
Just before Hashirama left on the meeting, Fukushū was ears-dropping on their conversation with Tobirama. This was not something to joke about. This was a restricted area and he wasn't allowed here for a few reasons. The most important one was those words that Malika said when she got the copy of his memories.

'Be a little careful with things you say around him. My gut feeling tells me that something might happen, but nothing certain.' Those words never left my mind. With time I learnt that her 'gut feelings' are almost 100% accurate.

Well, the other reason was that he had no reason to be here anyway. This place is where assemblies of the clan heads are held, so the only exception is Malika.

After our talk with Tobirama at Malika's house, I left to speak with Fukushū. I walked through the streets that were buzzing with liveliness and finally reached the Uchiha district. The gate was coloured in dark blue and white shades with a bid Uchiha sign. The fan with its upper part being red and cut off of the white handle.

As I was passing by the houses, I could see the happy faces of the children who were playing with their siblings or parents. This was the sight that I dreamed of seeing from my childhood. However, there was one regret in my heart. Some of the children and teenagers are left with no one by their side. Fukushū is one of them, except, unlike many, he saw deaths of each and every member of his family.

I felt something pricking my heart as I thought about it.

'Forgive me, Fukushū. In the end, you were never able to avenge your family.' This heavy thought crushed my mind and at this moment, I finally reached the training ground where he was polishing his skills.

"Fukushū! Come here." A small smile formed on my face. I'm really lucky to have this kind of talented student. He mastered his Susanoo and was now almost on par with me.

"Yes, Sensei!" He immediately appeared before me showing his usual smile. I was almost reluctant to scold him, but as a clan head and his teacher, I have to do it.

"Why were you near the main office?" I said keeping my face a little more stern than usual.

His face instantly became emotionless and the eyes became as cold as ice in the winter. I was stunned to see this kind of gaze again. Ever since the peace was established, he regained his warm expression, but now that pained, icy glare had returned.

"I wanted to practise my stealth abilities a little more. Hashirama-sama and Tobirama-sama are hailed as the greatest shinobi in the current time, so I wanted to test my limits. Hashirama-sama did notice me really quick though." That look vanished and he answered in his usual, cheerful and a little embarrassed tone. However, I'm sure of what I saw.

"Don't do that again." I flicked his forehead. "That area is restricted and if you get caught, I'll be in trouble!" I laughed. He smiled wryly. We spoke with each other a little more and when the sun started to set, we parted.


Just as we predicted, Hashirama was chosen as the First Hokage. This signifies that our plan on forming the police force and the Hidden Leader title will be set in the motion. Tobirama called us into the new office of the Hokage. The design was made by Hashirama, but before we could discuss when to start the construction, Malika made it appear from the thin air... Her magic is pure cheating.

I entered into the office and felt several other presences in here. I send an inquiring look at Hashirama, who was wearing white haori and a rectangular hat with kanji for 'Fire' on it. Was he the one who came up with this as well? It would certainly explain why it looks so ridiculous. I'm grateful to the Daimyo that I wasn't chosen.

He probably noticed that I was looking at him and showed his goofy grin.

"Heh, what do you think? Doesn't this attire look good? I was the one who came up with it!" Holding the edge of the hat he asked with glee.

"Honestly... your sense of naming sucks, but your sense of fashion is even worse." And again he is depressed.

"Hahaha! Hashirama! Stop being such a pussy. You're now something way more than a simple clan leader. You should learn how to behave appropriately."

"Let me be, Madara... I can when I have to. Let me be a little relaxed with you guys around."

Tobirama was standing near him smirking. At first, he never showed this side of him, but he soon got a lot freer with expressing his emotions.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Malika appeared out of nowhere.

"That's alright! Madara also came just a few minutes ago!"

"Since everyone is here, let us start." Tobirama as about to start, but Malika stopped him.

"Wait! Hashirama, who are the people in the ceiling?"

'Oh? She also doesn't know.' I was sure that she would know. Looks like this was something that two brothers made themselves.

"Those are special shinobi unit, ANBU. They will be the shadow force of the Konohagakure." Tobirama said with a straight face.

Malika nodded. "Uhm. Make them leave. We don't need them now."

When she said this, one of the people appeared right in front of her holding a tanto sword. The person had a white mask that was painted to resemble a mole. Gray, sleeveless jacket was worn over black clothes and on his arm, a symbol was drawn. He stood there, pointing his sword at smiling Malika; however, I knew this smile all too well. It was a smile that we, two brothers and I decided to call a 'yokai smile'. On the outside, it looked like an innocent grin, but her eyes send shivers down the spine.

She doesn't like it when someone is going against her will if it is something trivial and the opposite party can be reasoned with. For example, if a kid or a teen were to do the same, she would just laugh, but a full-fledged shinobi will not be spared. Tobirama and I know this by heart. In the beginning, even though we were allis, he would occasionally look irritated when talking to me or other Uchihas and I would respond in the same manner. Once Malika noticed it and admonished us. We continued and it even almost got to a fight... ALMOST! Malika appeared behind us and believe this, her 'devil face' had a scary beauty that will tear one to pieces. In the end, both of us spend a day in some kind of hellish place.

Mountains that were constantly assaulted by heavy rains and volcanoes all around them. The forest was full of creatures that could break my Susanoo to shreds. It took everything we had just to survive. We relied on each other all the time and the bound was formed. We no longer were enemies even in our thoughts. Well, the other reason was that if were to ever continue, I believe we would get send into a place much worse.

She took a hold of the sword of this poor ANBU and he got teleported. Let us pray for his soul.

Others appeared but not because they were going to fight. They were just too shocked.

"Do not worry, he will be back after the meeting. Hashirama, could you please send them away?"

Hashirama looked at her with a defeated smile and gestured ANBU to leave. When we were finally left alone, Malika put up a soundproof barrier and we all set on the chairs that were in the room.

"Could you please not do that? They will get a mental trauma if they were to appear in that place." Tobirama asked while shaking his head.

"Don't worry, unlike you guys, they are not strong enough to survive there. He was sent into a place with a lot easier environment." She responded casually. "Besides, a small training is always good for the special force, right?"

"Let us stop now. We have to discuss things about police and Hidden Leaders." The one who decided to put an end to all of fooling around was Hashirama. "I thought about it and decided to approve. Also, I'd like to add a few things. Firstly, the police in Konoha will work with the special unit hand in hand. This will provide some disguise. They will be also working on missions that involve high risks, confidential information along with ANBU if needed. Second of all, the leader of the unit will have to train a new leader personally and observe their attitude before informing them about the special unit's existence."

We all nodded. From the criteria, I think I could put Fukushū as the next leader.

"Finally, the creation of any other hidden force will be forbidden. We already have ANBU and now we will have a special unit of the police. However, if in the future it will get created, Malika," he turned towards her, "you have full authority to eliminate the one who created the force and deal with the force itself as you deem fit. You will be the only one who will live for almost forever, so I'll entrust the future to you."

I see, so he made some preparations for that. The possibility of a new force being created exists since even the Hokage is a human and might make a mishap or succumb to some desire or personal greed. The special unit existence will be known only to Hokage and the people who are actually part of the force, so ignorant fools might try to create a force that will be able to overthrow the existing Hokage.

Malika was deep in thought and then nodded with a solemn face.

"I will do my best!"

We discussed more ranks in ANBU, their headquarters, mission types, the location of the police building and where will the special unit be. The design of the building and the interior was left for me to decide. And the meeting was over. When we finished the barrier was cancelled and that poor AMBU was returned here. He looked horrible but alive so it was fine.


I walked into the building that served as the office of the Uchiha clan and sensed that someone was here. I searched and it led me into the assembly room. One of the tatamis was moved and a massive underground passage was opened.

Cold sweat formed on my forehead. The entrance to the Uchiha shrine was opened! It was a great secret of the Uchiha clan that only the clan head was aware of. I hastily followed inside and saw a person there, standing in front of the stone tablet with his EMS activated. When I reached the bottom. the figure looked at me with crazed eyes.

"Fukushū, what are you doing here?"