
A few months had passed. 'Hogosha' unit was working perfectly fine under the directions of Madara. I marked Hashirama and Tobirama, as well as myself so that we could pass through the security in there. Hashirama was amazed by the layout and the construction and Tobirama was paying close attention to the security. Even though I created them through magic, I made them usable by infusing chakra, otherwise, the traps, the doors and the portal would become completely useless.

By now 'Hogosha' unit has done around 4-5 missions undercover and was constantly patrolling the streets with the police.

Some other great clans, such as Aburame and even Hyuga (another clan with powerful Doujutsu), had also joined our village. I was walking through the village while observing the activities of the migrants and civilians. I was wearing my weights on but didn't make them invisible. Tobirama helped me with producing weights that are compact and their mass could be easily adjusted by infusing chakra in them.

{Malika, could you please come to the office. There is work for you as the Hidden Leader.} Tobirama's voice informed me about my first job. It didn't sound argent so I used body flicker instead of teleportation. I have to train my ninjutsu, right?

By the way. I do my job as the Hidden Leader that is responsible for gathering information. Tobirama invented a jutsu called 'Shadow clones' and it was really convenient. I send clones to almost every land existing and was relaying information on regular bases. Well, I have to create them again and teleport to the places where they were. That is not a problem though, but maybe I should create them in a way that they will also use magic. The thing is, my chakra does get divided, but mana does not. I'll have to either invent a new technique or think of something else later.

I knocked on the door and heard a calm 'come in'. I entered and bowed a little bit. ANBU are present this time, so I can't behave the usual way.

"I am here, by your summon, Hokage-sama." I saw his face turn a little gloomy, but he soon regained his composure and we got to the topic.

"Malika, the proposal of the alliance from the Uzushiogakure was accepted and I need you to make a trip there to make our alliance official. You must leave the village tomorrow. Take a few people from the police. { 'Hogosha' unit.} "

I see. So my role will be to play an emissary of the sort. Well, it was in name only. Senju and Uzumaki shared a lot of blood ties with each other. Hashirama even added their symbol to the flak jackets in our village as a sign of those ties.

"Understood." I bowed and exited the office.

{Hashirama-nii-san, can I roam there a little bit? Their village is one of the few places that I didn't send a clone to.}

I send clones to almost all LANDS, but not all of the villages. If I were to be seen in too many shinobi villages it might cause some international problems.

{I would've sent Madara if I didn't remember that you have never left the village.} - His joking tone made me smile. - {Isn't your Nii-chan the best?}

Nevermind. He is annoying.

{Yes. Thank you Elder brother.} Gloomy aura was oozing from the other side of the door.

I went to the police station. When I entered I was greeted by a beautiful lady in the reception. She bowed her head and I went into the building. I didn't go into the 'Hogosha' headquarters since Madara was in the office. His office was near the 'storage room'/portal. It was a room big enough to fit 30 people. His desk was put in the middle of the room near the windows and was filled with papers.

'That paperwork is so mysterious. It just appears out of nowhere.'

"Madara-nii-san! I got a mission from Hashirama-nii-san!" I told him with a wide smile.

During those few months, I got used to calling them this. Hashirama would always become depressed if I called him otherwise. It was a bit embarrassing at first; however, there is nothing one can't adapt to.

{Hashirama-nii-san told me to get few escorts from 'Hogosha' unit.}

He nodded and got up from his seat and we went into the storage room. After getting inside, he sent a message to some people through the seal( one of the ability. Members can communicate with each other through them).

We waited and soon 5 members entered into the room. Three of them were teenagers 15-17 years of age and the other two were middle-aged men. From the files, those were five of the best 'Hogosha' unit. Actually, all five were related. The girl and one of the boys were siblings with one of the men being their father. The other pair was their uncle and cousin. Their attire looked identical to the normal uniform of the police. Dark blue, long-sleeved top with shuriken and the Uchiha clan's symbol on both of the forearms; flak, greyish-green jacket with scarlet whirlpool at the back and black pants.

"You 5 will go to Uzushiogakure with Malika as here escorts. You are to obey her orders without any questions. Get ready to leave tomorrow. This mission will last about a week two at most. Dismissed."

"YES!" They answered shortly and left.

"Thanks, Madara-nii-san! I don't think that with them I'll meet any problems, though I believe I wouldn't anyway...." I was training diligently and now I can fight on par with Madara, who isn't using his EMS, without magical reinforcements or other help. Tobirama-nii-san called me the genius. 'You never learnt those things, yet now you surpass elite forces of this village, what a kind and scary genius~' Those were his exact words. Why scary though?

"I know, Malika; however, it is the duty of elder to protect their precious siblings, right? Besides, if you went alone, you might not be taken seriously since your body is so small~"

"Ugh... true. Well, I could've used transformation or something, but I don't see any need. Villagers don't mind and don't I look cuter this way?" I smiled at him. I was truly happy around them, my 'nii-sans'. Hehe.

"Go. You still need to prepare and pack those gifts that we send." He pushed me lightly.

"I'm going!" I was about to exit but suddenly remembered something.

"You know what?"


"You should at least cut your hair once in a while! They are almost touching your legs!" I ran off, shutting the door behind me. For some reason, he hates when I mention cutting his hair, well at least he keeps them this length and doesn't grow them any further.


The next morning the 6 of us met by the end of our village and headed out. In my space were those presents Hashirama-nii-san was talking about. There were some techniques, seals that were developed using the runes from my world and some resources to top it all of. Like an extra candy for a child. Well, that might've sounded a little disrespectful...


"I'm finally out!!!" I was jumping from one of the tree branches and landing of the next. Fresh air filled my lungs and the wind was dancing in my long, prussian hair. "Hahahaha! It's the first time I went out of the village personally!" I increased my pace and was now making different moves and roles in the air, while still moving forward.

"Malika-sama. please slow down!" One of the teens started to run out of breath and called out to me. I looked back and noticed that everyone else was also worn out, but still kept on persistently following me. I felt really guilty now. Jumping from the tree I landed gracefully on the ground and was followed by them.

"Sorry about that. Let us camp here for an hour, eat and rest a little."

All four of them looked at the youth with visible gratitude in their eyes, which made me feel awful. As an apology, I brought out their favourite drinks and food... created. We rested and soon continued to move to our destination. Thanks to my outbreak earlier, we came much closer to the Uzushiogakure and were able to reach it by the evening.

The scenery of the village was breathtaking. The crystal clear rivers were running through the village and many tall and a little more advanced houses were neatly built around them. Beautiful carvings on the gates, pillars of some buildings and even some kind of park were all magnificently displayed in the rise of the setting sun. Right in the centre of the village, I could see a big and the most detailed building. And of course, the most noticeable and famous trait of Uzumaki clan, their vibrant red hair. It feels like I'm looking at the field with moving poppies everywhere!

"This is probably their office," I said to my escorts, pointing at the building. "Let us go. We must inform them about our early arrival."

"Yes!" We walked inside the village through the guarded gates but were not stopped. We had our headbands on with the symbol of Konohagakure that currently was only known to the people of Uzushiogakure.

We strolled through the streets and saw a similar picture that I see every day back in Konoha. Children are laughing happily, students of the academy were now all playing around or helping their parents at home. Stalls and shops were opened and were filled with lively voices.

'I'm glad their village was able to form this far.' Hashirama-nii-san shared a lot of ideas with them and it seems like they also made their own improvements. I could feel a lot of powerful seals placed all over the village and also there were shinobi who would patrol the streets. Peaceful. Only this word could describe the atmosphere here.

We finally reached the most noticeable building and saw three people who were standing at the entrance. As we got closer I could see that they were looking at us, as if observing our every movement. Finally, we came really close to them.

"We were sent to guide you to the office of our leader." The one who looked to be in his forties stated with an emotionless tone. His aura was also as calm as a lake in the windless night. Cold and undisturbed. The other two were a bit younger couldn't hide their emotions that well. I could feel a little curiosity that was coming from their aura.

We approached the door that led into the office and was escorted inside. On the chair, behind a giant table...filled with papers, a middle-aged man with red hair was sitting literally buried under the mountain of work on his desk.

"Lord Ashina, we brought the shinobi from Konohagakure over. We will be taking our leave first."

"Good job, Gunbi."

The calm man, Gunbi bowed and leading his subordinates left.

"Now then, sit down for a bit," Ashina told us with a tired smile on his face. The office wasn't really big but still had enough space to put a table and a few chairs without making it stiffy.

"We will be taking you up on your offer, Lord Ashina." I bowed and sat at the sit provided. Getting others to do the same we were now sitting around the table. Lord Ashina stood up from behind his desk and made his way over to us.

"I am glad that Konohagakure accepted our proposal. Thank you."

"It is we who should be thanking you. We are grateful for your offer of alliance and taking into consideration the ties Uzumaki clan has with Senju, it was a rather joyful matter."

"Then what did you come here for today..."

"Please, excuse my manners. My name is Malika. I'm here on behalf of the First Hokage of the Konohagakure, Senju Hashirama, who wishes to present you with some gifts and announce allegiance between Uzushiogakure and us to the world."

With those words, I took out an empty storage scroll and teleported everything there. Well, the scroll couldn't possibly fit everything so I split presents in different scrolls beforehand and placed them inside the one I was holding in my hand.

He accepted the scroll with a smile on his face and agreed to make our allegiance official.

"Very well then. We will be taking our leave by your permission, Lord Ashina."

"Yes, of course. Your companions can leave, but I still want to ask you a few things, so could you please stay back for another 15-20 minutes?"

"Of course. Sukino-san, can you please take the group to the place where we will be staying? Pick any place you deem good and just inform me later."


A few seconds later, it was only me and Lord Ashina in the room.

"What would you like to talk to me about, Lord Ashina?" I asked concerned.

"You can stop with the formal speech for now." He told me. My face brightened and I grinned widely. All this time I had to keep my calm and noble like appearance; however, since the concerned party is fine with me being myself, I won't hold back.

"What was Hashirama thinking, when sending you here. Aren't you just a 12-13 years old girl? I don't think you should be even allowed to exit the village just yet." he stated. His tone wasn't angry or held any malice. Just pure worry.

"It is fine! Hokage-sama trusts me a lot and knows that I'm powerful enough to protect myself. Besides, Madara-san also gave me a few of his men as escorts, so I don't see any problems with me being here unless my presence is unwelcomed."

"No, no, no. It's not like that. You are welcomed here since you are our ally. Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Yes. As long as I'm able to answer, I will try my best."

And so, his questions started to flow. How is it in Konohagakure now? What does our police do? Is there a secret to why are our hospitals are so advanced? and so on. Well sometimes, odd questions would occasionally pop up. Like, 'does Hashirama plan to get married?' or what kind of girls he likes?'

I honestly didn't know what to answer and just admitted it in front of him. We laughed at the whole situation and after talking for a few more minutes, I left his office. He opened the scrolls while I was there and was shocked beyond the limit. I told him how to use some of our seals and techniques for the production of different things. He was greatly pleased, for the gift also included some of the recipes of our medicine.

I received the message from Sukino and went to the inn they found. It was a simple, clean and comfortable, Japanese style inn. We booked two rooms, one for me and the girl and the other, next to ours, for boys and their fathers. All of us were a little tired...correction: a lot. We were really tired, so after taking a quick bath, we placed our futons and went to sleep.