breath and stared blankly at the ground.

I get his point though.

But if he goes on with this, a huge war will break out. And more people will suffer and die, both from the noblebloods and commoner alike.

I pursed my lips and lifted my eyes back to him.

If I didn't mess on that certain event when I was a child, Syreon might've been the heir to the title as the warden of the East. If so, would something like this still happen? I wonder...

"Does the High King knows about these?" I asked

He shook his head, "Maybe. My research is not yet done but it will be— soon!"

I swayed my hand and all my creatures crawled back to the shadows of alleyways until they vanish from sight.

"Come with me, Aerra. I can protect you in Osteell. We will reign together and build a better land where commoners and noblebloods would be on equal grounds."

"A war is not..."

He shook his head cutting me off, "It's the only way. The moment the civil war broke at the Northwest, everything changed." He took one step forward and I took one step back.

He sighed.

"I don't care what your magic is. I don't care even if the entire six kingdoms revile me for keeping you. I need you by my side, Aerra. I will destroy anyone who tries to harm you!" He bows his head down and his fist clenched tight to his sides, "That day of the Harvest... I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed... I knew you were in danger but I went home just to finish my work. It was a grave mistake. I should have protected you."

"The Ouboros is not a danger to me. I came with them on my own accord." I replied almost instantly.

"Many bad things happen when I let you out of my sight..." He looks at his hands, "Everything I do is not enough..."

He's not listening.

"That's why I should keep you by my side– always!"


I studied him, his familiar handsome face with porcelain skin and thick eye lashes I always had admired; I can see how stress have etched its mark on his eyes. He's always pushing himself to the limit.

Like the first time I met him.

He always does his best for everyone around him...

A duty shoved to him, far bigger than himself but with his brilliant mind and strong will, he carried it all on his own shoulders.

I never heard him complain.

Not even once.

How much more until everything bears down on him and destroys him?

And now a war?

And for the sake of ever single commoner-blood to bear as his responsibility?

Oh, Levi....

Such a beautiful-horrible person you are.

You're like a machine yourself, functioning only for the purpose of other people.

I wish I can do something for him...


"Come live with me, Aerra, and I will give you everything! I will take care of you. You don't have to leave! I will reform this land! It's all their fault why you're running away..."

I want to be his strength.

I want to stand beside him.

But I have things to fix on my own.

Things that can affect many lives if I didn't do something about it.

"Levi, I don't want you to avenge me. I came with Ouboros on my own accord!" I repeated. "If you're going to incite a war, everyone even my family— Greenrun, they will all suffer along!"

Levi shook his head, "Greenrun is my ally. I will make sure no one touches your home. I give you my word. And besides, Aeron is my friend. He will soon come to his senses and fight for the same cause."

"Don't bring my brother into this!"

"Without us knowing, Aerra, we are all involved in this curse. A land where only Light magic exist is a safe haven? What a joke. What they were only promoting is for the benefit of those born with magic. Their religion does not care what happens to the commonpeople. They're just making sure whoever is on top will stay there. And they know the noblebloods are on top. Dark magic for them is a threat because long ago they were all overruled by one wielder of the dark arts despite their unified forces. Yet of course, you, Aeron and your parents are the exemptions. You are all kind, especially to commoners."

"Wait! Are you talking about the legend of the fallen one?"

Levi shook his head, "The true history of this continent is not found here. History are truths. The High King and his council are doing their best to keep those truth away from the citizens of this land. The legend is not real, they're just ridiculous stories made up by the noblebloods who sat on the throne to keep everyone fearing on Dark Magi and assure the commoners' dependence on those who has magic to supposedly protect them."

"So you don't believe the legend is real..."

Levi nods, "Legends are myths. They hold no truth but tales of tongues from which creative fantasies are produced."

"You don't believe in the Fallen One?" I asked, but it sounded more like a statement.

"No, I don't."

I can't argue with him. It's a one sided topic. I don't even know about the real history of this continent. Levi will likely hold on to what is sensible and rational.

But if I come with him, I might be able to urge him not to incite a war and have him help me understand everything about the legends and history of this land instead.

"Aerra... lets go back." He held his hand out open and reached out.

"Tell me where you learned about the history of this continent."

"Come with me and I will take you there instead. I will take you anywhere you want. If the High King forbids me to let you travel, I will have my army object to that.

We can travel together, I can even take your brother and Eriol with us."

To journey with my brother, Levi and... even Eriol.

I stared sightlessly at the ground.


I can stop the forthcoming war if I come with him and even have my brother and friends help me uncover this legend...

I won't have to be separated from them.

And I can stand on Levi's side to look after him, he's my friend after all. He needs me.

I took one step.

I won't have to bear these all alone.

And another step...

I can live with them all and—

Levi smiled warmly at me.

Out of the blue, Faram suddenly appeared, standing between us.

"Faram..." I gasped as he faced me.

"That's enough. Let's leave." he says in a flat tone.

"You must be Faram" says Levi with a sharp cold tone in his voice.

Faram didn't reply.

"How dare you go in between us! Aerra is coming with me!" Levi closed his hand into a fist and golden symbols began to emit around him. His eyes gleams in a sinister hue. "I won't let you take her away from me!"

Faram chuckled, "A mortal playing with ancient relics are nothing more than a child blindly wielding a twig. Pitiful."

"Try me!" Levi grunted, eyes fixed at Faram.

Faram sighed and turned about to face Levi.

The sun scorched like a spotlight on us and the heat became immense though dry winds blew pass us.

I remembered what Aide did awhile ago. They don't really reconsider not killing anyone who stands against them.

And Faram is... the second strongest in the group. I'm terrified for Levi's sake.

I noticed Faram's shadow moved and stretched a length, slinking to where Levi stood. And to think Faram never had a shadow from any light before.

Now of all times, it would appear?

At the looming sight of it I sprinted between Levi and him.

Stretching both my arms across and wide, I blurted out, "No! I won't let you hurt him!!!"

"Step aside. Now." Faram says calmly.

I shook my head fervently, going into a fighting stance. I will have to fight him if this goes on.

"Aerra..." I can hear Levi uttering my name.

Faram closed his eyes, "Listen, Aerra is one of us now. She will never come with you."

A pang of guilt hits me.

"And besides..." Faram added, smiling wryly, "What can a mortal boy like you with no magic would possibly offer to someone like her?"

"I should say the same..." Levi groaned. "What can a mere mercenary like you offer to a high born Lady?"

Faram chuckled. "A high born? Not anymore. She already turned her back to everything the moment she followed me. She's my apprentice now. She belongs to me."

With that Levi snaps and stomp his feet down.

I abruptly dashes towards him and grabbed both his shoulders, keeping him pinned on place— to have him avoid stepping on to Faram's shadow that is found just few steps away from him.  "Don't! It's a trap. Calm down, Levi!"

Aide and Emis appears behind him.

Faram tilted his head slightly on the side and that easily sent the message to Aide and Emis to come closer.

"No! Stop this, Faram! I won't let you hurt Levi!" I swayed my hand and prepared to summon my creatures out.

"Oh, Aerra. Forgive me for this..." Aide says from behind her mask. She summoned her chains out from her back and it began to move like prehensile limbs.

In a blink of an eye, the chains grabbed my wrist.

I tried to pull away but my vision began to blur.

What the?

I suddenly remembered what Scias told me... about Aide's ability to make anyone fall asleep. That's when I recalled how she took my parents out as well and all of our soldiers. She made them all sleep.

"No... don't... hurt..." I muttered, surprised how hard it was to speak, I struggled to say it out loud but my voice came as a squeak.


I fought my lids not to close but it felt like it weighs tons. It shuts tight while everything sounded thick against my ears. My body felt light. My limbs limp.

I lost my balance and soon...

...just like that,


I lost consciousness.

———End of Chapter 18———