I am tired of thinking of names for the chapters.

A small boy, around 5-6 years old, was walking through the streets from a grocery store. His short, dark brown, hedgehog-like hair was gently brushed by the evening breeze. As he passed by, people would send him looks full of pity.

"Tch..." The boy looked at them with disdain. He didn't ask, nor did he want those empty feelings. He will start his life as a shinobi from tomorrow. He isn't like other children. He can stand for himself.

"I'm home!" He closed the door behind him, placed the groceries on the kitchen and went into a small living room. "Hey, mum, dad, I'm home. I will go to the Shinobi Academy starting from tomorrow and I promise to become a good shinobi and protect this village." He looked at the pictures in the frames of his loving parents. Danzo stood up and went to his room. He still has to prepare for tomorrow and rest.


A crowd of small kids and their parents stood on the small square right before the Academy. First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, was giving a short speech and after wishing them good luck in their studies, left. Teachers took their groups of students and led them into their classes. Everyone's faces glowed in anticipation and the hallways were full of lively chatter. Students, of the higher grades, were poking their heads out to see the future addition to the world of ninja.

Danzo was walking behind the row examining his classmates.

'Just as I suspected, there are no children from big clans.'

Kids from such clans as Uchiha, Hyuga, Senju, Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi are taught by their clans till the age of 9-10. Only then, they would enter the walls of the Academy. Danzo clenched his fists as he spotted a brown spiky head few students before him. 'Sarutobi... Kami, why do I have to be in the same class as him!?'

Sarutobi Hiruzen. An annoying, haughty, overconfident and talented boy. The last quality was pissing off Shimura the most, as well as the second one. He would often pick a fight with Danzo and laugh at his weaknesses., while not taking into the account that he, Hiruzen, was raised in a clan and had teachers from the get-go. One of the reasons Danzo was so eager to go to the Academy, was to finally put that monkey in place; however, the odds are against him here. He will have to tolerate this brat for at least four years...

'Kami... save me'

-At that day, The God was sneezing endlessly, since Danzo would remember him almost every hour. God started to wonder if gods can get sick...-


A month has passed, and slowly Danzo was getting used to his new schedule and life. From morning till noon, they had classes in the Academy, so the remaining time was free.

Danzo sat on the bench in the park and was enjoying the dense shade of the tree and ice cream. Ugly and loud 'masterpieces' of cicadas were especially irritating to the ear on this unnaturally hot, cloudless day. When the life-saving ice cream was dealt with, Danzo leaned closer to the tree and shut his eyes.

"Too ho-o-o-ot. This weather will melt me down," he muttered under his breath and instantly regretted his action. A huge bucket of freezing water was poured over his head and was accompanied by a nasty laugh of the person he liked the least. Chills, from the sudden shower, ran down his spine as he got away from the cursed tree that allowed his enemy in its depths.

"Oi! Didn't like the shower? But I thought that you were cold!" A tailless Monkey jumped down from the tree.

Donzo sent Hiruzen a short glare and started to walk away. It's ok. It is alright. He will get strong enough and will be able to speak up for himself.

Sarutobi saw that there was almost no reaction, shrugged his shoulders and walked away as well. He was bored and wanted to find a friend to play with, but this boy always displeased with him and would never play. Not that it matters...


Drenched to his bones, Danzo slowly made his way through Konoha. As hot as it was, icy water is a big no-no for Danzo at any time. He hated cold water the most. Perhaps even more than Monkey-Hiruzen.

A busy street was full of people and it was impossible not to bump into someone.

'Ouch...' Danzo rubbed his butt as he got up and looked at the person who rammed him down. A boy with black short hair, onyx eyes and pale skin. An insignia of his clan gave him away.

' An Uchiha...'

"I am sorry for getting in your way." Danzo bowed a little. Even if he didn't like it, he had to show respect to the Founder-clan.

"That's alright! I wasn't looking where I was going!" Uchiha smiled and scratched the back of his head.

'A weird Uchiha.' Danzo added silently to his evaluation of the boy before him.

"Hey! Are you one of the Academy students?"

"Yes, I am..."

"Eh... I want to go too, but dad doesn't allow me." The boy of around the same age exclaimed. "I want to go and make friends out there as well; however, 'Kagami, there are policies and rules that we must follow. They were not made for no reason.'" The boy said, clearly mimicking someone, supposedly his father.

"I believe there are reasons for his actions," Danzo answered and wanted to go further. He is still wet and cold, while his house is still far away.

"Wait!" Uchiha caught Danzo's arm. "What is your name?"

"Danzo. Shimura Danzo..."

"My name is Kagami! Uchiha Kagami!" The boy introduced himself, took a peek into his notebook form the pocket and smiled, "Let's go to my house. It is closer than where you should be living."

"Nice to meet you, however, I am afraid I will have to decline." A certain persistent, lively and energetic Uchiha was gradually making it uncomfortable to speak. "I have to go back to my house and change my clothes."

Danzo freed his arm from Kagami's grasp and was about to walk away.

"Shimura Danzo. Academy student. First-year. An orphan. Mother died while giving birth and father was killed during the mission. The dream is to be a great and strong shinobi. Loves sweets and ice cream. Hates cold, Sarutobi Hiruzen and stupid, and haughty brats (Children from influential clans included). Did I miss anything?" Kagami inquired with a smile that sent shivers down Danzo's spine.

"Looking at your reaction, I'm right."

"Did you spy on me...?"

"This wasn't actual spying. My father is working in the police, so a lot of general information is accessible. Hey, don't stare at me! I didn't use the police... almost... a little... But most of the information was gathered by me!"

"You were spying..."

"... I guess I was... but it wasn't only you, who I was looking in to!" Kagami exclaimed, "I was gathering information on every Academy student that enrolled this year! I wanted to know my future classmates and their basic characteristics..."

Danzo already started to move away from this freaky Uchiha and almost succeeded. Almost. Kagami noticed that he was slowly getting further and caught him again.

"Stop! Let's go to my house! It is boring there when my father is busy. Besides, you need to change, while your house is still far away."

"No nee - ACHU!" As if agreeing to Uchiha's statement, Danzo started to sneeze rapidly.

"Let's go," and before stubbornness overcame Danzo again, Kagami lifted him on his shoulder like a potato sack and jumped on the roof.

When Kagami finally landed on the ground, they were already in front of the gates to the Uchiha compound.

"Now we will have to walk. Father and Uncle do not allow jumping in our territory." Kagami informed Danzo, who was petting his butt after Uchiha 'carefully' placed him on the ground.



The two of them were slowly making their way to Kagami's house. Although it was quite late in the day, the streets were quiet and almost devoid of people. They had small privet parks and backyards, to pass time at noon. There were also training grounds that were exclusive to the Uchiha. That's why there weren't many reasons for them to be outside.

"A lot of people are now at work. They will come home closer to the diner." As if sensing the unspoken question of his friend Uchiha answered. Yes, Kagami was counting this stubborn-boy-that-he-have-just-met a friend, his friend was unaware of it though...yet.

Shimura nodded and continued to gaze around. It is not an everyday chance to walk and look into the Clan's compound. Many new houses and lacked decorations and were looking really strict. The floor was paved by stones and, sometimes, those stones would form some kind of image. After looking closer, he discovered them to be the Uchiha fan.

"Pretty, right?" Kagami stopped next to squatting Danzo, "There is one more picture that is put in stone. There." He pointed at the next gathering. "This is the symbol of Peace that was created after the war was put to an end."

The two children walked closer and Danzo was able to see the pattern. The clan Insignia of Senju was combined with Uchiha fan and was encircled by something resembling a shield of feathers.


"This symbol is present in the Senju compound as well. They even have one in every house."

"How would you know?" Shimura raised an eyebrow.

"I was there playing with friends. Besides, it's not a secret or anything. It is just not mentioned. That's it," Kagami shrugged his shoulders and continued, " The time of war is finished now and our clan leaders see no reason not to visit their friends."

"Wouldn't the elder generation be opposing?"

"Hm... I don't think so. I've never heard Uncle Being displeased with them on that aspect. heard there was something during the war, that made them almost the first ones to agree on the alliance."


"Oh, we're here!" Kagami exclaimed.

Danzo looked in front of him and noticed that they reached s huge building. It was almost twice as big as regular houses in the compound and much more elegant.

"Are you sure that we are in the right place? This doesn't seem any less than what the Main residence of the Clan Head should look like. Maybe we took the wrong turn?" Shimura felt uneasy and asked.

"What are you talking about?" Kagami tilted his head, "It is the Main residence and Uncle Madara is the Clan Head." He continued innocently. Danzo felt his head swirling and legs giving up. It was from both, fear and excitement. He was in childish anticipation about entering something so grandiose but was scared to do so. This was the whole other world to him.

Kagami opened the door to his house and entered. "Well Danzo, now we will go to the bathroom to warm you up and then... Danzo?" Noticing that there are no sounds behind him, Kagami turned around and saw his friend outside of the house.

"Danzo! Come here! Hello! Shimura! Konoha to Danzo! Konoha to Danzo!" The poor child just froze over at the entrance, so Kagami had to pull him inside and pour some water in his face.

"Y-yeah!? Why are you splashing icy water!!! I'm already all wet and cold!"

"You were struck by the door and weren't responding, so I had to resort to drastic measures!"


"I'm glad that you stopped being too reserved around me, though."

"It's impossible to stay polite with your kind of people. They will force you to speak freely even if you weren't planning to!"

"Well said, kid."

A tall man with spick, long, black hair walked out from the hall. His deep onyx eyes appeared to be staring at your very soul when actually he was just looking at you with interest. Danzo forgot how lungs should operate and thought - swallow.

'Uchiha Madara..."

"Hi, Uncle!"