Plan. Part 2.

As soon as Madara was far enough, I collapsed on the ground panting heavily, struggling for air. All of that time, I was forcing myself to look alright. If we want for our plan to succeed, no one must suspect a thing. I had a feeling that if I were to show him myself in this state, he would stay here and I could not allow this.

The reason we even needed two days for collecting memories was actually really simple. Even if I have an enormous, almost unlimited amount of mana and have perfect control over my power, the battle was happening inside of my mind. My mind is strong, but it is way harder to train, so it was only on par with a grown-up adult. Not a very strong vessel for sealing HUNDREDS of memories of other humans. If I didn't want to lose myself in them, I had to use thrice as much power and now I'm completely spent, be it physical or psychological tiredness.

'The process sure took its toll on my mind and body.'

Well, I was spent. I laid on the ground with closed eyes, unable to move a single muscle. Hot sunrise dried all of my sweat, burning my skin.

'I should have built a shelter before I went there...'

Slowly, my consciousness started to fade and I fell asleep out of exhaustion.

When I woke up, it was already dark, the sun had already set. Night animals an insects woke up and started their hunt. Well, nothing to be afraid of. I restored around half of my mana, besides those beasts are smart enough not to poke a sleeping dragon, me.

Yesterday, when I was ready to sleep and even started to doze off, some beasts tried to attack me.... let's just say they didn't like the outcome... I hate when someone disturbs me when I'm doing three things: Sleep, eat or read. Try if you want to, just be aware, you will most likely find yourself somewhere, where your life will be a living hell. Hehe.

Speaking of eating. My stomach was rumbling for a while now. I opened my storage space and took out some vegetables and grains to cook myself a meal. I'm unable to eat meat or any other animal products. Actually not just me. My entire race is vegetarian. We are not able to digest those things. I lit the fire and, cut the ingredients and waited for the water to boil.

Gazing at the stars that were popping out one after the other, I concentrated on a few of the memories that I got. I wanted to know, why were some of them heavier than the other. Well, the answer came to me really quickly, as well as a sudden realisation. I hastily looked through the heaviest memories in my mind right now.

'Sure enough.... this was the cause... It's really hard on them...Their whole clan... this much attachment and loyalty, it can be easily labelled as 'curse'. '

The reason some of the memories were heavier, was a degree to which their Sharingan had matured and how much hatred and love they bore. If those who lost someone really close and dear, had a mature Sharingan, they awakened MS. Looks like this clan is filled with good, but vulnerable people. I clenched my fists.

Looking into the sky I swore in my heart.

'I'll help with this war to my best ability.' A sudden thought flashed through my mind. 'They are up to a good surprise, Hehe.'


I woke up early in the morning. Walked out of the tent and let the fresh air of the morning fill my lungs. The camp was lively. Yesterday, all of the heavily wounded members got better over the night. When our people came to check on them, they were stunned to see that all of their injuries were mostly healed, leaving only some of the minor ones behind.

'It was probably her doing.'

"Oh! Morning, Tobirama! Since you are already up, let us go."

My brother walked from behind the tent. He wore his training clothes and was still drenched in sweat. After Malika healed him, he got better. His internal injuries finally had the chance to heal. It's about time we go into the forest to meet her; however...

"Elder brother, you are staying back," I said with a stern voice. He is a bit naive and it is entertaining to see his reactions. I like teasing him a lot...

'Oh, wow! Ever serious Tobirama, has a gentle side to him!' words of a certain Annoying Uchiha clan head ranged in my head, ruining my mood.


"Shhh... Be quiet. We can't let others know yet. You'll attract some unnecessary attention."

He closed his mouth, seemingly thinking about why can't he leave. He smiled. I don't have good feelings about it.

"Oh, I see. Go on, Brother! I will stay here and not get in your way, protecting the clan."

"Hm?" I raised an eyebrow, " I'll be going then."

Using Hiraishin I was on the spot in mere seconds and saw that Malika was already there waiting, sitting under the tree. She turned around and stood up from her spot.

"Good morning." She smiled cheerfully.

"Good morning." I was about to come down to the business, but she did that before me.

"Tobirama, I'll turn invisible and make a copy of the memories of your clansmen. I will immediately teleport back here when I'm finished and won't be able to move anymore since I'll be concentrating on keeping those memories separated from mine."

"Do you require my help with anything?"

"Yes. I'll trouble you with carrying me back to the mountain. I have a barrier circle drawn there, just in case and you'll have to place me in the centre. I'll be fully concentrated on my mind, so there is a small chance of my magic going wild, so I took some precautions."

"Understood." So there is some kind of risk involved. Are there other dangers she didn't tell me yet?

"I'm going!" She waved her hand and vanished from the place. Did she teleport?

"Oh! Before I go. Yesterday I forgot to tell Madara about that, so he spent a lot of time near the barrier." A voice came out of the empty space before me. Honestly, if I didn't train my face when I was teasing Hashirama, my jaw would probably drop by now. But forgot? So there was something.

"What is it?"

"The second you'll place me in the circle, black flames will appear and form a dome around me. Don't panic though. Firstly, they are harmless and won't burn anything. They are meant to absorb any kind of energy that will clash against it. so don't try to break it. It's pointless. Secondly, I don't know how much time it will take to seal all of the memories so that they won't take over me later. When you put me down, don't wait. You can just return whenever you want."

"Take over?..."

"I think that's it..." I heard her concerned voice. " I'll come back in a few minutes, so prepare to carry me. I'm not that big, but I might be a little heavy. "

I moulded some chakra and realised that she already left. I stood there and a few seconds later, she appeared on the ground. Her body was stiff and eyes closed.

"It was less than 'few minutes'."

"Haha. sorry. Those memories were a lot lighter than Uchiha ones. Now hurry up. I must be placed in the barrier."

I picked her up and used Hiraishin. I marked this spot during our previous meeting. What came into my view wasn't a circle... it was a HUGE and complicated formation of many unfamiliar runes with a comparably small circle in the centre.

'Even if I don't understand those runes, I can see that this is not the scale of 'just in case'! Is the risk this high!?'

I quickly placed her in the circle and just as she explained, black, ominous flames appeared. Out of curiosity, I touched them and they really didn't burn. They felt like a wall of adamant, impenetrable steel.

' She told me that I could leave, but seeing this barrier... I don't think I'll have the power to pass this chance.'

A curious me had woken up from his long, slumber and I inspected every nook and cranny of runes that made up this formation. The time passed by rapidly and when I remembered about its existence, it was already past noon. I took out of my pocket a piece of paper and copied the formation and runes down.

'I don't understand those runes at all... Heh, looks like this time, she'll be teaching me.' A smile crept on my face. 'Let's hope that the plan will be a success.' In my mind, smiling Hashirama and that annoying Uchiha...Madara appeared. ' Maybe I shouldn't have behaved that rude towards him'...

I was interrupted by a sudden disappearance of the barrier and looked in the direction of that fire. Malika laid there, struggling to opener eyes. I walked up to her immediately. Her rosy face lost all of its colour and was ghostly pale.

"Hey, are you alright?"