Peaceful facade.

The time has had passed unnoticed. The Konohagakure is getting stronger and stronger each year and is much more stable now. The academy had been in use for quite some time now and many skilled shinobi were graduated. However, not everyone would be able to pass the test.

Some would be good at only taijutsu and shurikenjutsu, while others would find ninjutsu or general knowledge much more interesting or compatible with. So we have many branches to where the students can fit. They are free to choose after their 4 years in the Academy. Children, if they have enough chakra, must attend the Academy from the age of 5 and official graduation is around 12-13 years old. Well, there are exceptions. In 6 years, 4 students graduated a year or two earlier.

So what was I saying? Right, brunches. We must cherish our leaves, so if some students cannot carry on with shinobi arts, they can either transfer to the school for civilians or focus on something specific. This does not imply that those who decided to become a medical-nin, can neglect their training. Their institute also teaches them means for self-defence, medical techniques that can be used in the fight (courtesy to Malika, who gave a lot more ways to do so), basic stamina and body training, as well as psychological therapies. Those are a must. If a medical-nin cannot withstand a sight of blood or will become unfocused in an extreme situation, the whole team can be endangered.

Those who decided to choose to be a shinobi on the frontline, also have some variations in their role. Some students would show almost no talent or even abilities in ninjutsu, but be really versed in taijutsu or vice versa. For that kind of students, we have separate examinations.

"I'm glad Malika pointed that out....." I heaved a sigh while putting another stamp on the paper from the pile. At the end of every year, I would get detailed reports on the students who passed and failed, as well as their arrangements in the teams for confirmation. The team has four people. Three from Shinobi Academy and one from Medical institute. The teachers of the two institutions would assemble and discuss the possible combinations, and only present me with almost finalised version. I just have to scan through the information and performance of those who passed and approve the team. Rarely, I have to rearrange them, but I usually leave that part to Tobirama.

"Elder brother...." Speak of the devil. Here he comes with another stock of papers. "I finished rearrangements. Please, approve them." He handed over the documents and sat on the small sofa in the corner. Asking for a drink from the assistant here, he relaxes his neck and his head falls behind, resting on the soft support of the sofa. He raised his hand and cowered his reddish eyes.

"Hey, did you spend almost all night there again?" I asked him while reading through some document. Not bothering to open his eyes or even lift up his head, he only lets out a small "Hn". I'm afraid that I will soon mistake him for an Uchiha!

"Didn't Fiji-chan ask you to rest?" He jolted. So his wife did ask him. "I wonder~ should I go and tell her?" Uchiha Fiji-chan can be really scary if she gets mad~ Especially when she has to reprimand her researcher-for-the-husband.

That instant, the room was filled with his killing intent, mixed with some of his chakra. I could feel how ANBU were getting tense and had trouble maintaining their posts.

'Huh... How could they get affected by this much? Their training should be increased. Malika-therapy did work on that ANBU from Sarutobi clan. He is one of the best ANBU there is and is now a captain. I wish we had those kinds of places.....' I remembered the description of the place where that ANBU was sent; honestly, I think it would be nice to have access to them... Well, dreams are dreams, but we are in reality.

"Calm down, Tobirama." I let my chakra out and now the room began to tremble a little.

{HEY! YOU TWO IDIOTS, STOP MESSING AROUND.} Suddenly, Madara's furious voice was transmitted into our heads. {I CAN FEEL YOUR CHAKRA FROM ALL THE WAY IN 'HOGOSHA' HQ!! TONE IT DOWN!!}

Both of us glanced at each other, and hurriedly stopped our small quarrel.

{Hahahaha. Sorry.}

{What happened anyways?}

{Well, Tobirama....}

{He didn't rest, even though he was told to and you were planning to tattle on him to his scary wife?} He didn't even let me finish my sentence!

{You are so smart... Why would you even ask.....}



{You didn't change one bit, Sad-mug face.}

Ugh.... {I can't help it!}

{You never change, Elder brother.}

{Come on! Not you too!} That's not fair! they ganged up against me!!!

Sighing, I got back to work. Stamp, put aside. Stamp, put aside. While I was busy with this monotonous work, some light snores came from the sofa. I glanced in that direction and saw my brother sleeping peacefully. His face isn't tense, nor it is stern. It's just relaxed. He is usually very conscious and rarely relaxes like this outside of our house or his and Malika's research room.

A smile crept on my face unknowingly and I continued with my work quietly. One hour had passed and I was able to complete all of the paperwork by noon. Now I have the rest of the day free.

{Madara, are you free?}

{Will be in half an hour. I'm training our unit and police.}

{Got that. Thank you for your hard work. Do you want to walk around the village after you finish? It has been a while since we did that.}

{Sure. Ugh.... don't disturb me now! All of them are ganged up against me and Izuna is using his Susanoo. Not the final one, but still does!} I heard someone's angry voice in my head. Hehehe. That's what you get for bullying me!

I leaned back on my chair. I'm so glad I don't have to sit here all day. The duties are divided between clans, Tobirama and me. There is also my other adviser, Nara Shinjuku, a very intelligent person. He is diligent in his work, yet still, managers to be lazy... It's probably a Kekkei-Genkai of Nara clan....

"Elder brother, you have already finished?" Oh, our sleeping beauty had awakened.

"Yes. I'm waiting for Madara to finish his training session at police station."

"Un. What will you do?"

"I wanted to walk around the village. It has been a while." I said in melancholily.

I wasn't able to walk around much since my marriage. Many things must be taken care of. I had to spend some time with my beautiful wife and look after the village, which doesn't necessarily mean a fight. I have meetings with Daimio, clan heads and council regularly, to ensure that they do their work properly and are not lazing around.

"Can I join?" He asked, raising from his seat and doing some light stretches. The sound of cracking of his bones filled the room.

"Sure you can!"


"Don't 'hn' me! Seriously, after you got married to Fiji-chan, you started to sound more like Madara!"

He froze. Oh, looks like someone wasn't paying attention to his demeanour lately.

"What were you working on this time? Your body couldn't become so stiff after sleeping on the sofa." I decided not to tease him and just asked the question that was on my mind for quite some time now.

His face brightened and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"I almost recreated that formation that Malika used."

"Oh, the one with the black dome of fire?"

The very first formation that led to his lessons about runes from Malika's world.

"Yes. Though, it doesn't have the same effects... I want to go to the past and kill myself there. I was sure that I copied everything perfectly, but looking at those scribbles now, I realise how much of an idiot I was."

"You still are."

"Look who's talking."



The three of us were walking through the streets, taking the peaceful few to the inside of our hearts. Carefree citizens were walking around, neat stalls and shops were boasting with liveliness and customers and happy children were running around.

Unknowingly. we got up on the mountain with, sadly, my face on it... The wind was blowing, carrying leaves of the forest. We stood there in serene silence.


The three of us jumped away a second earlier before a beautiful katana almost cut us in halves.

"Oh, looks like Leaders are still as strong as ever! Well, well. I would be really disappointed if I actually killed you with this attack. Thank you for keeping yourself in shape!"

The person, that was painfully familiar and dear was standing right before us with a crazed smile.

"Fukushū..." We knew that the person himself was used as a puppet, but the only one who could help wasn't here. We readied for his next move, but he only laughed.

"I won't be attacking you now. It is not fun at all to fight if your opponent isn't at his peak condition! Meet me in the Valley of End during the sunset.... or else..." He looked at the peaceful Konoha with a sinister glint in his eyes, "this peaceful facade will crumble and become a very definition of the desert."

After he spoke his piece, his Sharingan flared and space itself swallowed him. We shared each other's emotions. Helplessness and sorrow, as well as awareness. The fight will not be the one where all of us, including Fukushū, will come out alive.