The battle.

There are always two sides on the battlefield opposing each other. They fight without hesitation, for if they lose, their loved ones will suffer. However, on this chilly morning, those two sides were a little restless. Preparing equipment, making final checks on their healed wounds and taking their respective positions, all of that felt a little off.

Yesterday's visions occupied their minds and they weren't so eager to fight anymore. Everyone, be it Senju or Uchiha, were thinking 'Is there a possibility of peace?' Uchihas were even more shaken because they had an audience with a supreme being...

Well, that's what they decided to call my voice. I was sitting on the edge of the cliff, waiting for the show to unfold itself. I just hope that the result will be worthy of all the effort and pain.

My mind was finally empty of all of the memories and I was in an excellent mood. Oh, I forgot to mention, didn't I? After the illusion served its purpose, I 'deleted' all of the extra burdens from my head. I forgot nothing, but those were no longer somebody else's memories, but my experience, so it felt as if I memorised another book with some extra information. Not much. I did gain somethings from that though. My mind became stronger and my mental state improved a lot overall making my mana control reach its penance! I no longer think or even try to suppress my ocean-like mana. It's being suppressed just by my subconsciousness alone!

In the distance, a wide valley with a river and waterfall welcomed restless shinobi. I fully transformed into my original look and flew high enough not to be spotted by Madara and Senju Brothers. Some clouds were almost right above the future battlefield, so I flew in their direction and made myself a comfortable seat, a fluffy, soft sofa made entirely out of the clouds. Call it all you want, but I'm about to watch the end of a long war, so it'll probably be epic.

From the above, I saw how hundreds and hundreds of people assembled in the valley, ready to fight. Or so their faces show, but in reality, their auras became even more restless upon seeing each other.

'Well, I can't blame them for that. They either lived through someone's life or were friends, family, lovers of others. The illusion was a success. Hehe'

I was so happy to see that the main objective was achieved.

"Now, guys, make this fight a worthy beginning of the new life!"


-Third-person POV-

All of the warriors were ready to fight. 'Even if what I saw was the truth, we can't back off now.' No one told the other what they've seen so everyone thought that it was just them hallucinating. Hashirama and Madara distanced themselves from the rest because this time around both of them will use their full power. No holding back now.

They raised their hands and everyone engaged in a fight with their opponents. Flashy jutsu and excellent Taijutsu was used. Shurikens, kunais and different swords were glinting all over the valley. Everyone was trying their best, but no one had died even after 15 minutes of close combat. The moment someone was about to strike the final blow, their resolve faltered and it gave few seconds for their 'enemy' to escape.

Tobirama surveyed the battle and was amazed at the effects of that illusion.

'This is actually kind of terrifying..' All of them were shinobi who grew up on the fields filled with corpses and were taught to never waiver in front of their enemy. Yet now... just after one single illusion, everyone had some second thoughts on the matter.

"Do not look away from your opponent!" A vertical slash suddenly came from the air snapping Tobirama out of his thoughts. He dodged the sword by mare centimetres and looked at the person in front of him.

As soon as Izuna realised that he had missed, he adjusted his position and threw some kunais at Tobirama. Tobirama again avoided the attack and tried to get behind Izuna. The fight was getting nowhere, for both of them were around the same level of strength and experience.

"Hey, Hashirama, I think it's time we start our fight!" Madara smirked with excitement.

"Yes, let's go." Without wasting any more time, Madara activated his EMS. Hashirama's body tensed and he put up his guard. This will be the first time he will fight Madara with all of his strength. In all of the battles, he never used more power than was necessary to survive and inflict some wounds to weaken Madara. He always strived for peace and never truly wanted to kill his childhood friend. However, now that peace is almost in their grasp, they must fight using their full power.

'Life is so strange sometimes.'

Madara stood a few meters away from Hashirama and activated one of the abilities of EMS, Susanoo.

A bluish aura surrounded him and soon it started to form into a humanoid being. Ribcage, spine and other bones materialised from the thin air. They soon were covered with same blue armour and weapons appeared in his hands. A giant warrior stood tall on the battlefield, making everyone gasp in awe.

"Hashirama!! Here I come!!" Madara shouted in excitement and thrust his hand forward. Susanoo followed the motion and soon boulder-like fist collided with the ground where Hashirama was standing. The dust soon settled revealing a crater made by the impact of the punch, but Hashirama's body wasn't there.

[Wood style: Deep Forest Bloom!] Hashirama's voice resounded from the back of Madara's Susanoo. The trees erupted from the ground and long, strong vines shot in direction of the Blue Giant. The hands, torso, legs, everything was bounded by vines, preventing any movements that the giant tried to do. On the trees, many big, bright red flowers opened letting out their poisonous pollen.

"Those won't be of any help, Hashirama! My Susano is impenetrable!" Madara laughed but sudden dizziness threw him off of the high horse.

'What the..' He looked around and saw that only he was in a yellowish cloud of weakening poison.

'So this is your doing..' His gaze landed on his opponent and the uncontrollable grin was plastered on his face.

"HAAASHIRRRAMA!!!!" Susanoo tore through all of the binds and took out his sword from the scabbard on his waist.

[Wood style: Wood Golem Jutsu!]

A Humongous, wooden statue of a demon-like creature with a dragon twined around it, arose from the ground carrying Hashirama on his head.

Malika was looking at everything with sparkles in her eyes.

"Jutsus are so COOL!! Sure magic can be more magnetic sometimes, but something like manipulating nature itself is not something achievable even by me!!!"

The fight between the two clan leaders continued. The Bluish Warrier clashed against Wooden Demon. turning the surroundings into debris. Rocks flew into the air and trees were cut like grass.

"Truly the fight between leaders."

Unaware of a spectator on the clouds, everyone continued to engage in the fruitless fight. Only two other people fought properly. Tobirama was mostly dodging Izuna's attacks and superficial wounds were inflicted on Izuna, making the one attacking pissed. Even heavier attacks followed and Tobirama was now a little injured.

Tobirama didn't fight to kill. He felt that if he really did accidentally killed Izuna, Madara will change and succumb under the 'Curse of the Uchiha clan'. It wasn't long ago when he wouldn't care and kill the person before him, but after speaking with Madara, he could no longer do so.

Another slash was mostly avoided, leaving a small gash on Tobirama's chest. He greeted his teeth.

'I can't hold back anymore.'

{Malika! Can you hear me?!}

An unexpected call almost made Malika fall from her sit.

{Yes, I can. What is it?}

Tobirama didn't beat around the bush.

{ Of what degree can you heal a wound?}

{Hmmm... If the person is still alive, I can heal him to the point where even the scar won't remain!} She answered with the voice full of confidence.


Tobirama kicked away Izuna and threw some shurikens at him.

{Madara!} The other end of the line stumbled in his Susanoo.

{Tobirama, What is this!?}

{I can no longer hold back against your brother and if I were to attack seriously, I'm afraid that the wound might be fatal.}


{I asked Malika and she said that as long as the person is alive she can heal him. If our fight will end up with him being injured. I'll immediately knock him out and bring him for treatment. I hope you won't abject.}

{Sigh... I understand. Don't kill him, please, and don't get killed yourself.}

{Thank you.}

Tobirama's gaze became serious, causing Izuna's body shiver.

Tobirama was now fighting full force, but Izuna wasn't born yesterday and continued his attacks.

[Water style: Water Dragon Missile!]

[Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu!]

A Dragon and a ball of scorching fire collided, making both of them jump away. Swords were sparkling on the sun at a blinding speed.

Time passed and by noon, both, leaders and their brothers were worn out.

Hashirama summoned some trees to attack, now depleted of chakra, Madara.

'Susanoo is great, but It takes a huge amount of chakra.' Madara contemplated. His Susanoo was long ago called out and they were fighting with swords. Hashirama was in a little better shape, but he was about to run out too.

Finally, Madara was lying on the ground, injured and gasping for air. Hashirama was crouching beside him also out of gas.


Tobirama teleported to them with unconscious Izuna in his hands.

{So you couldn't avoid it...}

{Sorry. He is alive. After the play, he will get healed. It shouldn't be a problem to hold out until then.} Tobirama placed Izuna besides Madara and moved a little behind Hashirama.

{Heh, you are also barely standing.} Madara commented.

{True. You have an outstanding brother.}

All of the Uchiha clan came out of their hidings. With both of their leaders down, there was no point in resistance. They only hoped that even if they will fall here, their families would be spared. What they saw yesterday was deeply engraved into their hearts.

If they wanted to make the play good, they had to play enemies till the end. Tobirama raised his sword above Uchiha clan leader.

"Wait, Tobirama."

Tobirama made a confused and furious face.

"Why, Elder brother!? This our chance..."

"I said wait." An oppressive aura made Tobirama shocked. Even if it was a play, Hashirama took this way too seriously.

"Hashirama, what are you waiting for? I can't fight. Just kill me already!" Madara was astonished at the behaviour of his childhood friend but didn't show this on his face.

"Madara... can we already stop this meaningless war? Come on... lets our clans join hands and build the future where everyone can live in harmony."

He bowed his head.


Struggling to sit, Madara looked around the battlefield. All of the Uchiha were sitting on the ground, waiting for their punishment.

"What do you guys think?"

Everyone, be it Senju or Uchiha Looked at him in awe. Do they still have the chance to survive? Can there really be peace between them? None were willing to kill, but this was war. Can they really trust their enemies?

Uchiha clan was silent. Finally one of them nodded and soon was followed by each and every clan member that was present here.

Madara looked back at Hashirama and saw a wide smile on the face of his friend.

"Looks like no one is against it. Senju Hashirama, I, Uchiha Madara, the leader of the Uchiha clan, now declare that we will no longer be enemies, but allies who will work hard hand-in-hand with Senju clan."

Uchihas were released and loud cheers could be heard from miles away. Today, in this valley, the long war between the two clans was finally over. Their descendants will call this valley 'The Valley of End'.

"Looks like the war is over!" A crisp, cheerful, young voice came from the sky.